COP events
Support opportunities available to developing country Parties for implementing MRV arrangements under the Convention and ETF under the Paris Agreement
09 Nov. 2022
16:45h - 18:15h
Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt
Side event room 9 “Tutankhamun”, COP27
Transparency & Measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV)
COP events
Support opportunities available to developing country Parties for implementing MRV arrangements under the Convention and ETF under the Paris Agreement
09 Nov. 2022
16:45h - 18:15h
Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt
Side event room 9 “Tutankhamun”, COP27
Transparency & Measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV)
transparency events cop27


Side Event

Support opportunities available to developing country Parties for implementing MRV arrangements under the Convention and ETF under the Paris Agreement

09 November 2022: 16:45– 18:15– Tutankhamun Side event room 09  


Communicating reliable, transparent and comprehensive information on GHG emissions, climate actions and support allows to understand ambition and progress achieved by Parties and informs the deliberations and guidance on these matters.

Financial and technical assistance are important for developing countries in preparation of their national reports under the Convention and the Paris Agreement. In that context, some key actors will provide an overview of available support opportunities in enhancing the technical capacity of developing countries on provisions of the MRV and ETF arrangements, as well as in financing the preparation of NCs, BURs and soon to come BTRs.


As developing country Parties start implementing their NDCs and participate to the ETF, a key focus for them will be to enhance their existing capacities in order to track their progress and report on their climate ambitions and actions. They will therefore want to tap into any opportunities available to enhance those capacities.

As part of #Together4Transparency at COP27, this event highlights some of those financial, technical and capacity-building support opportunities available to developing country Parties for implementing the MRV arrangements under the Convention and the ETF under the Paris Agreement.

The climate change secretariat, together with international partners, will showcase their work, the support opportunities available and how developing country Parties could go about accessing them.

The event will be open to the public to follow through a webcast.

Proposed programme (90 min)

Panellists will showcase the support activities planned or implemented to assist developing country Parties to enhance their climate change reporting

5 min: Opening remarks by the moderator (representative of UNFCCC secretariat)

Round one: Support for enhancing climate change reporting (25 min):

  • Support from the Global Environment Facility (GEF):  Dr. Chizuru Aoki, (GEF) (15 min)
  • Support from the Capacity building initiative for transparency- Global coordination platform: Ms. Fatima-Zahra Taibi - UNEP-Copenhagen Climate Centre (10 min)


12 min: Moderated Q&A session with audience

Round two: Technical support provided to enhance GHG inventory, adaptation and mitigation reporting (36 min)

  • Capacity building support for national transparency frameworks: Mr. Oleg Bulyani, - Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) (12 min)
  • Support for preparing information for adaptation reporting:  Ms. Kelsey Harpham, (AGWA); (12 min)
  • Support for tracking progress and achievement of NDCs: Transport sector: Ms. Nadja, Taeger - GIZ Advancing Transport Climate Strategies in Rapidly Motorising Countries (TraCS) (12 min)


12 min: Moderated Q&A session with audience

5 min: Closing remarks by the UNFCCC secretariat


Marlan Pillay (mpillay@unfccc.int)

Sharon Kirabo Steffens (SKirabo-Steffens@unfccc.int)

T4T 9nov map COP 27