Constituted Body meetings and events
LEG 41
21 - 23 Mar. 2022
08:00h - 18:00h
UN Campus, Nairobi, Kenya
Adaptation & Loss and Damage
Constituted Body meetings and events
LEG 41
21 - 23 Mar. 2022
08:00h - 18:00h
UN Campus, Nairobi, Kenya
Adaptation & Loss and Damage


The LEG meets twice a year to develop and review progress on the implementation of its work programme. At this meeting, the LEG will develop the work programme for 2022–2023 and deliberate new mandates arising from COP 26.  The meeting will also include a discussion with the least developed countries (LDCs) on priority support needs for the next five years.  It will also include interaction with Green Climate Fund (GCF) secretariat, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and its agencies, relevant organizations, regional centres and networks, to discuss collaboration in supporting the LDCs.


1. Priorities and needs for support for the LDCs

The LEG has been compiling gaps and needs of the LDCs related to NAPs and other areas, and this has informed the revision of the LDC work programme and reports to the SBI. There is a need to continuously update these gaps and needs, and besides informing the SBI deliberations on NAPs, use these to prioritize support measures by the LEG to the LDCs in the upcoming work programme of the group. The LEG may wish to consider the following issues, and select main gaps and needs to apply in ranking activities of the new work programme:

1.1. What are the updated gaps and needs of the LDCs related to adaptation, including for the formulation and implementation of NAPs (building on work since decision 8/CP.24, para. 17)?

1.2. How can these gaps and needs be ranked, including any relevant clustering, in relation to an updated vision for the LDCs and their NAPs?

1.3. How to prioritize support to the LDCs based on the main gaps and needs?

2. Advancing formulation of NAPs

All the LDCs are formulating NAPs and are at different stages, based on a mix of factors. COVID-19 has disrupted all operations, and adjustments are being made. The latest NAP progress report presents information on where the LDCs are and highlights some obstacles that they continue to face. As work progresses in interacting with individual LDCs, more information is collected, and a compilation of these will inform the LEG discussions on how to advance the formulation of NAPs. The LEG may wish to consider the following:

2.1. Progress on the formulation of NAPs and main obstacles, including impacts of COVID-19;

2.2. Direct country support to the LDCs in the formulation and implementation of NAPs: Open NAP initiative and NAP writing workshops on access to the GCF, LDCF, AF;

2.3. Updating essential functions of the NAP based on relevant latest developments.

3. Advancing implementation of NAPs to address its objectives

Several developing countries that have formulated their first NAP are working on implementation of their priorities. In addition, there is mounting experience with implementation of adaptation actions through the GCF as well as the LDCF, GEF and AF, and other sources of support. Successful access to the GCF remains an issue that is expressed by many LDCs.  The SBI will continue its deliberations on implementation of NAPs in June 2022 to consider any additional guidance to the GCF on support to implementation of NAPs. Inputs from the LEG would be helpful in informing those deliberations. The LEG may wish to consider the following:

Several developing countries that have formulated their first NAP are working on implementation of their priorities. In addition, there is mounting experience with implementation of adaptation actions through the GCF as well as the LDCF, GEF and AF, and other sources of support. Successful access to the GCF remains an issue that is expressed by many LDCs.  The SBI will continue its deliberations on implementation of NAPs in June 2022 to consider any additional guidance to the GCF on support to implementation of NAPs. Inputs from the LEG would be helpful in informing those deliberations. The LEG may wish to consider the following:
3.1. Experience with implementation of adaptation under the UNFCCC funds for all developing countries with a emphasis on the LDCs (analysis of and lessons from funded projects);

3.2. Direct country support to the LDCs on the formulation and implementation of NAPs: Open NAP initiative and NAP writing workshops on access to the GCF, LDCF, AF;

3.3. How to best measure results and outcomes of adaptation actions through the NAPs? (see also item 4 below).

3.4. How to best inform discussions on NAP implementation under the SBI.

4. Measuring and tracking adaptation in the context of NAPs

The LEG has been compiling and synthesizing information from NAP documents as well as information from the countries on various aspects of the process to formulate and implement NAPs. As work on monitoring/measuring/assessing adaptation expands across many items under the Convention and Paris Agreement and the work of the many constituted bodies, there is a need for the LEG to consider how to improve data collection, how to guide the LDCs to improve inclusion of relevant information in their NAPs, and also how to best contribute to relevant processes on information related to NAPs. The LEG may wish to discuss the following:

4.1. How to best synthesize NAPs and collection of additional information on progress, effectiveness and gaps on NAPs for the LEG annual reports on NAPs;

4.2. Further development and application of the PEG M&E tool to expand consideration of adaptation outcomes and impacts, in addition to the inputs, process and output-oriented metrics currently in use;

4.3. Advancing the work on methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support (see 6.2 below).

5. Matters relating to access to the financial mechanism by LDCs

The COP continues to recognize that the LDCs continue to require support for, inter alia, undertaking the process to formulate and implement NAPs, applying regional approaches to adaptation, engaging with the GCF and implementing the LDC work programme. The LEG is requested to continue to support the LDCs in understanding the modalities for and ways of accessing relevant sources of financing, capacity-building and technology transfer for adaptation in accordance with the Group’s mandate. To continue the collaboration with the GCF, GEF and AF on matters of access to funding for NAPs and other support related to the LDC work programme, the LEG may wish to structure the discussion along the following:

5.1. Improving access to funding under the GCF;
5.2. Improving access to funding under LDCF and AF;
5.3. Making available Information to the LDCs on sources of finance for adaptation;
5.4. Improving access to capacity-building and technology transfer for adaptation.

6. Support to the CMA

In serving the Paris Agreement, there are a number of mandates (on-going and new) for the LEG to address, some of which include working with the AC. The LEG will discuss and agree on steps to address these. These include:

6.1. Supporting the LDCs in addressing adaptation related provisions of the Convention and the Paris Agreement, including the submission and updating of adaptation communications (para. 12, 15/CP.26);

6.2. Addressing CMA mandates in decisions 11/CMA 1, paras. 13 & 35, and 19/CMA.1, para. 24 on methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectives of adaptation and support provided for adaptation, jointly with the AC;

6.3. Synthesis report for the global stocktake including a public meeting on the paper. An outline and initial inputs are being discussed with a subgroup of the LEG.

7. Technical guidance on NAPs, including through the work of the NAP Technical Working Group

The LEG has been mobilizing a wide range of organizations and experts on technical guidance and support on NAPs through the NAP Technical Working Group. Smaller groups have been convened from time to time on specific issues, including through collaboration and inputs provided to organizations and programmes as they develop supplements to the NAP technical guidelines. Some specific areas of technical support have also been highlighted in the COP 26 decision on the extension of the LEG mandate. The LEG will address the following with a view to coming up with specific activities:

7.1. Advancing the formulation and implementation of NAPs to meet different uses of the NAPs and its objectives and guiding principles;

7.2. Applying regional approaches to adaptation;

7.3. Consideration of risk-based approaches;

7.4. Further development and application of a systems approach in adaptation;

7.5. Building capacity to measure adaptation outcomes;

7.6. Enhancing linkages among NAPs, national and subnational development plans and strategies and SDGs and relevant strategies;

7.7. Strengthening gender considerations, considerations regarding vulnerable groups and communities, traditional knowledge, knowledge of indigenous peoples and local knowledge systems related to adaptation;

7.8. Compilation of emerging good practices documented in NAPs, which will facilitate their application, including in implementation strategies;

7.9. Guide to applying the “pre-emptive–contingency–losses” resilience continuum in formulating NAPs and implementing projects and programmes identified therein;

7.10. Creation of thematic working groups (see LEG 40 report).

8. Enhancing accessibility and transparency of LEG meetings and information

The COP welcomed the efforts of the Group in enhancing the accessibility and transparency of its meetings and information, and requested the Group to continue its efforts, building on the experience of other constituted bodies, while taking into account its nature as a technical expert group, and to provide information on these efforts in its reports. The LEG may wish to explore additional ways to achieve this, including the following:

8.1. Web-based tools for wider discussion of LEG products;

8.2. Enhanced use of the NAP Central/LEG webpages for outreach.

9. Outreach and engagement efforts

There are several key activities of the LEG to outreach to the LDCs and wider adaptation community, some of which have been hampered by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The LEG will discuss relevant activities, including but not limited to the following:

9.1. Strategy and organization of the NAP Expos;

9.2. NAP Central and related webpages including on tracking progress in NAPs and monitoring of adaptation outcomes;

9.3. LDC Roster of Experts;

9.4. Paris Agreement training for the LDCs;

9.5. NAP Book project, to contain country-specific adaptation analyses, including examples of adverse impacts of climate change and the rationale for specific actions from each of the LDCs;

9.6. Advance planning for a major effort at COP 27, if applicable.

10. Collaboration and partnerships

The LEG continues to collaborate with a number of constituted bodies, the NWP and external partners including regional centers. This is an important area of work, and helps increase the effectiveness of support to the LDCs, the intergovernmental process, and leads to more efficient support to the implementation of the Convention and the Paris Agreement. The LEG will discuss the following specific collaborations, among others:

10.1. Collaboration with the SCF as per decision 15/CP.26;

10.2. Collaborations with other constituted bodies and programmes (AC, PCCB, CGE, FWG, NWP, etc);

10.3. Collaborations, partnerships and mobilization of relevant organizations including regional centers.

10.4. Contribution to work on land and oceans as per discussions under the science dialogue.

11. Plan to develop draft rules of procedure for the LEG

The LEG was requested to produce draft rules of procedure, for consideration of COP 27.

The LEG may wish to come up with an approach and timeline to address this mandate.

12. New developments on support to the LDCs: updates by the organizations

As per usual practice, partner organizations, programmes and networks will be invited to submit, or share during the meeting, updates on their support to the LDCs and on NAPs. This information will be used by the LEG in its reporting.

13. Development of the two-year rolling work programme

The LEG develops a rolling two-year work programme during the first meeting of the year. The past work programmes offer ideas for framing the work areas. The discussions on main gaps and needs should guide the ranking and prioritization of activities, taking into account updated visions and targets for support to the LDCs.