8 April 2021- DNA Virtual Workshop Series: Fourth Episode on Sustainable Development Assessment of Climate Actions



The DNA Virtual Workshop Series, introduced by UNFCCC/ IGES Regional Collaboration Centre (RCC Bangkok) and UNFCCC/WGEO Regional Collaboration Centre (RCC Dubai) in 2020, aim to enhance the preparedness of DNAs in the transit to the post-2020 climate change regime. This series has successfully organized workshops to preserve knowledge, experiences and lessons learned from Clean Development Mechanism through three different episodes since June 2020. The Fourth episode of this series focused on the “Sustainable Development Assessment of Climate Actions”. 22 participants from 14 countries in Asia, the Pacific, Middle East and North Africa had registered for the Fourth Episode of the DNA Virtual Workshop Series.  

The Opening remarks was delivered by Mr. James Grabert, Director, Mitigation Division and Acting Director, Communication and Engagement. The speakers from UN Climate Change Secretariat focused on the topics: (i) Overview of the outcomes of CDM Executive Board 109th meeting; and (ii) Sustainable development assessment of climate actions and relevant considerations for Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Ms. Akibi Tsukui, from the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Japan shared her experience of an analysis of linkages between the JCM and SDGs.

DNA Host countries from Cambodia, Egypt and Philippines shared their experience on the SD Assessment processes and approaches of CDM projects to the Sustainable Development goals in the host countries.

You can read the full report on this workshop here.
