FAQ - Virtual Regional Roundtables

This is an alphabetically sorted compilation by topic of answers to some of the most frequently asked questions on the Virtual Regional Roundtables. More information on the Roundtables is available HERE



Key outcome messages will be made available in this section at conclusion of the event. Stay tuned!

Where can I find a list of the events at the Virtual Regional Roundtables?
The programme of the event with the full list of High-Level participants can be found HERE

What kind of events will take place at the Virtual Regional Roundtables?
Three High-Level discussions will be held during each of the Roundtables (for Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia-Pacific and Africa) to take into consideration the regional view on the three tracks of the 2021 Regional Climate Weeks:
1) national actions and economy wide approaches
2) managing climate risks and
3) seizing transformation opportunities

While the Roundtable for Latin America and the Caribbean will take place on 3 March 2021, the ones for Asia-Pacific and Africa will be held on 4 March 2021. Each of these events will be substantive in nature, convened virtually and concentrated in 90 minutes talks.

Interpretation services will be provided respectively in Spanish for the Latin America and the Caribbean Roundtable and in French for the Africa Roundtable.

Translation into French and Spanish will be available for the High-Level opening as well as the closing sessions.

The Virtual Regional Roundtables are public events that can be attended by anyone interested in following the discussions on climate action.

Registration is free-of-charge and in now open HERE.

All press releases related to the Regional Climate Weeks and the Virtual Regional Roundtables are available HERE.

For any press and media queries, please contact climate-week@unfccc.int
