Regional events
Caribbean Virtual Exchange #1: Integrating Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in NDCs
26 May 2020
09:00h - 21:00h
Virtual event
Adaptation & Loss and Damage, Ambition and Collective Progress, Nationally determined contributions (NDCs)
NDC Partnership (NDCP), UNFCCC. Regional Collaboration Centre St. George's
Regional events
Caribbean Virtual Exchange #1: Integrating Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in NDCs
26 May 2020
09:00h - 21:00h
Virtual event
Adaptation & Loss and Damage, Ambition and Collective Progress, Nationally determined contributions (NDCs)
NDC Partnership (NDCP), UNFCCC. Regional Collaboration Centre St. George's

RCC St. George's, in collaboration with the secretariat, AOSIS and Caribbean Cooperative MRV Hub organized the first virtual exchange for Caribbean states on provisions for new and updated NDCs and on applying ICTU guidance.