Building capacity for the integration of human rights into climate action
07 Dec. 2018
13:15h - 14:45h
Katowice, Poland
COP 24
UNFCCC. Paris Committee on Capacity Building (PCCB), United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Mary Robinson Foundation - Climate Justice (MRFCJ)
Building capacity for the integration of human rights into climate action
07 Dec. 2018
13:15h - 14:45h
Katowice, Poland
COP 24
UNFCCC. Paris Committee on Capacity Building (PCCB), United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Mary Robinson Foundation - Climate Justice (MRFCJ)

Joint side event of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice (MRFCJ)

MRFCJ presentation

The side event shed light on the importance of building capacity of countries to integrate human rights into climate action, including in the process of developing and implementing nationally determined contributions (NDCs). It focused on exploring existing capacity gaps and needs, as well as showcasing success stories, good practices and lessons learned. The event also drew linkages to ongoing work under the Gender Action Plan, Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform, and Action for Climate Empowerment.

Panelists highlighted and discussed concrete capacity-building examples and tools in an interactive format and participants were invited to actively share their experiences in building capacity for integration of human rights in NDCs and other climate actions.

The target audience for the side event were Party and Non-Party stakeholders, including UNFCCC negotiators, government officials, representatives of non-government and intergovernmental organizations, academia and research institutions, and the private sector.

Jeniffer Hanna, PCCB and Benjamin Schachter, Human Rights Officer, OHCHR
资料来源: IISD Reporting Services
Jeniffer Hanna, PCCB and Benjamin Schachter, Human Rights Officer, OHCHR
Tara Shine, Special Adviser, MRFCJ
资料来源: IISD Reporting Services
Tara Shine, Special Adviser, MRFCJ - remote presentation
Ambassador Luis Alfonso De Alba, UN SG Special Envoy for the 2019 Climate Summit
资料来源: IISD Reporting Services
Ambassador Luis Alfonso De Alba, UN SG Special Envoy for the 2019 Climate Summit
Verona Collantes, Intergovernmental Specialist, UN Women and Michael Windfuhr, Deputy Director, German Institute for Human Rights
资料来源: IISD Reporting Services
Verona Collantes, Intergovernmental Specialist, UN Women and Michael Windfuhr, Deputy Director, German Institute for Human Right


Michael Windfuhr, Deputy Director, German Institute for Human Rights and Agnes Leina, Executive Director, Illaramatak Community Concerns, Kenya
资料来源: IISD Reporting Services
Michael Windfuhr and Agnes Leina, Executive Director, Illaramatak Community Concerns, Kenya

PCCB activities during COP 24