IFI TWG - List of methodologies

List of harmonized GHG accounting standards/approaches and guidelines developed




Date of adoption


IFI Approach to GHG Accounting for Renewable Energy Projects

Reference to AHG-001

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

July 2019


IFI Approach to GHG Accounting for Energy Efficiency Projects

Reference to AHG-001

Supply/Demand Side Energy Efficiency

January 2023


IFI Joint approach to GHG assessment in the Transport Sector


November 2015


Default Energy Intensity Factors for Water Supply Systems

Energy Efficiency in Water Supply

October 2020


Methodological Approach for the Common Default Grid Emission Factor Dataset

Harmonized IFI Default Grid Factors 2021 v3.2

Older versions below

Harmonized IFI Default Grid Factors 2021 v3.1

Harmonized IFI Default Grid Factors 2021 v3.0

Harmonized IFI Default Grid Factors 2018 v2.4

Harmonized IFI Default Grid Factors 2018 v2.3









April 2022






AHG-002 Methodology/approach to account project emissions associated with grid electricity consumption Cross-cutting December 2020
AHG-003 Guideline for a Harmonised Approach to GHG Accounting Cross-cutting June 2021

Click here to access the “International Financial Institution (IFI) Framework for a Harmonized Approach to Greenhouse Gas Accounting”.

The methodologies and databases listed above are developed and solely owned by the Technical Working Group of the International Financial Institutions (IFI TWG). Any comments and queries related to these products should be addressed to the IFI TWG and sent to IFITWG-Coordinator <IFITWG-Coordinator@unfccc.int>.

Click here to go back to the IFIs - Harmonization of Standards for GHG accounting page. 
