Modelling tools to assess the impact of the implementation of response measures

The following portal contains information on modelling tools that have been, or could be, useful in assessing the impact of the implementation of response measures.  This information is sourced from the outcomes of previous UNFCCC workshops, existing model databases and more general references and sources.  The amount of information available varied considerably across models and model groups.


The following structure in this database is used:

  • Model name and main web page

  • Name of organization and contact details

  • Basic description

  • Relevance in assessing the impact of response measures to climate change

  • Geographical coverage

  • Main area of application

  • Examples of projects using the model

  • Examples of other modelling projects and publications.The descriptions are intended to be short and easily understandable.  If users require further information they can follow the web links or contact details.=

The main criteria for selecting the models included in the web portal were:

  • Model structure and classifications:  This facilitated the identification of models covering the areas relevant for the analysis of the impacts of response measures to climate change outlined above.

  • Geographical coverage:  More importance was assigned to models that cover all regions of the world.  However, models with partial world coverage and national (mainly large country) coverage are included if they are relevant to analysis of response measures, or can provide good examples of exercises assessing national measures.

  • Documentation and evidence of maintenance:  This information provides evidence that the model is being maintained and can therefore reasonably be assumed to include recent data. 

The database is divided into two sections, based on the focus of the modelling tools.  The two sections are:

Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) and Energy-Environment-Economy (E3) models 

For this context, IAMs and E3 models are most relevant in assessing the impact of the implementation of response measures to climate change, as they have a strong focus on socio-economic aspects.  These models have detailed sectoral and regional classifications that  can be useful in assessing the impacts of economic diversification and trade and spillover impacts.  They are however less well equipped to address technological development.

Energy models 

Energy models are particularly relevant for addressing energy efficiency and analysing the impacts of new technologies.  Many are also relevant to the analysis of different pricing systems, for example through changes in taxation policy or subsidies.  Generally, however, their coverage of socio-economic issues is less well-defined.

