Side event held by the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) at the Marrakech Climate Change Conference
08 Nov. 2016
19:30h - 21:00h
Marrakech, Morocco
Room Pacific, Marrakech Climate Change Conference
Side event held by the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) at the Marrakech Climate Change Conference
08 Nov. 2016
19:30h - 21:00h
Marrakech, Morocco
Room Pacific, Marrakech Climate Change Conference

Side event held by the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) at the Marrakech Climate Change Conference

Work of the LEG in supporting the LDCs on adaptation

8 November 2016, 18:30-20:00, Room Pacific

The Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) organizes side events during the SB/COP sessions to discuss the experiences and progress made by the least developed countries (LDCs) in addressing adaptation, and the support provided to them. This side event focused on the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans (NAPs) and on the national adaptation programmes of action (NAPAs).

Topics for the event

a) Vision of the LEG in supporting adaptation in the LDCs;

b) Gaps and needs related to technical support for the LDCs in the post Paris era;

c) Progress made by the LDCs in the formulation of NAPs;

d) Support provided to the LDCs on adaptation;

e) Highlights from submitted NAPs.




Mr. Abias Huongo
Chair of the LEG


Mr. Tosi Mpanu-Mpanu
Chair of the LDC Group


Mr. Aderito Santana

Member of the LEG

Progress and support


Mr. Rawleston Moore
GEF Secretariat


Mr. Juan Hoffmaister
GCF Secretariat


Ms. Rohini Kohli



Mr. Omer Elshami



Mr. Sunimal Rajamunilage

Sri Lanka


Organization of work & background documents

Programme (353 kB)


Presentation by the LEG(595 kB)

Presentation by the GEF(1347 kB)

Presentation by the GCF(604 kB)

Presentation by the NAP-GSP (543 kB)

Presentation by Sudan (485 kB)