9th Focal Point Forum of the Nairobi work programme

Paris, France 
30 November 2015

Summary note



The NWP 9th Focal Point Forum was held in conjunction with the 43rd session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA 43) in Paris, France.

Through a rich and interactive exchange among over 70 participants from both Parties and NWP partner organizations, the Forum focused on effective ways to facilitate learning on adaptation that can be promoted under the NWP and through the systematic documentation and dissemination of good adaptation practices and lessons learned

A review group constituting members of the Adaptation Committee (AC), the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG), and thematic experts from NWP partner organizations, undertook the preparatory exercise in reviewing and selecting the case studies for presentation at the Forum.

Five case studies were selected out of 170 case studies contributed by the Parties and the NWP partner organizations, in response to the invitation by the secretariat, on good practices and lessons learned addressing the four issues of ecosystems, human settlements, water resources and health; and processes and structures for inking national and local adaptation planning. (Synthesis report of case studies is available here). These five case studies with strong evidence of good practice were selected to provide contextual inputs for the discussion at the Forum. These case studies were presented in the first segment "From efficiency to effectiveness: case studies that are making an impact".

The second segment engaged participants in an interactive discussion and focused at addressed the three questions:

  • What constitutes good practice? (i.e. what are the key characteristics or elements that need to be provided in information on adaptation planning and practices to be considered a good practice) and lessons learned?

  • What are the key regional and thematic contexts?

  • What are the most efficient ways of recording and sharing good practices and lessons learned that can be prompted through the NWP to support greater action towards adaptation?

The secretariat, under the guidance of the Chair of the SBSTA, will follow up on the outcomes of the Forum in collaboration with interested Parties and relevant NWP partners, including developing effective and concrete ways to document and disseminate knowledge under the NWP in 2016 and beyond, including based on the case studies contributed by Parties and partner organizations under the NWP in 2015.

Further details of the Forum are included in the summary note.

Presentations of the selected case studies




Mr. Naresh Sharma

Nepal Climate Change

Support Program

Nepal Climate Change Support Program (video)

Mr. Marcus Mayr


Sustainable settlements in Senegal

Ms. Elena Villalobos Prats

World Health Organization

Piloting climate change adaptation to protect human health

in China (video)

Mr. Marcus Mayr


Lami Town, Fiji: Ecosystem based adaptation study
