Technical Dialogue 1.1 (TD1.1) of the first Global Stocktake

The first GST will unfold in a critical decade for climate action. It will end two years before the next round of submissions by Parties of their Nationally Determined Contributions in 2024-25 and will therefore have a key role to set the course for further ambitious action and support, providing an opportunity to focus the global climate engagement on implementation and international cooperation. 

In this context, the technical dialogue (TD) is a conversation among Parties, experts and Non-Party Stakeholders. The TD will aim to develop a shared understanding of the latest information on the implementation of the Paris Agreement and progress towards the purpose and its long-term goals, based on the best available scientific information. 

 The dialogue will focus on how gaps in implementation of the Paris Agreement can be bridged towards supporting an outcome of the GST that informs Parties in updating and enhancing their actions and support as well as enhancing international cooperation for climate action and on identifying opportunities for action across all topics of the GST.  

More information on Non-Party Stakeholder participation in the first meeting of the Technical Dialogue of the first Global Stocktake

Three meetings of the TD will be conducted at SB 56th, 57th and 58th sessions respectively: June 2022 (TD1.1), November 2022 (TD1.2), and June 2023 (TD1.3).  

All the inputs and topics, in particular the linkage among various issues, will be discussed in a balanced, holistic and comprehensive manner with a balanced allocation of time between thematic areas (Mitigation; Adaptation; Means of implementation and support), taking into account equity considerations and ambition, based on the best available science.  

Conducting the first meeting of the technical dialogue  

The overall focus of the first session of the Technical Dialogue (TD1) will be to launch initial discussions from a shared point of departure. To achieve this goal, at TD1.1 we will use multiple formats for the events that will be organized. 

The TDs will be held in multiple formats, as follows:  

  1. Two plenary sessions will be held, one at the start of the meeting will ensure a shared understanding on the scope and share content of the discussions by all participants; and another one at the end of the meeting, in which reports from the roundtables will be presented; 
  2. Three roundtables, structured around the three thematic areas of the GST, will allow for interactions in smaller settings – while enabling virtual observation. They will be an opportunity for focused discussions on collective progress under each thematic area of the GST, opportunities and challenges for enhancing action and support in the context of the TD guiding questions. Three roundtable discussions will be organized for each roundtable. Suggested norms for discussion in the roundtable that will enable a robust and fruitful dialogue are suggested in appendix III; 
  3. A World café format of rapid, focused presentations, will facilitate interactive exchange across thematic areas, starting a dialogue on connections and holistic understanding.

The opening plenary will outline the co-facilitators approach on the Technical Dialogue. The floor will be open to interventions. Click here for more information.

The closing plenary of the Technical Dialogue of the Global Stocktake will have:

  • Reports from the roundtables of the Technical Dialogue
  • A summary from the co-facilitators
  • The floor will be provided to the rapporteurs from roundtable 1, 2 and 3

Click here for more information.
