Mandated and other events,
Subsidiary Body events
Roundtables on the first technical dialogue (TD1.1) of the global stocktake
10 - 13 Jun. 2022
09:00h - 17:00h
Bonn, Germany
Mandated and other events,
Subsidiary Body events
Roundtables on the first technical dialogue (TD1.1) of the global stocktake
10 - 13 Jun. 2022
09:00h - 17:00h
Bonn, Germany

Open event

The technical dialogue (TD) is the second component of the Global Stocktake (GST). The GST is crucial for enhancing the collective ambition of action and support towards achieving the purpose and long-term goals of the Paris Agreement. The aim of the Paris Agreement is to “strengthen the global response, in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication”. We often refer to this as raising ambition, which applies to mitigation, adaptation and support. The TD will also address efforts on response measures, and loss and damage. Equity and ambition, informed by the best available science, are cross-cutting elements and foundational to the TD and GST.  

In this context, the technical dialogue (TD) is a conversation among Parties, experts and Non-Party Stakeholders. Together, we will focus on identifying specific, operationalizable actions we can all take, and how we can support each other.   By the end of the TD, we should have laid out options for action and support to more effectively implement the Paris Agreement.  

The TD will lay the basis for the consideration of outputs. Those outputs, in turn, will inform countries as they prepare their next Nationally Determined Contributions in 2024-25 and international cooperation.  

Norms for discussion at the roundtables

  • Participants of roundtables are charged with performing an assessment of collective progress and identifying opportunities for enhanced action and support.
  • The dialogue should advance knowledge that can inform Parties and NPS in enhancing their actions and support
  • Discussions should be technical, focused on data and information, and based on the best available science.
  • Participants are encouraged to engage in a conversation and dialogue with one another, rather than provide prepared statements.
  • Throughout the technical dialogue, all knowledge and experiences should be respected as contributions to the discussion, in order to promote cooperation and build trust.


At SB 56, the co-facilitators of the first technical dialogue of the Global Stocktake have arranged for opportunities for conversations in multiple formats. One of these is the three roundtables (RT), structured around the three thematic areas of the Global Stocktake (GST) - mitigation, adaptation and means of implementation. These roundtables will allow for interactions in smaller settings, while allowing for virtual observation. 

There will be an opportunity for focused discussions on collective progress under each thematic area of the GST, as well as opportunities and challenges for enhancing action and support in the context of the TD guiding questions crafted by the SB Chairs. Three roundtable discussions will be organized for each roundtable. 

  • At the first discussion (Friday 10am-1pm), the co-facilitators will introduce their approach and open the floor for questions on process and the substantive focus of the roundtable 

  • At the second discussion (Saturday 3-6pm), there will be two short expert panels, followed by discussion  

  • At the third discussion (Monday 10am-1pm), there will be one expert panel and discussion; after which participants will agree on the feedback that will be reported back to the closing plenary by a rapporteur 

  • Expert panels will be 20min each, followed by 1h discussion among participants 

  • Participants are invited to engage, on the topics below, but of course free to raise other relevant points.  

  • All discussions and perspectives will be captured in a summary report by the co-facilitators.  

  • These lists of topics are only offered as a starting point for the dialogue. The co-facilitators are confident that all participants will collectively guide discussions within these topics.  


Roundtable one 








10:00-11:00 AM CEST



Room: Addis Abeba


•Mr. Carlos Fuller
•Mr Andy Reisinger

Framing of the discussion highlighting the organisation of work and discussions in this roundtable.​


Expert panel 1​

Saturday ​


15:00-16:30 CEST (1.5HR)

Room: ​Genf

•Mr. Jim Skea 
•Mr Joeri

Key findings from the WG III report relevant for the GST – (emission and implementation gaps; just transitions to net zero emissions; transformations across systems (e.g. energy, land, urban, industry, transport, agriculture, and other systems) carbon budgets



Jim Skea - Sixth Assessment Report​ of the IPCC, Working Group III – Mitigation of Climate Change

Joeri Rogelj -  UNFCCC Global Stocktake Technical Dialogue– Round Table 1


Expert panel 2​



16:30-18:00​ CEST


Room: Genf

•Mr. Moustapha Kamal Gueye
•Mr. Chuks Okereke  

Enabling transitions and strengthening the response (mitigation options, embedding options within the wider development context, climate governance, policies and measures, international cooperation, response measures, just transitions)


Moustapha Kamal Gueye - Just transition and decent work creation for ambitious climate action ​

Chuks Okereke - UNFCCC global stocktake expert panel 2 – enabling transitions and strengthening the response 


Expert panel 3​



10-11:30 CEST


Room: Genf

  • María José Sanz Sánchez

  • Mr Matthew Gidden

Emissions and pathways (historical and current emission trends; removals by sinks; emission projections based on current NDCs; pathways and carbon budgets consistent with the temperature goals of the Paris Agreement; near-term mitigation targets, including for non-CO2 GHGs)



María José Sanz Sánchez - Roundtable 1 Global Stock Take (GST)​
Technical Dialogue​

Matthew Gidden - Paris-relevant emissions pathways, System transformation towards net-zero and Net-Zero and Carbon Dioxide Removal


RT report to closing plenary and next steps ​

Monday 11:30-13:00​


Room: Genf


•Mr. Carlos Fuller
•Mr Andy Reisinger

Verbal summary by rapporteur (30 min) ​

Comments by Parties and NPS (30 min) ​

Next steps (30 min) ​

Roundtable two 






Friday 10/06/2022

11:00-12:00 CEST


Room: Santiago de Chilé (SDC)

•Ms. Musonda Mumba
•Mr. Richard Klein


Framing of the discussion highlighting the organisation of work and discussions in this roundtable


Expert panel 1​

Saturday ​


15:00-16:30 CEST

(1.5 HR)​

Room: SDC


•Mr. Hans-Otto Poertner 
•Mr Gregory Flato 


Key findings from the WGII report relevant for the GST (observed impacts and projected risks; human and natural systems; adaptation practices and opportunities relationship between global temperature pathways and global and local adaptation needs, Loss and Damage)


Hans-Otto Poertner - IPCC AR6 WGII Report on Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability​ - Common Climate and Adaptation Goals​ …where do we stand and what is needed


Gregory Flato - IPCC WGI contributions to quantifying climate impact and risk


Expert panel 2​



16:30-18:00​ CEST

(1.5 HR)​

Room: SDC

•Ms. Anne Hammill
•Mr. Anand Patwardhan 

Adaptation pathways: Current state of adaptation efforts; measuring progress on adaptation; decision making options for managing risk; sustainable, climate resilient, and low emissions development pathways; opportunities, enabling conditions and good practices for near-term adaptation action


Anne Hammill - National adaptation planning​. Expert Panel 2, Technical Dialogue 1.1

Anand Patwardhan - Roundtable 2 of the Global Stocktake - Framing the stocktake: Approaches and options​


Expert panel 3​



10:00-11:30 CEST

(1.5 HR)​

Room: SDC


•Mr. Mark Pelling
•Ms. Diana Reckien

Global state of adaptation action and support:  Future opportunities and challenges (gaps in adaptation planning and implementation; protecting, conserving and restoring nature and ecosystems)


Mark Pelling - Technical Dialogue to​ First Global Stocktake of the Paris Agreement at SBSTA-56 - A view on urbanizing adaptation systems​

Diana Reckien - Technical Dialogue to​ First Global Stocktake of the Paris Agreement at SBSTA-56


RT report to closing plenary and next steps​



11:30-13:00 CEST​

(1.5 HR)​

Room: SDC

•Ms. Musonda Mumba
•Mr. Richard Klein

Verbal summary by rapporteur (30 min)​

Comments by Parties and NPS (30 min)​

Next steps (30 min) – any events being organized inter-sessionally ​

Roundtable three 








12:00-13:00 CEST (1HR)​

Room: Addis Ababa

•Mr Youba Sokona
•Ms. Outi Honkatukia

Framing of the discussion highlighting the organisation of work and discussions in this roundtable.​


Expert panel 1​

Saturday ​


15:00-16:30 CEST

(1.5 HR)​

Room: Addis Ababa

•Ms Heleen de Coninck 
•Mr Ambuj Sagar

Technology (state of efforts on technology development and transfer, international cooperation on innovation; overall progress on systems of innovation at the national and other levels)    


Heleen de Coninck and Ambuj Sagar - Innovation, technology development, and transfer:​ ​Key messages from IPCC AR6 WG III Chapter 16 and​ further reflections for GST



Expert panel 2​



16:30-18:00​ CEST

(1.5 HR)

Room: Addis​ Ababa

•Ms Sonja Klinsky 
•Ms Minette Nago

Capacity Building (institutional and systemic capacity; adequacy and effectiveness of support towards increasing the ability for climate resilient and low emissions development)


Sonja Klinsky and Minette Nago - Global Stocktake Roundtable 3 Capacity Building in the GST: A Few Initial Thoughts​


Expert panel 3​



10:00-11:30 CEST

(1.5 HR)​

Room: Addis Ababa

•Ms Charlene Watson
•Ms Silvie Kreibiehl

Finance (State of efforts on finance, drawing on SCF BA and IPCC)


Charlene Watson - Global Stocktake Roundtable 3 Presentation - State of efforts: financing climate action

Silvie Kreibiehl - Progress on the alignment of financial flows towards the goals of the Paris Agreement


RT report to closing plenary and next steps ​



11:30-13:00​ CEST

(1.5 HR)​

Room: Addis Ababa


•Mr Youba Sokona
•Ms. Outi Honkatukia 

Verbal summary by rapporteur (30 min)​

Comments by Parties and NPS (30 min)​

Next steps (30 min) – any events being organized inter-sessionally ​



List of non-Party stakeholders to the first meeting of the technical dialogue of the first global stocktake under the Paris Agreement (15 June 22)

Participation at the RTs are through an invitation process, with a representative sitting at the table, raising concerns and issues. There will also be other ways to participate, such as through a roving mic.

The co-facilitators of the technical dialogue of the first Global Stocktake have made every attempt review gender and geographical aspects to ensure balance, and the meeting will be broadcast and open to virtual participation. 

Participants are encouraged to bring forward any good practices to enhance climate action and experience and opportunities to enhance international cooperation on mitigation and adaptation and to increase support, in order to overcome barriers and challenges faced. 

While the roundtables will strive to address major concerns at each meeting of the TD within roundtable presentations and discussions, some such concerns may be reserved for later sessions of the TD.  

Contact: gst@unfccc.int