Events at COP 25


The conference includes the twenty-fifth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 25), the fifteenth session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 15), and the second session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA 2). It also includes the fifty-first sessions of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA 51) and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI 51), 

Mandated and related events

The UN Climate Change Conference 2019 will include various mandated and related events under COP, SBI and SBSTA.

Official side events

Official side events are a platform for admitted observer organizations, which have limited speaking opportunities in the formal negotiations, to engage with Parties and other participants for knowledge sharing, capacity building, networking and exploring actionable options for meeting the climate challenge.

Presidency events

Presidency events are organized by Chile and include events around the topics of oceans, science, forests, agriculture, adaptation, NDCs, finance, energy and ambition. For an overview of events, see here.

High-level segment

During the high-level segment of UN Climate Change conferences on 10 and 11 December 2019, Heads of State and Government, ministers and other heads of delegations or dignitaries deliver national statements. The statements will be published after delivery on our website.

Official exhibits

Exhibits serve as a platform for observer organizations and Parties to highlight diverse climate change issues at UNFCCC conferences and provide a meeting point for participants. They cover a wide variety of topics and are loosely clustered by thematic groups. The secretariat is currently in the process of exploring new ways to enhance the effectiveness of exhibitor engagement at UNFCCC conferences. Further information on the exhibit process and format at COP 25 will be provided in due course. 

Climate Action studio

The Climate Action Studio is a platform for showcasing action of non-Party stakeholders in the climate change process. The studio operates during COPs and subsidiary body sessions by invitation, providing a space to highlight that action through interviews with nominated Parties and observers admitted to the UNFCCC process around specific themes linked to the negotiation process. The interviews are available for viewing at the Climate Action Studio YouTube channel.

Global Climate Action events

Global Climate Action events are a palpable demonstration that rising numbers of new voices from governments, cities, states, business, civil society and multilateral organizations are taking collaborative and transformational action.

Action Hub events

The Action Hub is a dynamic events-space – suitable for non-Party stakeholders to stage digital events, talk-shows, special launch events, competition winners announcements, or varied interactive activities, all of which focus on concrete climate action and giving a voice to the audience.

Pavilion events

Besides the official side events coordinated by the UNFCCC secretariat, Parties and observer organizations often organize their own events relating to the climate change negotiation process within different Pavilions.

Press conferences

Throughout the conference, a large number of press conferences will be conducted. Find the schedule here.

Gender events

Gender events at UNFCCC Climate Change Conferences are dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of gender-responsive climate policy and action as well as highlighting women’s contribution and leadership in climate action. Gender events at COP 25 include Gender Day on 10 December 2019, side events and the PCCB Action Hub.

Green Zone events

The Green Zone, located in Hall 1 of IFEMA, is a citizen space, meeting and environmental awareness, with which Spain wants to contribute to facilitate the participation of all civil society. Events and activities will focus on fair transition, health, gender, sustainable finance, innovation, forests, science and climate change and nature-based solutions.
Access the schedule of events here

Capacity-building Hub events

Established at COP24, the Capacity-building Hub is a space for representation, collaboration, and knowledge sharing. A platform for actors involved in capacity-building for climate change mitigation and adaptation. The Hub is an example of working together for higher ambition and greater action!
More information

Access the schedule of events here
