Subsidiary Body events
Hybrid Technical workshop on the institutional arrangements of the Santiago Network of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage
04 - 06 May 2022
Virtual event
Copenhagen, Denmark / Virtual
Virtual Denmark
UN City, Marmormolen 51, 2100
Adaptation & Loss and Damage
Subsidiary Body events
Hybrid Technical workshop on the institutional arrangements of the Santiago Network of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage
04 - 06 May 2022
Virtual event
Copenhagen, Denmark / Virtual
Virtual Denmark
UN City, Marmormolen 51, 2100
Adaptation & Loss and Damage

For live broadcast, please use the links on the right.


Parties requested the secretariat to organize a technical workshop prior to the 56th sessions of the subsidiary bodies, under the guidance of the Chairs of those bodies, with inputs from the Executive Committee and the participation of Parties and relevant organizations, bodies, networks and experts, to elaborate on the submissions on the following aspects of the Santiago Network:

  1. Operational modalities;
  2. Structure;
  3. The role of the Executive Committee and its expert groups, task force and technical expert group;
  4. The role of loss and damage contact points and other relevant stakeholders at the subnational, national and regional level;
  5. Possible elements for the terms of reference of a potential convening or coordinating body that may provide secretarial services to facilitate work under the Santiago Network.

Draft agenda as of 02 May 2022

Chair of the workshop: 

  • Ms. Marianne Karlsen, Chair, Subsidiary Body for Implementation
Day 1: Wednesday 4 May 2022
09:30-10:00 (CEST)


  • Ms. Lotte Machon, State Secretary for Development Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark (opening speech)
  • Ms. Marianne Karlsen, Chair, Subsidiary Body for Implementation 
  • Mr. Tosi Mpanu-Mpanu, Chair, Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice 
10:00-10:30 Coffee/tea break

Introduction to the workshop

Session 1: Operational modalities

This session focuses on exploring possible operational modalities of the Network.

The discussion will start with brief presentations by two Parties, sharing their perspectives on ways in which the Santiago Network operational modalities can ensure to fulfil its functions, followed by commentaries from organizations who will share lessons learned from existing programmes and experiences that could inform the operational modalities of the Network.



  • Ms. Loretta Girardet, UNDRR (presentation)
  • Mr. Reinhard Mechler, IIASA
  • Ms. Heidi White, Practical Action

Open discussion in a small group setting.

All groups address the following guiding questions: 

  1. What are the lessons learned from similar initiatives/bodies/networks that can inform the operational modalities of the Santiago Network to facilitate technical assistance catalyzed to vulnerable developing countries that is demand-driven and needs-based? 

  2. What modalities could enable monitoring and evaluation of the technical assistance catalyzed?  

    1. What are the ways to facilitate the matching of the most appropriate/suited technical assistance will be catalyzed? 

13:00-14:00 Lunch break

Session 2: Structure

This session focuses on exploring the possible structure of the Network.

The discussion will start with brief presentations by two Parties, sharing their perspectives on a possible structure of the Network, followed by commentaries from representatives from organizations who will share lessons learned from existing programmes and experiences that could inform the shaping of the structure of the Network.


  • Mr. Mahmud Hossain, Bangladesh (presentation)
  • Ms. Sierra Woodruff, United States of America


15:00-15:30 Coffee/tea break

Continuation of session 2


Open discussion in a small group setting.

All groups address the following guiding questions: 

  1. How could the Santiago Network be structured to fulfil its functions? 

  2. What are key considerations to take into account for hosting the potential convening or coordinating body of Santiago network that facilitates robust, transparent, and Party-driven support in vulnerable countries? 

Day 2: Thursday 5 May 2022

Organizational remarks for Day 2

  • Session 1 groups
  • Session 2 groups

Session 3: The role of the Executive Committee and its expert groups, task force and technical expert group

This session focuses on exploring the possible role of the Executive Committee (ExCom) and its thematic groups in the operation of the Network.

The discussion will start with brief presentations by two Parties, sharing their perspectives on ways in which the ExCom can facilitate the operations of the Network, including ways in which the existing products and mandates of these bodies can be utilized in the process under the Network.

These first presentations will be followed by a panel of representatives from the ExCom and its bodies, and other organizations, who will elaborate on the types of products/mandates and planned activities that could facilitate the implementation of the functions of the Network.


  • Mr. Thomas Lerenten Lelekoitien, Kenya (presentation)
  • Ms. Tove Stub, Norway


10:30-11:00 Coffee/tea break

Continuation of session 3

Open discussion in a small group setting.

All groups address the following guiding questions: 

  1. How can the ExCom and its groups best contribute to the operation of the Network? 

  2. How can the Santiago Network build on and benefit from the knowledge and expertise of the ExCom and its expert groups? 

12:30-13:30 Lunch break

Session 4: The role of loss and damage contact points and other relevant stakeholders at the subnational, national, and regional level

This session focuses on how Parties will interact and communicate with the Network, in particular on the role of loss and damage contact points and other stakeholders.

The discussion will start with presentations by two Parties, followed by a panel of representatives from organizations who will share their commentaries.


  • Ms. Angela Rivera, AILAC (presentation)
  • Mr. Russell Miles, Australia


Open discussion in a small group setting.

All groups address the following guiding questions: 

  1. Interested UNFCCC national focal points have nominated L&D contact points. How will L&D contact points fit in the operations of the Santiago Network?  

  2. Who are the other relevant stakeholders that would benefit from the Santiago Network and how would they effectively participate?  

15:00-15:30 Coffee/tea break

Session 5: Possible elements for the terms of reference of a potential convening or coordinating body that may provide secretarial services to facilitate work under the Santiago network

Part 1 – Plenary session

This session focuses on elements to be considered in the terms of reference of a potential convening or coordinating body for the Network, and could also discuss possible next steps in the process to select/identify the body.


  • Ms. Rosa Ana González, LMDC Group (presentation)
  • Ms. Maude Dufort-Labbé, Canada


Open discussion 

Guiding questions:  

  1. What elements could be included in the Terms of Reference? 

  2. What needs to be decided at COP 27, and what would be arranged by the convening/coordinating body?  

Day 3: Friday 6 May 2022

Organizational remarks for Day 3

Reporting back from the small group discussions  

  • Session 3 groups 

  • Session 4 groups 

Introduction by the Chair for the small group discussions for Session 5 

09:30-10:00 Coffee/Tea break

Continuation of session 5: Possible elements for the terms of reference of a potential convening or coordinating body that may provide secretarial services to facilitate work under the Santiago Network

Part 2 – Small group discussions 

Guiding questions: 

  1. What elements could be included in the ToR? 

  2. What needs to be decided at COP 27, and what would be arranged by the convening/coordinating body?  

  3. What could be the criteria for selecting a potential convening or coordinating body of the Network? 

Document for session 5

12:00-13:30 Lunch break



Session 6: Final session 

Continuation of session 5 and discussion of any other emerging topics  

Part 3 – Report back and plenary discussion

  • Reporting back from the small group discussions  

  • Any other emerging topics 



Closing session 

Mr. Paul Desanker, UNFCCC secretariat 

Ms. Anette Albjerg Ejersted, Denmark

Mr. Frode Neergaard, Denmark 

Ms. Marianne Karlsen, Chair, Subsidiary Body for Implementation 

15:00-15:30 Coffee/tea break







Organized by the UNFCCC secretariat with a financial contribution from the Government of Denmark.