Climate Dialogues,
Presidency events
Developing the Santiago Network for Loss and Damage
03 Dec. 2020
19:00h - 20:30h
Virtual event
Adaptation & Loss and Damage
Climate Dialogues,
Presidency events
Developing the Santiago Network for Loss and Damage
03 Dec. 2020
19:00h - 20:30h
Virtual event
Adaptation & Loss and Damage

Video recording of the event.

The event was held jointly convened by COP25 Presidency (Chile) and the incoming COP26 Presidency (United Kingdom).


Decision 2/CMA.2 established the Santiago Network, as part of the Warsaw International Mechanism, to catalyse the technical assistance of relevant organizations, bodies, networks and experts, for the implementation of relevant approaches to avert, minimise and address loss and damage at the local, national and regional level, in developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. The same decision invites these organizations, bodies, networks and experts to report on their progress to the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism (ExCom) and requests the ExCom to include relevant information from them in its annual reports.

Decision 2/CMA.2 does not set out how the network will function. Since COP25, an information event on loss and damage was held at June Momentum, UNFCCC Secretariat launched the Santiago Network portal on the UNFCCC website and called for inputs from Parties relating to needs for technical assistance. In addition, the 11th and 12th meetings of the ExCom were held. Parties and observers have shown great interest in the Santiago Network.

Objective and description

Round table discussion. Representatives from negotiating groups/Parties and observers will be invited to share ideas on how to continue the development of the Santiago Network to effectively catalyse technical assistance for developing countries to avert, minimize and address loss and damage, and understand how decisions at COP 26 can assist with this.

Guiding questions will be provided to the attendees, and public live stream will be made available with Slido/Mentimeter interaction. There will be no formal outcomes from this event. It is an informal sharing of ideas with no status. This event should build on discussions at the June Momentum event.

A welcome message on the launch of the Santiago Network by H.E. Carolina Schmidt, Chile’s Minister of Environment and President of COP 25, received on 28 August 2020.

Indicative programme

All times shown in CET

Moderator - Musonda Mumba, Chief, Terrestrial Ecosystems Unit, UNEP



 19:00 – 19:05

Keynote remarks, Gladys Santis, COP25 Presidency

 19:05 – 19:50


Roundtable discussion: Party groups, NGO constituency groups

Submitted statements: AILAC; G77 & China; G77 & China

  • What should the network deliver for Parties? 

Insights via Mentimeter, all participants

19:50 – 20:25

Roundtable discussion: Party groups, NGO constituency groups

  • How should the network be structured in order to deliver the functions identified?

Insights via Mentimeter, all participants

 20:25 – 20:30

Wrap up, Archie Young, Incoming COP26 Presidency