About RCC West and Central Africa


In 2013, UN Climate Change signed a partnership agreement with the Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement (BOAD) to establish RCC WAC Africa.


RCC WAC Africa was established in 2013 by UNFCCC and Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement.

The Centre supports national climate action through capacity-building, technical assistance and strategic networking – sourcing know how and resources to drive clean development.

Countries supported: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Ivory Coast, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, SĂŁo Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo.

Le Centre régional de collaboration de Lomé a été établi par la CCNUCC et la Banque ouest-africaine de développement en 2013.

Il soutient l’action climatique nationale à travers le renforcement des capacités, l’aide technique et le réseautage stratégique – s’alimentant en savoir-faire et ressources pour piloter le développement propre. 

Liste des pays auxquels le CRC Lomé apporte son soutien: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroun, Cap Vert, République centrafricaine, Chad, République démocratique du congo, Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Gabon, Gambie, Ghana, Guinée Équatoriale, Guinée, Guinée Bissau, Libéria, Madagascar, Mali,  Mauritanie, Niger, Nigeria, République Démocratique du Congo, São Tome and Principe, Sénégal, Sierra Leone, Tchad, Togo.



RCC Lomé - MRV Hub West Africa

The West African South-South Network on MRV and Transparency was created on October 2016 from a technical and financial collaboration between RCC Lomé and UNEP/UNDP Global Support Programme, with the technical and financial support of regional and international organizations, namely UNFCCC, FAO, ECREEE and Agrhymet.

The vision for the Network is to have operational MRV systems by 2020 in the West African countries engaged. So far, 14 countries officially joined the Network, namely: Nigeria, Benin, Niger, Togo, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Cote d´Ivoire, Mali, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Senegal, Gambia.

The objective of the Network is to facilitate South-South exchanges of knowledge, experiences and good practices on appropriate institutional arrangements for MRV, support capacity development activities and create awareness within national institutions involved in the preparation, improvement and submission of Biennial Update reports (BUR), National Communications (NC) and the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) in line with the enhanced transparency framework established by the Paris Agreement. Learn more and visit our page.



RCC Lomé News Archive

Carbon Pricing Consideration under CiACA in Ghana: Inception Workshop


Within the framework of the Collaborative Instruments for Ambitious Climate Action (CIACA) initiative the Environment Protection Agency (EPA)of the government of Ghana facilitated the first Inception Workshop on November 17th. The event was technically led by Climate Focus and the local team, which were recruited through a competitive selection by RCC Lomé and are in charge of leading the technical assessment and stakeholders consultation to identify the most adequate carbon pricing instruments that the government will consider for adoption to meet its NDC targets. Read more>>

Needs Based finance project in West Africa is launched with the support of RCC Lomé


The member states of the Economic Community of the West African States (ECOWAS) are increasingly facing the adverse effects of climate change – floods, prolonged droughts, strong winds, coastal erosion, etc. Accessing and mobilizing finance for adaptation and mitigation actions foreseen in countries’ NDCs and national development plans and policies is critical for the West African region and its Commission.  Read more>>

Virtual workshop for WAEMU member states’ experts on carbon pricing


In meeting their climate change commitments, a growing number of jurisdictions have started to consider economic instruments like carbon pricing. In this regard, and acting on behalf of its member states, the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA in French) in partnership with the West African Alliance on Carbon markets and Climate finance request support from RCC Lome to strengthen member states capacities on instruments that can be explored both at national and regional level to curb emissions along the goals defined in the Paris Agreement. Read more>>

RCC Lome Supports the Establishment of the African Youth ACE Hub

RCC Lome ACE hub

Action for Climate empowerment (ACE) refers to Article 6 of the Convention's original text (1992), and focuses on six priority areas which have been recognized as crucial to counter climate change and adapt to its impacts: education, training, public awareness, public participation, public access to information, and international cooperation. It calls on governments to develop and implement educational and public awareness programmes, train scientific, technical and managerial personnel, foster access to information, and promote public participation in addressing climate change and its effects. Read more>>

RCC Lome Supports Two West African States through the CiACA project


The accumulation of greenhouse gases (GHGs), such as carbon dioxide (CO2) resulting from human activity, is causing an increase in global temperatures and climate change (IPCC, 2013). To limit the impacts of climate change, the world achieved several crucial milestones for safeguarding the global commons. Therefore, governments around the world are considering implementing carbon pricing policies in their efforts to reduce GHG emissions  Read more>>

24 to 25 February, 2020, Accra, Ghana - RCC Lome Supports Ghana to Explore Collaborative Instruments


The Regional Collaboration Centre (RCC) Lomé, in collaboration with the Environmental Protection Agency, Ghana, ran a consultative workshop to facilitate the West African country’s consideration of collaborative instruments to put a price on carbon.

The event is part of the RCC strategy to intensify its support to parties to explore collaborative instruments in West Africa in the framework of the Collaborative Instruments for Ambitious Climate Action (CiACA) workstream. The workshop brought together a broad range of stakeholders including government, civil society and private sector representatives for a day and a half in Accra, on 24 and 25 February. Read more>>

10 to 11 October, Lome - Togo Preparing for Article 6 Implementation - from Words to Actions

Under the framework of West African Alliance on Carbon Market and Climate Finance (the Alliance), the UNFCCC-BOAD Regional Collaboration Centre (RCC) in Lome has supported Togo Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources to deliver a technical training workshop for the committee members responsible for monitoring the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) implementation. Read more English>>   French>>

4 - 6 July 2018, Lome, Togo - West African Alliance on Carbon Markets and Climate Finance - Member Meeting and Workshop on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

RCC Lome, Togo - Thirty representatives from Togo, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, Senegal, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Mauritania, Ghana, Niger attended the West African Alliance on Carbon Markets and Climate Finance members meeting, as well as a workshop on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement held on 4-6 July 2018 in Lomé, Togo. Read more>>

25 May 2018, Lome, Togo - Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) mission

Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) mission to conduct an independent Climatescope 2018 study ended on May 25th, 2018 after three days of intensive work.

This mission on the attractiveness of investments in the clean energy sector, which was led by Ms Eléonore LAZAT, went well in line with the objectives set. The mission's work provided an opportunity to exchange views on the current situation and prospects in key areas of the study, in particular on the institutional and regulatory framework of the sector, investments and financing, the value chains of the low-carbon and clean energy sectors and greenhouse gas management activities. The results of this study will be available in the period October-November 2018.

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Joint Declaration Between BOAD-UNFCCC Lomé and NGO JVE

Recognizing that climate education is an imperative to produce effective future leaders, the West African Development Bank (BOAD)-UN Climate Change Regional Collaboration Centre (RCC) Lomé and NGO JVE have agreed to work together to organize an Africa Youth Climate Leadership and Diplomacy Academy training of African young people.

Under the historic Paris Climate Change Agreement, nations saw the need for training to provide countries with young, competent climate change negotiators endowed with adequate critical thinking capacity and sufficient knowledge to enhance African countries' participation in the context of the global climate action and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

As described in a collaboration declaration signed at Africa Climate Week in Nairobi, Kenya, on 13 April, the training will enhance young African capacity to engage effectively in climate negotiations. The parties involved are committed to acting together to achieve this goal and may seek long-term partnerships to make the training a routine operation between their organizations.

The collaborating organizations called for support from national, regional and international stakeholders to help drive implementation of the initiative and enhance scaling of leadership and diplomacy among African Youth. Technical and financial support is imperative to ensuring long-term impact and benefits to the African youth and further building momentum for climate action.

Togo-based JVE is a Youth oriented non-profit, non-governmental, environmental and developmental organization with a mission to develop youth leadership and eco-citizenship of young people for their eventual involvement in sustainable development of communities.

The RCC Lomé is a partnership established between the West Africa Development Bank and UN Climate Change with the aim to support countries' climate actions.

21-22 March 2017 - Capacity-building workshop on CDM Standardized Baselines:  Opportunities to experience simplified tools for MRV

The development of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) standardized baselines (SB) and other measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) topics were discussed in Freetown, Sierra Leone, 21-22 March 2017, during the capacity building workshop CDM Standardized Baselines: opportunities to experience simplified tools for MRV.

Read more >>    French >>

Other News

RCC Lomé supports establishment of environment clubs in eight Togolese schools

150 students and teachers from eight high schools in Lomé took part in a workshop about raising awareness on the causes and effects of climate change and possible solutions.
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Final report on the nationally determined contributions survey available

Developing Countries Urgently Need Finance to Green Power Sectors

Countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean urgently need financial support to green their power sectors and thereby implement their national climate action plans under the  Paris Climate Change Agreement. This is a key finding of a report on the nationally determined contributions survey conducted by the Nairobi Framework Partnership in 2016.

Read more: English   French   Spanish

Download the report >> 

Capacity-building for the establishment of a Carbon Registry in Madagascar and preparation to COP 22

Members of the National Coordination Bureau on Climate Change of Madagascar and CDM project developers and negotiators of Madagascar benefited from a three-day workshop on CDM, Monitoring, Reporting and Verification and the Paris Agreement, organized by RCC Lome in partnership with the Institut de la Francophonie pour le Développement Durable and the Agrhymet Regional Centre of the Permanent Interstates Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel. Read more >>
Concept note and agenda >> 

West African South-South Network on MRV to support technical and institutional capacities

Twenty-eight participants from fourteen West Africa countries  participated in the Sub-Regional Dialogue on the MRV framework West Africa held from 4-6 October 2016 in Lomé, Togo.

Paris Agreement's Economic Instruments Can Spur National Action, Ambition

Reports just released from five regional meetings reveal the views of non-State actors in developing countries on the Paris Agreement’s provisions for (1) transferring mitigation outcomes, essentially emissions trading; (2) a new Sustainable Development Mechanism; and (3) a framework for non-market approaches. All three of the economic instruments are described in Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.

West and Central Africa summary report En  Fr
All reports >>

Read the story on the UNFCCC Newsroom >> Eng  Fr  Sp

Sub-Saharan Climate and Energy Conference Focusses on Sustainable Cities

The way energy is generated and consumed in cities in Sub-Saharan Africa must be transformed to ensure continued development and help rein in greenhouse gas emissions. This was the key conclusion reach by experts meeting at a regional climate and energy conference in Yaoundé, Cameroon in May, aimed at identifying innovative solutions for low-carbon urbanization.. 



