UN4NAPs is a UN-wide rapid technical backstopping initiative for National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), launched in 2021 by the UNFCCC secretariat, in response to COP mandates for engaging international organizations in support of climate change adaptation, to scale up technical support to LDCs and SIDS to formulate and implement NAPs.

The partnership enables the UN-wide system of organizations and other intergovernmental organizations to respond to technical requests identified by any country that is in the process of formulating or implementing its NAP.

When receiving requests for technical assistance, the UNFCCC secretariat immediately communicates with relevant partners from a roster of more than 50 UN and intergovernmental organizations for a prompt response.

The categories of technical assistance that can be catalyzed between specific agencies and countries are:

  • Direct technical queries which can be answered by relevant agencies via email;
  • Delivery of specific data/knowledge products (such as datasets, analytical tools, guidance material);
  • Longer–term technical capacity development/engagement with the requesting country;
  • Review of draft NAPs upon request by a country.

Adaptation-related events



3-13 June

60th sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies, Bonn, Germany.

UN4NAPs side event on 4 Jun, 10:15-11:30, Room Berlin
>> learn more
27-30 May 

4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States, in Antigua and Barbuda

UN4NAPs side event on 29 May 2024
>> learn more
22-25 Apr NAP Expo 2024 in Dhaka, Bangladesh >> learn more
20-23 Feb LEG45 Meeting in Bujumbura, Burundi >> learn more





5 Dec UN4NAPs · Leveraging UN-wide support for the formulation and implementation of NAPs >> learn more
4 Dec

Transformation towards accelerated implementation of National Adaptation Plans: High-level event on National Adaptation Plans

>> learn more

30 Nov-12 Dec

COP 28 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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04-08 Sep UN4NAPs activities during the Africa Climate Week >> learn more

28 Aug-01 Sep

Regional UN4NAPs Forum for Asia and the Pacific during the Korea Global Adaptation Week (KGAW)

>> learn more

10-12 Jul

Environmental and Climate Mobilities Network Launch Event (UNU, University of Vienna)

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19-23 Jun

WMO-led Regional Workshop on Climate Science Information for Climate Action in Jakarta, Indonesia.


05-15 Jun


UN4NAPs at SB 58: Scaling up technical assistance for NAPs


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25 May Financing Strategies for Climate Change Adaptation, webinar organized by UNDP >> learn more

08-12 May

10th Annual LoCAL Board (10th May), with related technical workshops on adaptation.

>> learn more

27-31 Mar

UN4NAPs Forum during the Chile Global Adaptation Week 2023, Santiago de Chile

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22-24 Mar

UN Water Conference

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06-10 Mar

CIF Africa Knowledge Event, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, organized by the Climate Investment Funds Admin Unit, hosted by the Government of Cote d’Ivoire and co-hosted by the African Development Bank (AfDB) (TBC)


05-09 Mar 

Second part of LDC 5

>> learn more

21-24 Feb

LEG NAP writing workshop for African LDCs 

>> learn more





08 Mar  International Women’s Day  
17 Mar First part of LDC 5 >> learn more
23-26 Mar LEG NAP Writing Workshop for African LDCs, Nairobi >> learn more
24-25 Mar Commission on Status of Women (66th meeting) >> learn more
27 Mar-01 Apr Gobeshona Global Conference >> learn more
09-20 May UNCCD COP 15, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire >> learn more
27 Jun-01 Jul UN Ocean Conference >> learn more
22-26 Aug Botswana Global Adaptation Week and NAP Expo, Gaborone, Botswana, with UN4NAPs Forum >> learn more
09 Nov UN4NAPs side event during COP 27, Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt >> learn more




