Global Stocktake information portal

This online resource has been developed pursuant to decision 19/CMA.1, paragraph 21, to facilitate online availability of all global stocktake inputs, by thematic area. It also compiles the most up-to date inputs from the sources identified in paragraph 37 as per paragraph 22 of the same decision.

Submissions are subject to the UNFCCC terms of use and can be made via the submission portal by Parties and organizations with observer status. Non-Party stakeholders without observer status can make submissions by email to specific calls for input. Please refer to the submission guidelines for more information on how to make a submission.

In addition to the information provided in the global stocktake information portal below, other relevant sources of information for the global stocktake are listed in the related information section.

To view the addendas to the global stocktake synthesis reports, go to document type > global stocktake synthesis reports

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Showing 60 of 1,106 results
Title Author Theme Document Type Download
The Land Gap University of Melbourne (UM) Mitigation, Equity
,Global stocktake
Submissions to the Global Stocktake
Technical analysis of the fourth biennial update report of Uruguay submitted on 31 December 2021. Summary report by the team of technical experts UNFCCC. Secretariat Mitigation, Means of implementation
,National reporting
Technical analysis summary report (TASR)
Technical analysis of the first biennial update report of Eritrea submitted on 30 December 2021. Summary report by the team of technical experts UNFCCC. Secretariat Mitigation, Means of implementation
,National reporting
Technical analysis summary report (TASR)
United States’ Submission on the Third Technical Dialogue of the First Global Stocktake - April 2023 United States of America Adaptation, Mitigation, Climate finance, Means of implementation, Capacity-building, Technology, Loss and damage, Response measures, Science and research, Equity
Submissions to the Global Stocktake
Care About Climate - NDC Equity Tracker Care About Climate (CAC) Mitigation, Means of implementation, Capacity-building, Equity, Science and research
,Global stocktake
Submissions to the Global Stocktake
YOUNGO GST Submission Care About Climate (CAC) Loss and damage, Capacity-building, Means of implementation, Mitigation, Adaptation, Climate finance, Technology, Response measures, Science and research, Equity
Submissions to the Global Stocktake
Technical analysis of the fourth biennial update report of Lebanon submitted on 29 December 2021. Summary report by the team of technical experts UNFCCC. Secretariat Mitigation, Means of implementation
,National reporting
Technical analysis summary report (TASR)
Technical analysis of the first biennial update report of Gabon submitted on 29 December 2021. Summary report by the team of technical experts UNFCCC. Secretariat Mitigation, Means of implementation
,National reporting
Technical analysis summary report (TASR)
Addendum to the synthesis report for the technical assessment component of the first global stocktake: State of adaptation efforts, experiences and priorities UNFCCC Authors Adaptation Global Stocktake synthesis reports
Addendum to the synthesis report for the technical assessment component of the first global stocktake: Overall effect of Parties’ NDCs and overall progress made by Parties towards the implementation of their NDCs, including the information referred to in Article 13, paragraph 7(b), of the Paris Agreement UNFCCC Authors Adaptation, Means of implementation, Mitigation Global Stocktake synthesis reports
Addendum to the synthesis report for the technical assessment component of the first global stocktake: Synthesis report on the information identified in decision 19/CMA.1, paragraph 36 (d) UNFCCC Authors Means of implementation Global Stocktake synthesis reports
Addendum to the synthesis report for the technical assessment component of the first global stocktake: State of greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks and mitigation efforts undertaken by Parties, including the information referred to in Article 13, paragraph 7(a), and Article 4, paragraphs 7, 15 and 19, of the Paris Agreement UNFCCC Authors Mitigation, Response measures
Global Stocktake synthesis reports
Implications of climate policy on energy poverty King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC) Mitigation Submissions to the Global Stocktake
Latvia. National Communication (NC). NC 8. Biennial Reports (BR). BR 5. Latvia Adaptation
National communications (NC), Biennial reports (BR)
Austria. National Communication (NC). NC 8. Biennial Reports (BR). BR 5. Austria Adaptation
Biennial reports (BR), National communications (NC)