Subsidiary Body events
Informal technical workshop on transparency under the SBSTA. Part III: Possible options for the CTF of FTC support 
07 May 2021
14:30h - 17:30h
Virtual event
Transparency & Measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV)
Subsidiary Body events
Informal technical workshop on transparency under the SBSTA. Part III: Possible options for the CTF of FTC support 
07 May 2021
14:30h - 17:30h
Virtual event
Transparency & Measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV)

1. Background

Pursuant to decision 18/CMA.1 on the modalities, procedures and guidelines for the transparency framework for action and support, the SBSTA is requested to develop, inter alia, common tabular formats (CTF) for the electronic reporting of the information on FTC support provided and mobilized, as well as needed and received, under Articles 9-11 of the Paris Agreement

To maximize progress of work on this SBSTA agenda sub-item, and minimize disruption and delay stemming from the COVID-19 pandemics, the SBSTA chair requested the UNFCCC secretariat to organize an informal technical workshop to advance discussion among Parties on possible options for designing the CTF for the FTC support.

2. Objectives

  • Further enhance understanding on possible options for designing the CTF for the FTC support, including by considering possible options in compiling and reporting information on FTC support;
  • Consider examples and options for the structure and content of CTF tables in accordance with the MPGs as contained in the annex to decision 18/CMA.1;
  • Use concrete working examples to demonstrate how would these options enhance the comparability and ensure consistency across specific tables.

3. Submissions on Matters relating to methodological issues under the Paris Agreement

The SBSTA Chair encouraged Parties and admitted observer organizations to make further submissions via the UNFCCC submission portal by 7 April 2021, on their further views on the common tabular formats on financial, technology development and transfer and capacity-building support, including examples and options for the summary tables, the structure and content of the tables, and how to improve comparability and ensure consistency across specific tables.

The submissions are available on the UNFCCC submission portal: https://www4.unfccc.int/sites/submissionsstaging/Pages/Home.aspx. For ease of reference, please follow these steps: click on the link, search for “voluntary submission”, and move to the second page of the website where all recent submissions on this matter can be found.

The background information and synthesis of submissions on Matters relating to methodological issues under the Paris Agreement are contained in the Information note by the SBSTA Chair, which can be accessed here

Proposed programme

 Welcome and introduction
 Moderators appointed by the SBSTA Chair: Seyni Nafo (Mali) and Delphine Eyraud (France)

 Secretariat’s presentation
 Summary of Parties’ submissions on the CTFs for the FTC support
 Discussions and exchange of views among Parties facilitated by moderators on the following elements (part 1):
  •  Number of tables
  •  Technical information
  • Differentiating information within specific parameters
 16:25-16:40  Break
 Discussions and exchange of views among Parties facilitated by moderators on the following elements (part 2):
  •  Consistency and comparability across tables
  • Structure and content of tables
 Closing remarks
 Moderators: Seyni Nafo (Mali) and Delphine Eyraud (France)
 Concluding remarks by the SBSTA Chair
 Tosi Mpanu Mpanu