3 ideas Ltd

List of speakers

Mr Luc Gnacadja
Former Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, Founder and President of GPS-Dev
(Governance & Policies for Sustainable Development)
The Case for Urban & Rural Linkages 
Dr Sandra Piesik
Director of 3 ideas Ltd, Visiting Professor of the UCL Institute for Global Prosperity, London (the Panel Convenor)
Ms Marzena Chodor
Co-Chair of the Paris Committee on Capacity Building (PCCB)
Mr Barron Joseph Orr
Lead Scientist at the Science Policy Interface (SPI) at UNCCD
UNCCD Land Degradation Neutrality and Urban & Rural Linkages
Mr Marcus Mayr
Climate Change Planning Unit (CCPU), Urban Planning and Design Branch (UPDB), United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)
UN-HABITAT "Urban-Rural Linkages to Advance Integrated Territorial Development: Guiding Principles and Framework for Action"
Ms Lorena Martínez Hernández
IUCN Environmental Law Centre (ELC)
Ms Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim
Représentative of Indigenous Peoples
A Local Community Representative
Capacity Building Workshop
UN-HABITAT and Urban-Rural Linkages Team

Training Session

Training Session
facilitated by the UN-HABITAT and Urban-Rural Linkages Team

Training Objective:
Participants should have enhanced understanding of the importance of strengthening Urban-Rural Linkages and integrated territorial development strategies – for achieving the SDGs. A special focus can be put on why urban-rural linkages need to be considered for finding integrated solutions for mitigation of climate change and why thinking across administrative boundaries and including multiple stakeholders (different sectors, different levels of government authorities and key players from private sector, civil society, academia, development partners) need to be involved – for ensuring no one and no place is left behind.


Global Sustainable Legislation Reference

UNFCCC, UNCCD, CBD Conventions, Kyoto Protocol. The Agenda 2020: the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030: Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

UN-Habitat Reference:




Urban-Rural Linkages to Advance Integrated Territorial Development:

Guiding Principles and Framework for Action

12 December 2018 / 10:00 – 13:00

PCCB Capacity-Building Hub / RYSY Meeting Room 24 - Area E

Historically, cities and rural areas formed part of a single eco-system which meant that food produced in the nearby rural areas would be traded in the nearest town fostering economic, trading and social exchanges. In many countries, this relationship has lost its strength. The speed of increased urbanisation is impacting hinterlands and rural areas. Migration trends from rural to urban areas combined with globalisation and the adverse effects of climate change pose challenges to urban, peri-urban and rural areas.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development Goal 11 Target 11.A aims to:

“Support positive economic, social and environmental links between urban, per-urban and rural areas

by strengthening national and regional development planning”.

The Guiding Principles and Framework for Action, convened by UN-Habitat and developed in a participatory process which included more than 125 stakeholders, state that:

“In both the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs) and the New Urban Agenda (NUA), United Nations Member States agreed to normative policies supporting integrated urban and territorial planning and development, effectively calling for new, inclusive approaches and enhanced synergies between urban and rural communities and spaces. The reciprocal and repetitive flows of people, goods, information, financial and environmental services, (defining urban-rural linkages) between specific rural, peri-urban and urban locations are interdependent and constitute the reality of socio-spatial arrangements, creating places with a distinct socially-constructed identity, yet interwoven “functional territories”. The goal of the Guiding Principles1 is to inform pragmatic strategies and propose a Framework for Action to build an enabling environment for more inclusive and functional urban-rural linkages.”

1The Guiding Principles and Framework for Action are drawn from multiple sources including case studies and experiences, policy decisions and reports from intergovernmental UN agencies, international development partners, multi-stakeholder expert meetings, and inputs from city networks, academic and civil society experts. For more information see https://urbanrurallinkages.wordpress.com/
