Expert meeting
NAPs expert meeting, September 2011
15 - 18 Sep. 2011
01:00h - 00:59h
Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic
Lao People's Democratic Republic
Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic
Expert meeting
NAPs expert meeting, September 2011
15 - 18 Sep. 2011
01:00h - 00:59h
Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic
Lao People's Democratic Republic
Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic

15-17 September 2011

Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic.

The report of this expert meeting can be found here.


The SBI, at its 34th session, requested the secretariat to explore the possibility of convening an expert meeting, including experts from Parties and relevant organizations, the LEG, and relevant stakeholders to:

(a) Identify and discuss elements and deliverables of the process to enable least developed country Parties to formulate and implement national adaptation plans, building upon their experience in preparing and implementing NAPAs; and                                                                     
(b) Elaborate draft modalities and guidelines for least developed country Parties and other developing country Parties to employ the modalities formulated to support national adaptation plans.

The expert meeting took into account the SBI 34 conclusions on the national adaptation plans (please see paragraphs 94-102), and input from the LEG and other relevant sources.

 Preliminary agenda (133 kB)  

 Information for participants (437 kB)

 List of Participants
(160 kB)

Background readings

Presentations (updated 17 September)



Session I: Introduction and background

The UNFCCC secretariat's  presentation (157 kB)

Session II: Experiences in formulating and implementing national adaptation plans and strategies in different country-contexts

The United States'  presentation (809 kB)  on U.S. efforts in developing adaptation strategies and plans

Australia's  presentation (632 kB)  on adaptation: Australia's approach

Nepal's  presentation (663 kB)  on experiences in formulating and implementing the NAPA

Benin's  presentation (640 kB)  on its perspective on formulating and implementing national adaptation plans

Germany's  presentation (603 kB)  on adaptation planning: practical experiences from German domestic policy and from German development and climate cooperation

Ghana's  presentation (310 kB)  on its national adaptation strategy

Session III: Input from the LEG

The LEG's  presentation (218 kB) on best practices and lessons learned in addressing adaptation in LDCs through the NAPA process

The LEG's  presentation (231 kB) on medium- and long-term adaptation in LDCs

Session IV: Building on the NAPA process and experiences of relevant organizations

SPREP's  presentation (135 kB) on Experiences in Adaptation Planning in the Pacific

FAO's  presentation (433 kB) on climate change adaptation and support to NAP

UNDP's  presentation (1066 kB) for the expert meeting on NAPs 

WB PPCR's  presentation (1134 kB) on experiences and early lessons for consideration in the NAP process

UNEP's  presentation (3537 kB) on its experience in designing adaptation projects and accessing funding under the GEF

SANBI's  presentation (1350 kB) on how ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation might inform NAP processes-South African experiences

REEEP's  presentation (1939 kB) on building resilience for the energy sector

Session V: Elements and deliverables of the process to enable the LDCs to formulate and implement NAPs

The Gambia's  presentation (652 kB)  on elements and deliverables of the process to enable the LDCs to formulate and implement NAPs

Canada's  presentation (731 kB)  on elements and deliverables of the process to enable the LDCs to formulate and implement NAPs

 DAY 2

Session VI: NAP modalities/guidelines for LDCs 

The LDC group's  presentation (942 kB)  on NAP modalities and guidelines for LDCs

The LEG's  presentation (155 kB)  on ideas for NAP guidelines building on the NAPA Guidelines in decision 28/CP.7

Day 3

Session VII: NAP modalities/guidelines for other developing country Parties

Bolivia's  presentation (70 kB)  on modalities and guidelines for other developing countries

 Brainstorming (91 kB) by some Parties on NAP modalities and guidelines for other developing countries