Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows - 2018

2018 BA summary and recommendations

2018 BA technical report

The preparation of the third biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows involved meta-data and information gathering from multiple sources, which in turn informed the work of the Standing Committee on Finance.

At the technical level, the work combined literature review with virtual and in-person technical meetings involving international financial institutions and other organizations involved in climate finance tracking and reporting.

External contributors providing inputs in the preparation process included international financial institutions and other organizations that produce and aggregate data on climate finance flows such as multilateral development banks, development finance institutions, international organizations, research institutions and think tanks, private sector financial institutions, academia, and civil society organizations.

The literature review for the second biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows was organized in four research tracks. Each track conducted research and gathering of data sets from primary and secondary data providers.


Call for Evidence

As part of the outreach activities, the Standing Committee on Finance launched a Call for Evidence to support the preparation of the 2018 BA. Submissions can be found here.

Technical Meetings

The preparation of the second biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows included two technical meetings:

  • The first technical meeting  was held on 10 April 2018 in Bonn, Germany, back-to-back with the seventeenth meeting of the SCF (10-12 April 2018).
  • The second technical meeting took place on 10 September 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand, back-to-back with the eighteenth meeting of the SCF (10-12 September 2018).

BA Webinar

BA webinar was held on 27 May 2019 at 14:00H (CEST) for the Presentation on the key findings and recommendations of the 2018 BA . The BA Webinar recording can be found here.


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