Capacity- building E-learning

In the themed accordions below, you will find relevant information on online resources like Online Courses and training materials on the various ground of Capacity Building.



Planning for Climate Change in African Cities

Short info: The Course on Planning for Climate Change in African Cities provides the foundation for understanding cities’ exposure and sensitivity to climate change, and how cities can manage these impacts in the face of growing uncertainty. It does so by introducing the basic concepts of urban resilience and adaptation, and by using illustrative case studies in different African cities. Furthermore, this module provides lectures on the different approaches for climate change planning, whether ad hoc, strategic or mainstreaming; introduces the different steps in the planning cycle – from initial assessment to monitoring and evaluation; and presents the different decision support and assessment tools for prioritizing climate change actions. This course broadens the discussion on planning for climate change by engaging learners to apply their knowledge and practice their decision-making skills in a simulated exercise.

Providing Institution: ALGA; UCLG
Region: Africa
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Climate Resilient Transport in Small Island Developing States

Short info:Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are a group of countries located across the world in the Caribbean, Pacific, Africa, and Indian Ocean regions. SIDS are disproportionately exposed and vulnerable to natural hazards. In additional, climate change is poised to increase the frequency and severity of extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, storm surges, extreme winds, and flooding. When disaster strikes, damage to transport infrastructure typically accounts for a large portion of economic losses, resulting in heavy fiscal strains on SIDS’ small economies and social burden.

The World Bank is committed in supporting client countries to strengthen their institutional capacity and systems by enhancing resilience to the impacts of climate change and disasters. The course aims to provide strategic, experiential, and practical knowledge on how to integrate climate and disaster risk considerations in the management of transport assets in Small Island Developing States. The course provides a holistic overview of Transport Asset Management Systems and a framework for integrating climate and disaster risk considerations. This will enable task teams and country counterparts to identify opportunities to enhance transport asset management systems and investment project identification, preparation and implementation.

Providing Institution: World Bank Group
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Understanding resilience thinking

Short info: Understanding Resilience Thinking introduces the concept of resilience and links it to adaptation and capacity-building. The training focuses on assessing resilience and devising sustainable development plans and conservation actions. Resilience assessments provide a framework to identify relevant actors, determine governance issues, evaluate potential trends and dynamics, and analyse potential traps and transformability. This framework of assessment guides intervention and the development of an action plan to empower actors and decision-makers to build resilient communities.

Providing Institution: CBD, ECOSUR, UNDP, NBSAP Forum, Flanders, GEF, TNC, Pronatura, SwedBio
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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SADC Futures E-learning Course

Short info: The e-learning course will build your skills and capacities to apply foresight, and the SADC Futures framework has been developed to also build capacity to apply these foresight tools for climate-resilient agriculture development.

As the methods and framework are taught, practical application examples of tools and methods to the context of building climate resilience within agriculture systems in the SADC region are given.

Providing Institution: CGIAR research program on climate change, agriculture and food security.
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Climate Adaptation in Africa

Short info: The course will examine adaptation in theory and in practice, through a focus on four sectors that are critically important for climate-resilient development in Africa: Water Security, Agriculture and Food Security, Ecosystems and Ecosystem Services and Resilient Cities.

Providing Institution: University of Capetown
Region: Africa
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Planning for Climate Change in African Cities

Short info: Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, learners should be able to:

  1. Recognize the effects, impacts, and drivers of climate change in cities;
  2. Understand the drivers of urban risk and vulnerability in the context of climate change; 
  3. Distinguish the typologies, approaches, and tensions of climate change adaptation;
  4. Explain the different approaches and steps in climate change planning;
  5. Examine the decision support and assessment tools for climate change;
  6. Develop a climate change plan based on participants’ city contexts.

Providing Institution: United Cities and Local Governments of Africa, African Local Government Academy, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development
Region: Africa
Type of Activities: Online Course
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International Aviation: Intro to States' Action Plans to Reduce CO2

Short info: This e-tutorial aims to build an understanding of the importance of States’ Action Plans to address CO2 emissions from the international aviation sector. By establishing close cooperation among all stakeholders, it will help facilitate the selection, adoption and implementation of the most appropriate measures to reduce the CO2 emissions.

The tutorial has been developed by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) in collaboration with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Action Plans will support the improvement of efficiency and thereby contribute to the global environmental aspirational goals established by the ICAO Assembly.

Providing Institution: United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Environmental Management & Ethics

Short info: This course prepares you to meet the requests and demands of current and future decision-makers and in this course, you will analyze ethical challenges associated with environmental dilemmas and apply different decision making tools relevant to environmental management and regulation.

Providing Institution: Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Integrating Climate Risk Information into NAPs

Short info: The course Integrating Climate Risk Information into NAPs shows how to strengthen National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) through appropriate climate information and coordinated policy action, enabling different types of institutions and actors to work together in a collaborative framework, drawing on the resources of the global hydro-meteorological community at large.

Providing Institution: UNCC: e learns
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Making the Right Choices - Prioritizing Adaptation Options

Short info: At the outset of any adaptation initiative, it is important to assess the implications of climate change on the natural systems (e.g. biodiversity) and the human society (e.g. human health) to determine how and to what extent they will be affected.  There are several measures that can be implemented to reduce risk and vulnerability.  Due to financial and human capacity constraints, not all actions can be implemented simultaneously, and it is important to study the implications of all measures.  Knowledge of the implications such as costs and benefits for each adaptation option will form part of the strategic decision-making process during adaptation planning.  

This tutorial will introduce the process of appraisal and prioritization and some tools that are used in the adaptation options appraisal process once adaptation options have been selected for consideration.

Providing Institution: UNCC: e learns
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Keeping the Taps Running in a Changing Climate

Short info: This tutorial introduces the concept of mainstreaming climate change adaptation into water resources. The effects of climate change are observed through the scarcity or abundance of water which in turn has serious impacts on other key socio-economic sectors such as health, agriculture, energy and infrastructure.  For any climate change adaptation planning to be done, it will be important for these sectors to consider their linkages with water resources.

Providing Institution: UNCC: e learns
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Communicating Climate Change and Health

Short info: This course module introduces the theme of climate change and health. It explains how climate change impacts human health and describes mitigation and adaptation interventions in the health sector. Additionally, it provides guidance to task teams on the World Bank’s corporate climate commitments for the health sector as well as tools and support that task teams can draw on to enhance the climate resilience, adaptaion and mitigation aspects including through the climate co-benefits assessment process in their operations. Throughout the course, you will build a step-by-step plan for developing and delivering a communications campaign.

Providing Institution: Yale University
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Ecosystem Restoration Massive Open Online Course

Short Info: The Ecosystem Restoration MOOC serves as an introduction to the Short-Term Action Plan on Ecosystem Restoration (STAPER) — a flexible framework adopted by the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity to support, inter alia, governments in the development and implementation of their national restoration strategies. The course is geared to government representatives interested in creating a blueprint for ecosystem restoration at the national or subnational level, but is open to everyone. The course is available in English, French, and Spanish, and is facilitated by ecosystem restoration experts. 

Providing Institution: UN Convention on Biological Diversity
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Fundamentals on REDD+ Massive Open Online Course 

Short Info: This course explains the role of deforestation and forest degradation in the process of climate change and defines REDD+ aspects in the context of the UNFCCC. After completing this course, learners are equipped to undertake the second course “Advancing on REDD+”, which facilitates a deeper understanding of how countries can benefit from applying REDD+ at a national level. Overall, the two courses provide an overview of key REDD+ issues with the aim of empowering participants to contribute to a well-informed national REDD+ process. 

Providing Institution: United Nations Development Programme
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Raising Climate Ambition

Short info: Raising Climate Ambition will focus on the “How” and “What” can be done nationally and locally to raise climate ambitions based on the national circumstances of each member State. Furthermore, the training session will provide opportunities for hands-on tools for simulation of scenarios and policy development, and for discussion on challenges and best practices. Last but not least, the training session will also address the role of all stakeholders, including government, private sector and civil society to ensure joint action to reduce emissions and impacts of climate change.  

Providing Institution: The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
Region: Asia and the Pacific
Type of Activities: Online Course
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From Climate Science to Action

Short info: This action-oriented MOOC gives you the opportunity to learn about regional climate change impacts and sector-specific strategies to increase resilience and move towards a low-carbon future. You will have the opportunity to explore these issues in depth and tailor your learning experience for one or more of the following regions:

•  Latin America and Caribbean
•  Sub-Saharan Africa
•  Middle East and North Africa
•  Eastern Europe and Central Asia
•  East Asia and Pacific
•  South Asia

Providing Institution: World Bank Group
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Act on Climate: Steps to Individual, Community, and Political Action

Short info: After taking part in this course, you will be able to:

  1. Identify individual, community, and political actions you can engage in to effectively address and respond to climate change;
  2. Describe how insights from the social sciences can be employed to create change at the individual, community, and political levels;
  3. Feel empowered to continue to influence how you, your community, and political leaders address and respond to climate change.

Providing Institution: University of Michigan
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Global Environmental Management

Short info:Learn about the best environmental technologies for a sustainable development and how they are managed in various settings around the world. This course gives you an opportunity to learn about global trends that influence our environment and the living conditions and how different management systems and approaches that are used around the world to manage the environment. This includes current environmental technologies built for the environment and technologies for sustainable soil management, groundwater protection methods and integrated Water resources management.

Providing Institution: Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Climate Information and Services

Short info: This tutorial introduces climate information and services and their application in decision-making. It has been developed by UNITAR in collaboration with UNECA’s African Climate Policy Center (ACPC) and the Pan-Africa component of the Weather Information Services for Africa (WISER) program, kindly supported by UK’s Department for International Development (DfID).

Providing Institution: UNCC: e learns
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Climate Change from Learning to Action

Short info: Think, Learn, Act Climate!

The course helps you understand what climate change is, how it affects you and others, and what can be done to address it. 

Providing Institution: UNCC: e learns
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Global Energy and Climate Policy

Short info: The course is aimed broadly at people interested in learning more about interconnected issues in energy and climate policy globally. It assumes a level of interest but no necessary previous knowledge. However, the course also offers sufficient up to date research and new critical perspectives to be of interest to people with expertise in or academic familiarity with the topic as well. 

Providing Institution: University of London
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Our Energy Future

Short info: This course will cover the current production and utilization of energy, as well as the consequences of this use, examining finite fossil energy reserves, how food and energy are linked, impacts on the environment and climate, and the social and economic impacts of our present energy and food production and use. After the introductory lectures, we will examine the emerging field of sustainable energy, fuel and food production, emphasizing the importance of developing energy-efficient and sustainable methods of production, and how these new technologies can contribute to replacing the diminishing supplies of fossil fuels, and reduce the consequences of carbon dioxide release into the environment.

Providing Institution: University of California San Diego
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Ecological and Energy Transitions in Southern Countries

Short info: This free online training offers complementary perspectives from several specialists of issues related to climate change and the development of Southern countries. They will share their very practical understanding of the current crises and the answers that can be provided. Participants will learn from studies by:

  • Researchers from the prestigious École Normale Supérieure in Paris;
  • Field experts from the Agence Française de Développement, a funding agency that has been committed to helping developing countries for 75 years;
  • Carbone 4 founder Alain Grandjean, who will share his experience, in particular on the economic and financial aspects.

Providing Institution: École normale supérieure
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Development of concept note for the Green Climate Fund Simplified Approval Process

Short Info: This course provides guidance on fundamental components of project development following the principle of learning by doing, enabling the participants to develop a high quality of concept note leading to the development of a funding proposal. Although the course is intended for individuals who wish to design a concept note for the Green Climate Fund Simplified Approval Process, the course materials and techniques presented can also be applied to any project preparation task and when approaching climate financiers other than the GCF.

Providing Institution: Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RRCAP)
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Green Entrepreneurship Massive Open Online Course

Short Info: The Green Entrepreneurship MOOC will offer a step-by-step framework for transforming a green business idea into a viable business plan. It will provide the tools needed to generate, test, and refine an idea for a green business, together with successful examples of green entrepreneurs’ paths from business ideas to value-generating, market-fit solutions. 

Providing Institution: United Nations Convention on Biological Convention
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Adaptation Fund Learning Grants Training

Short Info: This Adaptation Fund E-training provides an overview of knowledge and learning and guidance on how to complete the application form for the Adaptation Fund learning grants. It is a self-paced course that is freely available to all implementing entities and relevant stakeholders interested in learning more about knowledge and learning under the Adaptation Fund, and how to develop a learning grant proposal with the Fund.

Providing Institution: The Adaptation Fund
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Direct Access: Unlocking Adaptation Funding

Short Info: This E-course provides an overview of the Adaptation Fund (the Fund) accreditation process and the Environmental, Social and Gender considerations in project design and implementation. It is a joint production by the Knowledge & Learning Team of the Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat and the Open Learning Campus (OLC) of the World Bank Group and is hosted by the OLC.

By completing the course, you will gain knowledge of the Fund’s requirements for accreditation. You will also understand the Fund’s Environmental, Social and Gender requirements for project formulation and implementation intended to help recipients design and implement sustainable projects.The E-course is organized in 2 modules, each with case studies and short quizzes on what you have learned. Each module requires approximately 3 hours to complete in one sitting; but you can also take the course at your own pace. You will receive a certificate upon completion.

Providing Institution: World Bank, The Adaptation Fund
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Finding the Money: Financing Climate Action

Short info: In recent years the global community has come to an agreement that urgent climate action is necessary.  This would be in the form of both reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving the resilience and adaptive capacity of societies to the harmful impacts of climate change resulting from past emissions.  These actions require significant financial resources.

This tutorial introduces the concept of climate finance and provides an overview of what climate finance is and where countries access different sources of financing. Policymakers and practitioners with an understanding climate financing can increase their understanding on sources of funds for climate action. This tutorial serves as a first overview.

Providing Institution: UNITAR
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Principles of Sustainable Finance

Short info: This course Principles of Sustainable Finance explains how the financial sector can be mobilized to counter this. Using finance to achieve social goals we can divert the planet and its economy from its current path to a world that is sustainable for all.

Throughout this course, you will learn about the UN Sustainable Development Goals, how social and environmental factors should not be regarded as externalities, you will learn more about sustainable banking and asset management, about effective engagement, sustainable scenario analysis and long-term value creation. At the end of this course, you will understand how sustainable finance can be used as a tool to steer the sustainability transition.

Providing Institution: Erasmus University Rotterdam  
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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E-Learning for a Green Recovery

Short info: A global e-learning series that addresses the key policy issues central to the green recovery debate, aiming to inform and shape the public policy debate around green economic reform and ultimately support countries in planning their responses to COVID-19.

The 6 interactive and practice-oriented online courses cover the basics of Sustainable Finance (Green Economy, Sustainable Finance, Green Industrial Policy E-Course, Green Fiscal Reform, Green Economy and Trade, Green Indicators) while providing several opportunities to dive deeper. The course is designed for interested participants from governments, the financial sector, businesses, and civil society, and is free and self-paced, allowing the freedom to take them at one’s convenience.

Providing Institution: UNCC: e learns
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Climate Responsive Budgeting

unccShort info: This tutorial introduces how governments can respond to the climate change challenge through better budgeting, which integrates climate change risks and opportunities into budget preparation. The tutorial is divided into five sections, and it takes around 30 minutes to complete all sections.

It has been developed under the UNDP Strengthening the Governance of Climate Change Finance to benefit the poor and vulnerable (2012-16) programme, with support from the Government of Sweden. The content is based on methodological work by Kit Nicholson.

Providing Institution: UNCC: e learns
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Greening the Economy: Sustainable Cities

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Short info: This course provides key examples of activities to promote sustainable cities in Scandinavia, Europe and around the world. We utilize films and reports by WWF, the Economist Intelligence Unit, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, UN-Habitat, C40 Climate Leadership Group, Arup, Sustainia, the Rockefeller Foundation, and ongoing research projects. This course is produced by Lund University in cooperation with WWF and ICLEI. It is available for free to everyone, everywhere!

Providing Institution: Lund University
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Greening the Economy: Lessons from Scandinavia

Short info: The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) at Lund University is an international centre of excellence on strategies for sustainable solutions. The IIIEE is ideally suited to understand and explain the interdisciplinary issues in green economies utilising the diverse disciplinary backgrounds of its international staff. The IIIEE has been researching and teaching on sustainability and greener economies since the 1990s and it has extensive international networks connecting with a variety of organizations.

Providing Institution:  Lund University
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Gender equality, women’s empowerment and leadership in the context of national biodiversity planning and reporting 

Short info: Gender equality, women’s empowerment, and biodiversity conservation are central issues to the international conservation and sustainable development agendas. By integrating gender equality and women’s empowerment approaches into global biodiversity policy frameworks, this module explores the positive impacts of engaging women and women’s groups as agents of change in the development and implementation of NBSAPs. This module will also provide you with the tools to facilitate women’s empowerment and leadership during NBSAP implementation using case studies of small-scale conservation and sustainable development projects.

Providing Institution:  UNDP Gender Team, Convention on Biological Diversity, NBSAP Forum
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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International course on mainstreaming gender in climate change adaptation and mitigation

Short info: At the end of the course, the participants shall have:

  • Analyzed the link of climate change to sustainable development, capacities and vulnerabilities of men and women and resilience building;
  • Reviewed international legal instruments and tools and approaches to mainstream gender in climate change adaptation;explored evidences and good practices of gender-responsive climate change adaptation and mitigation; and
  • Developed practical skills in mainstreaming gender in climate change adaptation and mitigation projects.

Providing Institution: International institute of rural reconstruction (IIRR)
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Introduction to Climate Change and Gender Mainstreaming

Short info: At the end of this course, participants should be able to:

  1. Evaluate the potential impacts of climate change on SIDS;
  2. Critically assess the linkages between climate change and gender;
  3. Recognize the vital role women play in climate change adaptation and mitigation;
  4. Use practical tools to mainstream gender in climate change;
  5. Advocate the adoption of “no-regrets” approaches to climate change adaptation and mitigation in SIDS.

Providing Institution: The university of the West indies
Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Gender Perspectives in Disaster Preparedness and Humanitarian Response for Local Actors by Asian Preparedness Partnership (APP).

Short info: The course units explore the issues surrounding gender concepts, concerns and practices, and ways to address these concerns in disaster situations. The course draws experiences and learnings from ADPC’s extensive programmatic work and partnerships in the region as well as from other regional and global resources. It untangles and presents these complex and dynamic matters in a simple, interesting and practical ways for you to understand. Using documented cases and examples, it builds awareness, knowledge and skills of local actors to adapt and learn different approaches for gender integration. The units will explore key global agreements and directives that guide tackling gender issues and key concerns and identify entry-points for gender inclusive interventions in disaster risk reduction and humanitarian response.

Providing Institution: Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC)
Region: Asia
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Open Online Course on Gender and Environment

Short info: Focuses on the linkages between gender and the environment. It also, inter alia, provides information on knowledge and tools for gender mainstreaming and information on global international frameworks related to gender and environment.

Providing Institution: UN CC: Learn
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Communicating Carbon Pricing

Short info: Stakeholder and public support are critical for an enduring and robust carbon pricing policy. How can jurisdictions communicate their carbon pricing policy to create and maintain this support? What stage should communicators be involved in the policy making process? What do research and case studies say about effectively communicating carbon pricing?

This interactive online course takes you through the basic understanding of how to integrate communications into the design of a carbon pricing policy. This course is developed by the Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR), and in collaboration with Climate Focus. The Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR) is a forum for collective knowledge exchange, and a fund to support grant-based technical assistance and capacity building to scale up climate change mitigation through market-based solutions. 

Providing Institution: World Bank Group
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Policy Instruments for Low Emissions Development: From Design to Implementation

Short info: As the world seeks to enhance global greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation efforts, countries are exploring innovative and cost-effective ways to scale-up emissions reductions and foster private sector investment. A range of policy instruments such as voluntary, regulatory and market-based approaches can help achieve these goals. This course will assist you to plan, design and implement these policy instruments to help spur your country into a low emissions development path.

Providing Institution: World Bank Group
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Preparing a greenhouse gas inventory under the Enhanced Transparency Framework

Short info: This course introduces basic concepts on Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV), UNFCCC reporting requirements and the Enhanced transparency framework (ETF). It provides an overview of how to set up a National greenhouse gas inventory (NGHGI), looking at its cycle, main elements and principles, and the implications of the ETF. This course will also guide countries wanting to strengthen institutional and technical capacities in national entities. 

Providing Institution: FAO
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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The national greenhouse gas inventory for land use

Short info: This course is designed for staff in relevant national agencies tasked with preparing the national GHG inventory for agriculture. It is also useful for climate change experts that would like to increase their knowledge on how to estimate emissions from this sector.

Providing Institution: FAO
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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The national greenhouse gas inventory for agriculture

Short info: The course has a series of exercises that simulate the work of a GHG inventory compiler to allow users to gradually apply the knowledge acquired. In light of the Enhanced Transparency Framework requirements, compilers have to use the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. The course examines methodological improvements and requirements among the different versions of the IPCC Guidelines and aims at fostering a smooth transition.

Providing Institution: FAO
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Introduction to Environmental Law and Policy

Short info: Environmental law may be the one institution standing between us and planetary exhaustion. It is also an institution that needs to be reconciled with human liberty and economic aspirations. This course considers these issues and provides a tour though existing legal regimes governing pollution, water law, endangered species, toxic substances, environmental impact analyses, and environmental risk.

Providing Institution: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Climate Change Mitigation in Developing Countries

Short info: This course will cover topics such as facilitation process techniques, energy modeling, scenario building, innovation and policy making. You will have the opportunity to respond to these topics with ideas and reflection from your own context. Whether you are a climate change practitioner, work in development or are simply curious about how climate mitigation is understood, this course will give you insights into the complexity of how countries from the South pursue development goals while addressing climate mitigation.

Providing Institution: University of Cape Town
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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The NDC Platform: Unveiling the Nationally Determined Contributions

Short info: This bite sized learning provides you an introduction to the NDCs and showcases the World Bank’s NDC Platform tool through an interactive interface that contains visualization (depicting global and regional maps) and a content database which displays detailed country data from INDCs in a grid. The database is searchable and the visualization tool allow users to identify lists of countries which intend to implement mitigation and adaptation actions in certain sectors and sub-sectors.
Providing Institution: World Bank Group
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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REDD+ Learning Session 69: #NDCsWeWant - NDC Policy Recommendations on Forests and Food

Short info: In this learning session, presenters will provide decision-makers with joint policy recommendations to maximize forest and food related NBS as they revise their NDCs to meet the ambition of the Paris Agreement. Amanda McKee from the NDC Partnership will introduce the webinar and set the scene, Fernanda de Carvalho from WWF will present the organization’s checklist for assessing the #NDCsWeWant, and Franziska Haupt and Haseeb Bakhtary from Climate Focus will discuss key findings from “Enhancing NDCs for Food Systems” and a forthcoming report “Enhancing forest targets and measures in NDCs.”
Providing Institution: WWF Forest and Climate
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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 Climate Change and Water in Mountains: A Global Concern

Short info: By the end of this course, you will be able :

  • To define the general concept of climate change in mountain regions;
  • To understand the concepts associated with climate change such as adaptation and water governance strategies;
  • To consider the impacts of climate change on water resources in mountain regions;
  • To identify the impacts of climate change on hydropower, agriculture, aquatic ecosystems and health;
  • To enumerate risks that can occur in mountain areas and lead to disruptions in water availability and use.

Providing Institution: University of Geneva
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Our Earth: Its Climate, History, and Processes

Short info: Develop a greater appreciation for how the air, water, land, and life formed and have interacted over the last 4.5 billion years.


Providing Institution: The University of Manchester

Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Ecology: Ecosystem Dynamics and Conservation

Short info: This course is an introduction to ecology and ecosystem dynamics using a systems thinking lens. Through a case study on Mozambique's Gorongosa National Park, learners will explore how scientists study ecosystems, and investigate the complex array of factors that inform management efforts. At the end of the course, learners will be able to grapple with real-world conservation questions, such as whether an ecosystem can recover from anthropogenic disruption and what role humans can, and should, play in that recovery.|

Providing Institution: American Museum of Natural History, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Introduction to the Arctic: Climate

Short info: Think, The University of Alberta, the University of Tromso and the University of the Arctic invite you to explore this four week course that examines the environment and climate of the circumpolar North. This course is the result of an international collaboration and provides you with an insight into our planet's North. Following an overview of regional geography, we will focus on the cryosphere (ice), as well as the atmosphere and ocean of the region. We will learn why the Arctic is cold and ice covered, and how that impacts its climate and ecosystems. We will also consider how the Arctic is connected to the rest of the world. Finally, we will examine present day climate change, the processes driving it, and evidence for it in the Arctic, before looking at the implications in the rapidly evolving North.

Providing Institution: University of Alberta
Region: Arctic
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Frozen in the Ice: Exploring the Arctic

Short info: In this course, you’ll hear directly from MOSAiC scientists and Arctic experts as they describe why this expedition is so key for increasing our understanding of the Arctic and global climate systems and what kinds of data they will be collecting during MOSAiC on the ice, under the sea, and in the air. The course kicks off with content around Arctic geography, climate, and exploration history, and then walks learners through the basics of the components of the Arctic system: atmosphere, ocean, sea ice and ecosystems. 

Providing Institution: University of Colorado Boulder
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Our Earth's Future

Short info: Our Earth’s Future is about the science of climate change and how to talk about it. You will learn from scientists in the fields of climatology, oceanography, Earth science, and anthropology who study how climate change is affecting people, populations, and ways of life. Explore the multiple lines of evidence for the human-induced climate change that is happening today, and consider what that means for the future of our planet. At the end of this course you will be able to understand key scientific principles, identify and address misconceptions, and contribute confidently to conversations about climate change.

Providing Institution: American Museum of Natural History
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Global Warming I: The Science and Modeling of Climate Change

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Short info: This class describes the science of global warming and the forecast for humans’ impact on Earth’s climate. Intended for an audience without much scientific background but a healthy sense of curiosity, the class brings together insights and perspectives from physics, chemistry, biology, earth and atmospheric sciences, and even some economics—all based on a foundation of simple mathematics (algebra).

Providing Institution: The university of Chicago
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Global Warming II: Create Your Own Models in Python

Short info: This class provides a series of Python programming exercises intended to explore the use of numerical modeling in the Earth system and climate sciences.  The scientific background for these models is presented in a companion class, Global Warming I: The Science and Modeling of Climate Change.  This class assumes that you are new to Python programming (and this is indeed a great way to learn Python!), but that you will be able to pick up an elementary knowledge of Python syntax from another class or from on-line tutorials.

Providing Institution: The university of Chicago
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Biosphere 2 Science for the Future of Our Planet

Short info: Learn how a unique research station in the Arizona desert is used to investigate big ideas, such as how Earth systems interact, the effects of climate change, and what our future holds. Go back in time thousands of years with information locked in ancient trees, and travel into an imagined future where humans become Martians. Collect and analyze your own scientific data, discuss big questions with participants from around the world, and gain novel insights and understanding about our wonderfully unique planet.

Providing Institution: University of Arizona
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Biological Diversity (Theories, Measures and Data sampling techniques)

Short info: The course has the following expectations and results:

  • Covering the theoretical and practical issues involved in biodiversity theory;
  • Conducting surveys and inventories of biodiversity;
  • Analyzing the information gathered;
  • And applying their analysis to ecological and conservation problems.

Providing Institution: National Research Tomsk State University

Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Introduction to Sustainability

Short info: This course introduces the academic approach of Sustainability and explores how today’s human societies can endure in the face of global change, ecosystem degradation and resource limitations. The course focuses on key knowledge areas of sustainability theory and practice, including population, ecosystems, global change, energy, agriculture, water, environmental economics and policy, ethics, and cultural history.

Providing Institution:  University of Illinois
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Nature Based Solutions for Sustainable Development Massive Open Online Course 

Short Info: This micro-course enables the learner to understand how nature-based solutions can contribute to addressing societal challenges and achieving sustainable development, particularly in the context of water security, climate action, and nature-based livelihoods. The course also explains how nature-based solutions can improve countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions and equips the learner with case study examples from multiple countries as context for their work. 

Providing Institution: United Nations Development Programme
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Applying Resilience Thinking to National Biodiversity Plans Massive Open Online Course 

Short Info: The module discusses how resilience thinking can be used to help facilitate delivery of the global biodiversity and development agendas. With a focus on national biodiversity plans, the course will show learners how resilience thinking can inform policymaking, planning, and implementation to deliver on the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and the Sustainable Development Goals. 

Providing Institution: United Nations Development Programme
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Localising Global Agendas

Short info: Localising Global Agendas is a series of training guides – Learning Modules – that support subnational governments to implement and monitor sustainable development, prosperity and well-being at the local level. The learning modules follow a Training of Trainers’ approach to maximize reach and allow for the contextualization of learning resources, in order to harness local opportunities, priorities, and ideas, to achieve local and global goals. 

Providing Institution:  United Cities and Local Governments 
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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The Sustainable Development Goals – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future

Short info: While all of the SDGs are essential to sustainable development, SDG 13, Climate Action, is usually perceived as the most urgent in terms of the need for a swift implementation on a global scale. Therefore, particular focus is given to this SDG. Through the course, you will gain up-to-date knowledge of the current understanding of human impacts on the Earth at the planetary level. Progress towards establishing global management of human interactions with the climate system within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is also discussed.

Providing Institution: University of Copenhagen
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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The Age of Sustainable Development

Short info: The Age of Sustainable Development" gives students an understanding of the key challenges and pathways to sustainable development - that is, economic development that is also socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable.

Providing Institution: Columbia University
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Beyond the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Addressing Sustainability and Development

Short info: You will be able to learn from this course:
1. Understand and explain the world’s most pressing problems with a specific focus on poverty & inequality, ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss, and climate change.
2. Critically analyze the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their relationship to the world’s most pressing problems.
3. Use frameworks and evidence necessary to develop solutions.
4. Assess relevant solutions that would help realize the SDGs and at the same time solve the pressing problems. 
5. Apply skills learned to implement solutions.

Providing Institution: University of Michigan
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Sustainable Business: Big Issues, Big Changes

Short info: This is class 3 in the MOOC specialization, Become a Sustainable Business Change Agent.

This class looks at the big issues companies are fixing - climate change, water, worker satisfaction and supply chain issues.
You will learn tools to help your company address these issues intelligently.

The class ends with an assignment to set a science-based carbon reduction target for a small company.  Tis is absolutely cutting edge material.  Only about 300 companies in the whole world are doing this as of July 2017.  You could put your company in the elite group!

With the knowledge and tools you have acquired from the 3 classes in this specialization you are well on your way to making a difference in your company, and making the future brighter for everyone.

Providing Institution: University of Colorado System
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Step by Step guide to Technology Needs Assessment

Short info: The Technology Needs Assessment project of the UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre has prepared this e-learning course to help clarify the various steps in the implementation of the Technology Needs Assessment project in the countries.

The course is based on the guidance document “A step-by-step guide for countries conducting a Technology Needs Assessment” and is targeted at national coordinators and consultants. The course reflects upon experience from TNA Phase I (2010-2013) and offers examples to illustrate how the project can be organized and implemented. The course also points to the various materials that are available to further guide and support both organizational and methodological aspects of the process.

Providing Institution: UNEP DTU 
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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The Technology Needs Assessment

Short info: The course is based on UDP Guidance document ‘A step-by-step guide for countries conducting a Technology Needs Assessment’ and is targeted at national coordinators and consultants. The course reflects upon experience from the TNA Phase I (2010-2013) and offers examples to illustrate how the project can be organised and implemented. The course also points to the various materials that are available to further guide and support both organisational and methodological aspects of the process.

Providing Institution: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Passive Urban Cooling Solutions

Short info: The online course will introduce the concept of rising urban temperatures as a key resiliency challenge for cities. Technical Solutions to Urban Heat and Barriers to Implementing them will be discussed. The module also explores the barriers to implementing technical passive urban cooling solutions that have slowed wide-scale adoption in both the developed and developing world. An inclusive, multi-stakeholder policy development process is proposed, and real live examples are given. 

This module concludes the eLearning Course with general recommendations to develop and implement passive urban cooling solutions and policies, drawn from some of the common good practices adopted by cities from around the world.

Providing Institution: World Bank Group
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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 Designing MRV Systems for Entity-Level Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Short Info: The course aims to support policymakers and practitioners in developing economy-wide or sector-specific GHG reporting programs that address national and sub-national priorities and objectives. It is divided in three modules and enables users to: • Enhance their knowledge of the concept and significance of MRV • Understand what constitutes a GHG reporting program, and the range of objectives that reporting programs can serve • Identify the legal framework needed to anchor the mandatory reporting program • Determine the capacities necessary to establish and implement reporting programs • Engage stakeholders during various phases of development and implementation of the reporting program • Understand various design elements that form the core of GHG reporting programs and key factors that influence design-related decisions • Delve deeper into three of the existing GHG reporting programs to further comprehend the concepts discussed in the course.

Providing Institution: World Bank Group
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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 Forests and transparency under the Paris Agreement

Short Info: The objective of this course is to learn about the Enhanced Transparency Framework (EFT) under the Paris Agreement. It will be useful to those wishing to understand the importance of forest-related data collection, analysis and dissemination in meeting the Enhanced Transparency Framework requirements.

Providing Institution: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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