Capacity-building Portal resources on SDG

 Introduction to Sustainability

Short info: This course introduces the academic approach of Sustainability and explores how today’s human societies can endure in the face of global change, ecosystem degradation and resource limitations. The course focuses on key knowledge areas of sustainability theory and practice, including population, ecosystems, global change, energy, agriculture, water, environmental economics and policy, ethics, and cultural history.
Providing Institution:  University of Illinois
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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The Sustainable Development Goals – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future

Short info: While all of the SDGs are essential to sustainable development, SDG 13, Climate Action, is usually perceived as the most urgent in terms of the need for a swift implementation on a global scale. Therefore, particular focus is given to this SDG. Through the course, you will gain up-to-date knowledge of the current understanding of human impacts on the Earth at the planetary level. Progress towards establishing global management of human interactions with the climate system within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is also discussed.
Providing Institution: University of Copenhagen
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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The Age of Sustainable Development

Short info: The Age of Sustainable Development" gives students an understanding of the key challenges and pathways to sustainable development - that is, economic development that is also socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable.
Providing Institution: Columbia University
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Beyond the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Addressing Sustainability and Development

Short info: You will be able to learn from this course:
1. Understand and explain the world’s most pressing problems with a specific focus on poverty & inequality, ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss, and climate change.
2. Critically analyze the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their relationship to the world’s most pressing problems.
3. Use frameworks and evidence necessary to develop solutions.
4. Assess relevant solutions that would help realize the SDGs and at the same time solve the pressing problems. 
5. Apply skills learned to implement solutions.
Providing Institution: University of Michigan
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Sustainable Business: Big Issues, Big Changes

Short info: This is class 3 in the MOOC specialization, Become a Sustainable Business Change Agent.

This class looks at the big issues companies are fixing - climate change, water, worker satisfaction and supply chain issues.
You will learn tools to help your company address these issues intelligently.

The class ends with an assignment to set a science-based carbon reduction target for a small company.  Tis is absolutely cutting edge material.  Only about 300 companies in the whole world are doing this as of July 2017.  You could put your company in the elite group!

With the knowledge and tools you have acquired from the 3 classes in this specialization you are well on your way to making a difference in your company, and making the future brighter for everyone.
Providing Institution: University of Colorado System
Region: Global
Type of Activities: Online Course
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Green Infrastructure for Development and Climate Resilience

ctShort info: UNEP-DHI Partnership in collaboration with THE ACADEMY by DHI is hosting a series of webinars focusing on innovative approaches in water management, relevant to closing the gap on targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and specifically the SDG6 on Water and Sanitation.
Providing Institution: Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN)
Region: Global
Types of activities: Webinar
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