Background and history

The capacity-building portal is a web-based tool that emerged from the different key milestones as listed below. The basis for the identification of needs and creating an overview of existing activities, such as the capacity-building portal for developing countries, emerged from decision 2/CP.7. In this context, it is worthwhile noting that many areas for capacity-building identified under the Convention are also relevant to the preparation of Parties with economies in transition for participation under the guidance of the Kyoto Protocol (decision 3/CP.7, paragraph 3). In line with 2/CP.7, in 2012 the capacity-building portal was developed, taking into consideration the need for an overview of activities and the intention to gather information on capacity-building support provided to developing countries.

At the twenty-second session of the Conference of the Parties, pursuant to decision 16/CP.22, paragraph 9, Parties decided to invite United Nations agencies, multilateral organizations and relevant admitted observer organizations engaged in providing capacity-building support to developing countries to provide information to the secretariat to be uploaded on the capacity-building portal. Consequently, the secretariat launched a process, to annually release an information note for non-Party stakeholders engaged in providing capacity-building support to developing countries to submit information to be uploaded onto the capacity-building portal.

Key Milestones of the Capacity-building Portal

Marrakesh Accords
2/CP.7 A framework for capacity-building in developing countries is adopted and contains the predefined 15 priority areas for capacity-building
  3/CP.7 A framework for capacity-building activities in countries with economies in transition is adopted and it is noted that many areas for capacity-building identified under the Convention are also relevant to the preparation of Parties with economies in transition for participation in the Kyoto Protocol when it enters into force





Capacity-building relating to the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol in developing countries

Emphasizing that capacity-building is a continuous, progressive and iterative process, the implementation of which should be based on the priorities of developing countries

Decides that the framework for capacity-building adopted by decision 2/CP.7 is applicable to the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol and reaffirms the framework to guide capacity-building activities relating to the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol in developing countries

Capacity-building relating to the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol in Parties with economies in transition

Decides that the framework for capacity-building adopted by decision 3/CP.7 is applicable to the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol and endorses this framework to guide capacity-building activities relating to the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol in Parties with economies in transition

2011 2/CP.17 Requests the Subsidiary Body for Implementation to further enhance the monitoring and review of the effectiveness of capacity-building by organizing an annual in-session Durban Forum for in-depth discussion on capacity-building with the participation of Parties, representatives of the relevant bodies established under the Convention and relevant experts and practitioners, with a view to sharing their experience and exchanging ideas, best practices and lessons learned regarding the implementation of capacity-building activities
Establishment of the capacity-building portal
  The capacity-building portal is established to facilitate the user-friendly retrieval of data for further analysis
Paris Agreement
1/CP.21 The Paris Committee on Capacity-building is established, aiming to address gaps and needs, both current and emerging, in implementing capacity-building in developing country Parties and further enhancing capacity-building efforts, including with regard to coherence and coordination in capacity-building activities under the Convention
Call for submissions 14/CP.21 Invites Parties to submit via the submission portal by 9 March 2016, as part of their annual submissions pursuant to decision 4/CP.12, suggestions on additional potential topics for the 5th meeting of the Durban Forum and their views on possible ways to enhance the information included in the capacity-building portal
Information Note
16/CP.22 Pursuant to decision 16/CP.22, paragraph 9, United Nations agencies, multilateral organizations and relevant admitted observer organizations engaged in providing capacity-building support to developing countries are invited to submit information to be uploaded on the capacity-building portal
Establishment of the capacity-building portal working group of the PCCB
  The Paris Committee on Capacity-building established a working group on enhancing the capacity-building portal