Members of the Kyoto Protocol Compliance Committee
Enforcement branch
Member Alternate Group
Mr. Bob Natifu** Mr. George Wamukoya** Africa
Mr. Mohammad Alam*** Mr. Leonardo Massai*** Asia-Pacific
Ms. Iryna Rudzko* vacant Eastern Europe
Ms. Paulette Bynoe** Mr. Federico Grullon de la Cruz** Latin America and the Caribbean
Mr. Sébastien Nguyen-Bloch* Ms. Karoliina Anttonen* Western Europe and Others
Mr. Derrick Oderson* Ms. Rensie Panda* Small island developing States
Mr. Arne Riedel*** Mr. Felix Zaharia*** Annex I Parties
Ms. Loredana Dallora (ad interim)*** vacant Annex I Parties
vacant Ms. Ratnasari Wargahadibrata** Non-Annex I Parties
Mr. Ahmad Rajabi*** Mr. Ba Moussa** Non-Annex I Parties
Facilitative branch
Member Alternate Group
Ms. Veronica Jakarasi** Mr. Yaw Osafo** Africa
Mr. Eyad Aljubran** Ms. Wang Tian** Asia-Pacific
Mr. Siarhei Nikitsin*** Mr. Valeriy P. Sedyakin*** Eastern Europe
Mr. Raoul Vital** Mr. Eduardo Silva** Latin America and the Caribbean
Ms. Beatrice Vance* Mr. Johan Pettersson* Western Europe and Others
Mr. Christopher Tavoa* Mr. Robert Branch* Small island developing States
Mr. Kunihiko Shimada** Mr. Szymon Wisniewski** Annex I Parties
Mr. Martin Collins*** vacant Annex I Parties
Mr. Mamadou Diobe Gueye*** Ms. Jimena Nieto*** Non-Annex I Parties
Ms. Anne Omambia* vacant Non-Annex I Parties



*Until 31 December 2027

** Until 31 December 2025

*** In accordance with paragraph 25 of the annual report of the Compliance Committee to the CMP in 2021 (FCCC/KP/CMP/2021/5) and the approved amendments to the rules of procedure of the Compliance Committee of the Kyoto Protocol, as contained in annex II to the report, "Each member and alternate member shall remain in office until his or her successor is elected."


