The Nairobi work programme: UNFCCC knowledge-to-action hub on adaptation and resilience

The UNFCCC Knowledge-to-Action Hub for Climate Adaptation and Resilience is an inclusive network of over 450 leading and diverse organizations. We are committed to close knowledge gaps and scale up climate adaptation action in countries.

Learn more: The Nairobi Work Programme, The UNFCCC's Knowledge-To-Action Hub Summary Brief 


  1. Serves as a gateway to contribute to the international climate policy processes, and to respond to knowledge needs identified by Parties, especially the Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States.
  2. Provides collaborative opportunities with over 400 leading organizations through strategic partnerships to close knowledge gaps, and co-produce knowledge to scale up adaptation action.
  3. Offers an inclusive knowledge-to-action hub to access, exchange, and act upon the latest information on climate change adaptation and resilience.

Become a knowledge to action hub partner

The knowledge-to-action hub is a network of over 450 leading and diverse organizations. We recognize that climate change is a shared challenge, and that we need to address the challenge collectively to build climate resilience.

The knowledge-to-action hub is comprised of public entities, academic and research institutions, private sector, non-governmental and civil society organizations, regional centres and networks, and United Nations and affiliated organizations.

Together, we bring extensive experience in a wide range of thematic areas and sectors. We are committed to identify and bridge adaptation knowledge gaps at the local, sub-national, national, and regional levels. 

Learn more about our partners:

The Knowledge-to-action hub’s objective is to assist Parties, particularly Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States, to:

  • Improve their understanding and assessment of impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation.
  • Make informed decisions on practical adaptation actions and measures in response to climate change on a sound, scientific, technical. and socioeconomic basis in consideration of current and future climate change and variability.

The Knowledge-to-Action Hub advances adaptation action by:

  • Convening partnerships: partners curate, package and share knowledge to address knowledge gaps in countries and subregions.
  • Supporting the The Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG):  we assist countries to formulate and subsequently implement national adaptation plans.
  • Responding to knowledge needs: these are identified by the constituted bodies and other adaptation mandates arising from the Paris Agreement.

The Knowledge-to-Action Hub operates under the overall guidance of the Chair of the SBSTA, with assistance from the secretariat, and contributions from Parties and other relevant stakeholders. It was established at COP11 (2005) through decision 2/CP.11 and named the "Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation to climate change" (NWP) at COP12 in Nairobi (2006).

Become a Knowledge-to-Action Hub Partner

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