The Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative

Identifying and closing adaptation knowledge gaps

Climate adaptation knowledge gaps have been identified as a barrier to scaling up adaptation actions. The Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative helps to prioritize adaptation knowledge gaps and catalyze actions to close these gaps. The UNFCCC secretariat convenes partnerships with regional and global centers and networks, NWP partners and universities to address these priority knowledge gaps.

To learn more about the LAKI, please visit the project webpages here>>>

Since 2014, the LAKI has identified worked in seven subregions. Over the years, Parties to the UNFCCC have welcomed the growth of the LAKI to close knowledge gaps, including scaling up the work in new subregions. The section below provides an overview of the mandates received for the LAKI since its inception. 

UNFCCC Policy Conclusions on the LAKI

Year and meeting

2019: SBSTA 50

The SBSTA welcomed the collaboration of NWP partner organizations and relevant organizations on bridging priority knowledge gaps in the context of the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative (LAKI) and welcomed the continued partnerships, including the collaboration of universities around the world with governments and communities on the ground to help validate information and communicate knowledge gaps in locally relevant ways.(Para 26)

2018: SBSTA 48

The SBSTA welcomed the mobilization of global and regional partners to identify, communicate and bridge priority knowledge gaps in six subregions as part of the pilot phase of the LAKI. (Para 14)

The SBSTA welcomed the next phase of LAKI, which is being undertaken with a view to narrowing the priority adaptation knowledge gaps identified in the six subregions and scaling up to additional subregions. (Para 17)

2017: SABSTA 47

The SBSTA welcomed the priority-setting workshops for six subregions under the LAKI. They were organized by the secretariat in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme and other partner organizations as a joint action pledge under the NWP. The SBSTA also welcomed the significant efforts made under the pilot phase of LAKI and supported the enhancement of communication in the next phase of LAKI to further raise awareness. (Para 21)

2016: SBSTA 45

The SBSTA further welcomed the organization of priority-setting workshops for five subregions under the LAKI, with two focusing on the LDCs, two on Africa and one on small island developing States, and in particular two recent workshops for the Hindu Kush Himalayan region and Indian Ocean island countries in collaboration with the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development and the International Water Management Institute, respectively.

In addition, it welcomed the commitment of the United Nations Environment Programme, through its Global Adaptation Network, to engage with partners in order to scale up the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative in other subregions with a view to removing knowledge gaps, which are barriers to adaptation action. (Para 17)

2015: SBSTA 43

The SBSTA noted the information provided by UNEP and welcomed the ongoing work under the LAKI, in particular the successful organization of the priority-setting workshops in the Gulf Cooperation Council subregion and in the Southern Africa subregion. It welcomed the commitment of UNEP, through its Global Adaptation Network, to implementing the LAKI in other subregions in 2016, in response to the conclusions of SBSTA 41. (Para 43)

2014: SBSTA 41

The SBSTA welcomed the Adaptation Knowledge Initiative and its Andean subregional pilot, launched by UNEP as its action pledge under the Nairobi work programme, for prioritizing and catalysing responses to subregion-and theme-specific adaptation knowledge needs, and encouraged the replication of this initiative in other subregions, particularly in vulnerable developing countries such as the LDCs, small island developing States and in Africa. (Para 19)

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