UN events
Enhancing adaptation action through knowledge: Nairobi work programme event
07 Jun. 2022
13:15h - 14:45h
Bonn, Germany
Berlin, World Conference Centre
Adaptation & Loss and Damage
UN events
Enhancing adaptation action through knowledge: Nairobi work programme event
07 Jun. 2022
13:15h - 14:45h
Bonn, Germany
Berlin, World Conference Centre
Adaptation & Loss and Damage

Information on how to join:

Duly registered conference participants will be able to join the event in person or follow side events on the virtual platform. Virtual participants can use the moderated chat functionality to ask questions/leave comments.

Please find the recording of the event on this YouTube link.

Enhancing Adaptation Action through knowledge

To achieve the objectives of the Convention and the Paris Agreement, countries need practical, actionable knowledge to ramp up climate adaptation action. The UNFCCC’s first stakeholder mechanism, the knowledge-to-action hub on adaptation and resilience, Nairobi work programme (NWP), provides specific, actionable knowledge targeted to those who enact adaptation action in countries.

Overview and Context

The side event will bring together Parties, NWP partners, constituted bodies and knowledge users to discuss and clarify elements that can feed positively into the NWP stocktake at SBSTA 56.

The SBSTA at its 56th session will take stock of the operational and institutional modalities of the NWP. The stocktake will assess the performance and effectiveness of the NWP in responding to knowledge needs relevant to the implementation of the Paris Agreement (see SBSTA 48 conclusions). The stocktake will also identify ways of strengthening its operational and institutional modalities for scaling up adaptation action through knowledge. SBSTA 52–55 proposed guiding questions and modalities to inform the stocktake (see SBSTA 52-55 conclusions).

Expected outcomes

The event will offer participants deeper insights about ongoing actions and long-term engagement with Parties, NWP partners and constituted bodies that fill knowledge gaps identified by Parties. These actions address gaps and needs for countries in formulating and implementing national adaptation plans, finance, capacity building and technology.

Time (CEST) Agenda Speakers

Framing sessionHigh level opening remarks

Tosi Mpanu Mpanu (Chair of the SBSTA)

Patricia Espinosa (Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC)

Panel segment

Guiding questions:

  • How has work under the NWP enhanced climate adaptation action through knowledge?
  • How has the NWP supported Parties in implementing the Paris Agreement, including supporting the formulation and implementation of NAPs, and addressing knowledge gaps in capacity-building, finance and technology?
  • How has work under the NWP enhanced adaptation action through knowledge in countries?
  • What are the lessons learned, gaps, opportunities and challenges associated with the operational and institutional modalities of the NWP in assisting Parties to implement the Paris Agreement?

Julio Cordano (Moderator)


Kenel Delusca, Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) Chair

Sakhile Koketso, Head of the Biodiversity Science, Policy and Governance Unit, CBD secretariat (NWP expert group on biodiversity)

Alvin Chandra, Global Coordinator, Adaptation Policy and Partnerships, Climate Change Adaptation Unit, United Nations Environment Programme

Beatriz Machado Granziera, International Climate Policy Advisor, the Nature Conservancy (NWP expert group on oceans)


Facilitated discussion with all participants

  • How could engagement of countries under the NWP be strengthened to scale up adaptation action?
  • How can the role of the NWP be strengthened to support the needs of Parties?


Julio Cordano (Moderator)


Information about the stocktake of the operational and institutional modalities of the NWP

SBSTA 52-55 agreed on the following modalities to inform the stocktake:

SBSTA 52-55 agreed to apply a comprehensive and transparent approach to the stocktake, taking into consideration lessons learned by countries and regions and with the engagement of Parties, NWP partner organizations, and non-Party stakeholders to ensure an effective outcome.

The annual progress report of the NWP (2022) is available here: https://unfccc.int/documents/470332