Countries 'Walk the Talk' on Transparency and Climate Action
11 November 2021
Solar cooking Bhutan
Credit: Chris de Bode / Panos
Solar cooking in Bhutan

UN Climate Change News, 11 November 2021 – At COP26 in Glasgow, 17 countries shared updates on climate action over the two day- Multilateral Assessment (MA) and Facilitative Sharing of Views (FSV) events.  

Seven developing countries participated in the FSV workshop, the final stage of the International Consultation Analysis (ICA) process. At the workshop, Parties shared their experiences on the implementation of the domestic MRV arrangements and national efforts to establish or enhance them. Countries showcased their mitigation actions in the energy sector by shifting to renewable energy sources such as wind, solar and hydro power. Several countries highlighted the sustainable forest management activities they are undertaking, such as implementing REDD+, to contribute to reducing emissions from the forest and land use sector. It was also an opportunity to inform the international community of the support required in transitioning to the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) under the Paris Agreement.

In a similar process, ten developed countries underwent MA, the final stage of the International Assessment and Review (IAR) process. As part of this, each country presented an overview of their key climate actions and answered clarifying questions from other countries both in advance of and at the session. 

In the first ever joint FSV/MA closing, UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa praised countries for not only showing leadership, transparency and openness, but also for keeping the process moving forward over the past year.  Noting that IAR and ICA processes form the basis of the Paris Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework, Espinosa commented, “By highlighting progress made and identifying where further efforts are needed, these platforms help to build trust among countries and encourage further action.”

ES at FSV MA event COP26
Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa addresses Parties in the first ever joint FSV/MA closing

Facilitative Sharing of Views

Seven developing countries participated in the 11th workshop of the FSV. Cambodia, Dominican Republic, Lao PDR, Oman and Tajikistan presented their first Biennial Update Report (BUR), while Uruguay and India presented their third reports.  

India FSV MA event COP26
Dr. Bhatt delivers a short statement on behalf of India

Developing countries pointed out common issues of vulnerability from climate change impacts. The major sources of GHG emissions in Uruguay, Cambodia, Lao PDR and Tajikistan are the agriculture and land use sectors, while, for the Dominican Republic, Oman and India the largest emitting sector is the energy sector. Promoting renewable energy is among the main mitigation actions for the participating countries. Managing forests sustainably, reducing deforestation and forest degradation and increasing agricultural sustainability were also highlighted by Lao PDR, Uruguay, Cambodia and India. 

Uruguay FSV MA event COP26
Beatriz Olivet and Natalie Pareja answer questions on behalf of Uruguay

The countries under FSV also shared information on the financial and technical support they have received for reporting, leveraging policies, and supporting their mitigation actions. Ongoing needs for additional finance and capacity-building were also presented.

The seven Parties also noted their commitment to transition towards the enhanced transparency framework.  In addition, Oman and Tajikistan provided detailed information on the institutional arrangements relevant to the preparation of their first biennial transparency report.

Highlights of the presentations and discussions with all seven participating Parties are available here.

Multilateral Assessment

Ten developed country Parties underwent MA at COP26: Kazakhstan, Croatia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Poland, Romania, Slovenia and the United Kingdom.

Liechtenstein FSV MA event COP26
Heike Summer makes a short statement on behalf of Liechtenstein

Several countries stressed the need to reduce energy-related emissions – especially in the transport sector –  while simultaneously boosting energy independence.  Luxembourg focused on expanding public transport and e-mobility and decarbonizing freight transport; Monaco noted the benefits of expanding dedicated public transport lanes; and Liechtenstein, Poland and Romania described efforts to increase solar energy production - for example, through Romania’s Green House Programme which supports the installation of solar energy generation feeding into the public network, and Poland’s micro-solar “My Power Priority” programme.

Luxembourg MA event COP26
André Weidenhaupt responds to questions on behalf of Luxembourg

Moreover, Parties such as Iceland promoted their collaboration with technology innovator CarbFix to develop carbon capture and mineralization and direct-air carbon capture facilities, while the UK spoke about speeding the transition of homes and workplaces to low-carbon heating technologies with heat pumps and finding ways to harness the ambition of the private sector.

On adapting to climate change impacts, both Croatia and Kazakhstan described the adoption of National Adaptation Plans, while the UK announced the publication of its first Adaptation Communication.  In addition, Slovenia showcased its Climate Mirror, an annual publication aimed at tracking the implementation of measures to address climate change.

For a more extensive list of Parties’ new, innovative and most effective policies and measures to address climate change as highlighted during the sessions, please see here.

SBI Chair FSV MA event COP26
SBI Chair Marianne Karlsen reflects on two days of MA and FSV and lessons learned

In the joint closing session, the SBI Chair reflected on the many positive statements from Parties on the ICA and IAR processes: “We heard that expert review teams bring valuable international experience to the Parties they assess, and that national experts benefit from participating in these processes, gaining capacity and skills to participate in the reporting and review of other Parties.  We also heard that these processes can encourage Parties to better coordinate their work and report on their progress, and that the outcome of their efforts helps to raise awareness of governments to the importance of these processes under the UNFCCC.”

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