The facilitative sharing of views under the ICA process

The facilitative sharing of views (FSV) is one of the two steps defined under the international consultation and analysis (ICA) process for Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention (non-Annex I Parties).  

The facilitative sharing of views (FSV) is organized in the form of a workshop under the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI).

Workshops for the facilitative sharing of views (FSV)  

As per adopted modalities and guidelines for the ICA, the SBI shall, at regular intervals, convene a workshop for the facilitative sharing of views, open to all Parties, for all non-Annex I Parties for which there is a biennial update report (BUR) and a final summary report (refer to Annex IV, para 6, of decision 2/CP.17).

BUR phases

The facilitative sharing of views among Parties will consist of a brief presentation by the Party or Parties concerned on the BUR, followed by oral questions and answers among Parties (refer to Annex IV , para 7, of decision 2/CP.17).

Parties can submit written questions in advance.

FSV Workshops calendar
Meeting date Location SBI session FSV workshop
15 November 2024 Baku, Azerbaijan SBI 61 Seventeenth workshop
5 June 2024 Bonn, Germany SBI 60 Sixteenth workshop
3 and 4 December 2023 Dubai, United Arab Emirates SBI 59 Fifteenth workshop
6 and 7 June 2023 Bonn, Germany SBI 58 Fourteenth workshop
11 and 12 November 2022 Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt SBI 57 Thirteenth workshop
7 and 8 June 2022 Bonn, Germany SBI 56 Twelfth workshop
5 - 6 November 2021 Glasgow, United Kingdom SBI 52-55 Eleventh workshop
2, 11 and 14 June 2021 Virtual event - Tenth workshop
24 - 27 November 2020 Virtual event - Ninth workshop
9 December 2019 Madrid, Spain SBI 51 Eighth workshop
19 June 2019 Bonn, Germany SBI 50 Seventh workshop
3 and 7 December 2018 Katowice, Poland SBI 49 Sixth workshop
4 May 2018 Bonn, Germany SBI 48 Fifth workshop
10 November 2017 Bonn, Germany SBI 47 Fourth workshop
15 May 2017 Bonn, Germany SBI 46 Third workshop
10 - 11 Nov 2016 Marrakech, Morocco SBI 45 Second workshop
20 - 21 May 2016 Bonn, Germany SBI 44 First workshop

Format, duration and other organizational matters

1. Chairing arrangement: The SBI Chair presides over the proceedings of the workshops. In the event, that the SBI Chair is not available, the Vice-Chair or the Rapporteur of the SBI may, on his behalf, preside over the workshop.

2. Time allocation: The workshops comprise 3-hour sessions.  Each session covers up to five Parties (in alphabetical order) and each Party is allocated 30 minutes on average, as follows:
   a. Opening – 1 minute each to introduce each Party;
   b. Presentation – 10 minutes per Party on average to present their BUR;
   c. Question and answer – 20 minutes per Party on average after each presentation.
In the event that the Party undergoing FSV receives no or very few questions, the total time allocated to that Party can be shortened. Upon completion of the question and answer session for one Party, the next Party is invited to begin its presentation.

3. Representation of Parties: Based on the anticipated nature of potential questions, it is expected that a representative, with competencies in both policy and technical issues, speaks on behalf of the Party.

4. Order of participation and placement of speakers and seating arrangements: The order of participation during the workshop is alphabetical. The Parties undergoing FSV are requested to make a presentation and address any questions from their respective Party’s seat on the floor.

5Workshop participants: Following the practice of the SBI for similar events, the workshops are open to Parties and observers. However, only Parties can pose questions and seek clarification. The sessions are also webcasted and made publicly available on the secretariat’s website.

6. Language:  The working language for the presentation being delivered by Parties and the question and answer process is English.  There is no interpretation for the FSV workshop.

7. Questions in advance:  Parties can submit written questions in advance of the FSV workshop (refer to Annex IV, para. 6 of decision 2/CP.17).  The submission of written questions is done via the FSV Portal; ID credentials are required to access the Portal, after the National Focal Point sends the nominated users' names to the secretariat.  For questions on the FSV Portal, please contact

8. Output of the FSV: Records of the FSV, summarizing the presentation by a Party and corresponding questions and answers, are prepared, under the guidance of the SBI Chair, for each Party undergoing the FSV. This, together with the summary report, constitutes the final output of the ICA for each Party and is made available on the UNFCCC website here.

Questions or requests for clarification on FSV can be addressed to the secretariat using the email address:

