Momentum for Change Advisory Panel

Martha Delgado Peralta

General Director of the Global Cities Covenant on Climate Secretariat

 Martha Delgado

Martha Delgado is a leading figure in the environmental movement involved in political society in Mexico.

Her leadership results from over twenty years of experience in various civil society organizations dedicated to sustainable development and the strengthening of citizenship, and fifteen years of experience in public administration at the federal and local levels.

She was elected to the local Congress in 2003, and was Minister of the Environment of Mexico City during the period 2006 to 2012. Currently she serves as First Vice-President of ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, and works at Fundacion PENSAR, as a General Director of the Secretariat of the Global Cities Covenant on Climate, a local leaders initiative that joint 287 Mayors of the world to combat the global warming.