CGE Workshops

2024 CGE Workshops:

The Consultative Group of Experts (CGE), with the assistance of the UNFCCC secretariat, will organize  three regional hands-on training workshops this year, as part of its work plan in 2024. 

The main objective of the regional hands-on training workshops is, inter alia, to enhance the technical capacity of experts from developing country Parties in preparing their first BTRs, with an aim to facilitate delivery of good quality reports by 31 December 2024.

The workshop aims to achieve the following learning outcomes:

  • Applying the MPGs: Equip participants with the knowledge and skills to apply the modalities, procedures and guidelines in preparing their BTRs, including the common reporting tables (CRTs) and common tabular format (CTFs).
  • Facilitating preparation of the BTRs: Provide an interactive learning experience through hands-on exercises in drafting sample chapters of the BTRs, including application of flexibility provisions.
  • Leveraging strategic tools and facilitating peer to peer exchange: Introduce available tools and processes, including the electronic reporting tools and BTR reviewer training programme; as well as provide a venue for country representatives to share their experiences and best practices in preparing their BTR.
Date/Language Supporting documents

08 to 10 May 2024
CGE hands-on training workshop for the African region on Preparation of Biennial Transparency Reports (Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe)

Please Click Here

22 to 24 August 2024
CGE hands-on training workshop for the Latin-America and Caribbean region on Preparation of Biennial Transparency Reports (Panama City, Panama)

coming soon

CGE hands-on training workshop for the Asia Pacific and Eastern Europe region on Preparation of Biennial Transparency Reports (TBC)


The Consultative Group of Experts (CGE), with the assistance of the UNFCCC secretariat, will organize  three regional hands-on training workshops this year, as part of its work plan in 2023. The CGE decided to focus its regional hands-on training workshops on reporting information on climate change impacts and adaptation, including support needed and received in relation to adaptation reporting.

The main objective of the regional hands-on training workshops is, inter alia, to raise awareness of national institutions and experts on the reporting provisions for information related to climate change impacts and adaptation, as well as reporting on information related to averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage associated with climate change impacts and support needed and received for adaptation.

Specifically, after completing the hands-on training, participants are expected to:

  • Acquire good knowledge on the arrangements for communicating adaptation information under the Convention and the Paris Agreement;
  • Understand the concepts of climate change impacts, vulnerability and risks, the steps entailed in conducting impact, vulnerability and risk assessments and averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage associated with climate change impacts; and get an overview of available tools and methodologies;
  • Enhance the understanding of approaches to translate the impact, vulnerability and risk assessment results into priority adaptation actions; and
  • Further enhance the understanding of the key provisions and good practices in reporting information on adaptation in biennial transparency report (BTR).
Date/Language Supporting documents

25 to 28 April 2023
CGE hands-on training workshop for the African region on Reporting information on climate change impacts and adaptation, and support needed and received in relation to adaptation reporting (Praia, Cabo Verde)

Agenda 2023-Africa workshop

Exercise ETF- French

Exercise ETF-English

16 to 19 May 2023
CGE hands-on training workshop for the Latin-America and Caribbean Region on Reporting information on climate change impacts and adaptation, and support needed and received in relation to adaptation reporting (San Ignacio, Belize)

Agenda 2023 LAC workshop

Exercise ETF - Spanish

Exercise ETF - English

26 to 29 September 2023
CGE hands-on training workshop for the Asia Pacific and Eastern Europe region on Reporting information on climate change impacts and adaptation, and support needed and received in relation to adaptation reporting (Siem Reap, Cambodia)

Agenda 2023 APEE workshop

Exercise ETF - English

As a part of its work plan in 2022, the Consultative Group of Experts (CGE), with the assistance of the UNFCCC secretariat, will organize three regional hands-on training workshops on Tracking progress of NDCs under the ETF, including mitigation assessment, tracking progress of implementation and achievement of NDCs through use of indicators, and support needed and received in relation to tracking progress of NDCs.

The main objective of the regional hands-on training workshops are, inter alia, to enhance the technical capacity of experts from developing country Parties (see target audience below) in establishing or building upon the understanding and application of the reporting provisions relevant for the tracking of progress of NDCs, including identifying indicators, as well as for the support needed and received in relation to tracking progress of NDCs.

Specifically, after completing the hands-on training, participants are expected to:

  • Further enhance the understanding of the existing MRV arrangements and the ETF;
  • Acquire good knowledge of the key components of tracking progress of NDCs;
  • Understand the key support needed and received in relation to implementing NDCs, who are the main stakeholders in terms of data ownership and how to compile the relevant information;  
  • Understand the key components to establish sustainable institutional arrangements to tracking progress of NDCs;
  • Acquire examples of tools and practical experiences that can be built on and/or applied to develop relevant indicators to demonstration progress of implementation and achievement of NDCs;
  • Discuss gaps and capacity-building needs to establish and report information on tracking progress of NDCs.


Supporting documents
19 to 21 October 2022
CGE hands-on training workshop for the Asia Pacific and Eastern Europe region on Tracking progress of NDCs under the ETF, including mitigation assessment, tracking progress of implementation and achievement of NDCs through use of indicators, and support needed and received in relation to tracking progress of NDCs (Yerevan, Armenia)


Exercises and Menti results

5 to 7 December 2022
CGE hands-on training workshop for the Latin-America and Caribbean Region on Tracking progress of NDCs under the ETF, including mitigation assessment, tracking progress of implementation and achievement of NDCs through use of indicators, and support needed and received in relation to tracking progress of NDCs (Bonn, Germany)


Exercises-Goal Standard

Exercises-Policy & Action Standard

5 to 7 December 2022
CGE hands-on training workshop for the African region on Tracking progress of NDCs under the ETF, including mitigation assessment, tracking progress of implementation and achievement of NDCs through use of indicators, and support needed and received in relation to tracking progress of NDCs (Bonn, Germany)


Exercises-Goal Standard

Exercises-Policy & Action Standard

As a part of its work plan in 2021, the Consultative Group of Experts (CGE), with the assistance of the UNFCCC secretariat, will organize a series of regional hands-on training workshops on the institutional arrangements for the existing MRV arrangements and the enhanced transparency framework, including data management for national GHG inventories. Taking into account the prevailing COVID-19 situation globally and its impacts, these workshops will be organized virtually. The CGE recognizes that while the virtual trainings cannot replace the in-person regional hands-on training workshops, however, they enable the CGE to provide technical support to developing country Parties without interruption during these prevailing difficult times.  

The main objective of the virtual training is, inter alia, to enhance the technical capacity of experts from developing country Parties to establish or build upon and strengthen their institutional arrangements, to facilitate the implementation of existing MRV arrangements and to prepare for the implementation of the ETF, including data management for national GHG inventories. Specifically, after completing the virtual training, participants are expected to: 

  • Further enhance the understanding of the existing MRV arrangements and the ETF; 
  • Acquire good knowledge of the key components of institutional arrangements, including data management for GHG inventories, in the context of existing MRV arrangements and the transition to the ETF;
  • Effectively articulate the areas that are essential to setting up, sustaining and continually improving institutional and legal arrangements, to support the existing MRV arrangements and the ETF, including data management for GHG inventories;  
  • Acquire examples of tools and practical experiences that can be built on and/or applied to establish or strengthen institutional arrangements; 
  • Discuss gaps and capacity-building needs to establishing and reporting on institutional arrangements for the transition to the ETF.


Date/Language Supporting documents

22 to 24 June 2021
CGE Virtual training on institutional arrangements for the existing MRV arrangements and the enhanced
transparency framework, including data management for national GHG inventories for the Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe,
Western Europe and Other regions.
Language: English

Overview of Institutional Arrangements including Data Management for Transparency – Presentation English

Hands-on exercise – English


29 June to 1 July 2021
CGE Virtual training on institutional arrangements for the existing MRV arrangements and the enhanced
transparency framework, including data management for national GHG inventories for the Pacific region.
Language: English

5 to 7 July 2021
CGE Virtual training on institutional arrangements for the existing MRV arrangements and the enhanced
transparency framework, including data management for national GHG inventories the Africa and Latin America and Caribbean region.
Language: English
13 to 15 July 2021
CGE Virtual training on institutional arrangements for the existing MRV arrangements and the enhanced
transparency framework, including data management for national GHG inventories the Africa and Latin America and Caribbean region.
Language: French

Overview of Institutional Arrangements including Data Management for Transparency – Presentation French

Hands-on exercise - French

7 to 9 September 2021
CGE Virtual training on institutional arrangements for the existing MRV arrangements and the enhanced
transparency framework, including data management for national GHG inventories for the Latin America and Caribbean, Africa, Western Europe and Other regions.
Language: Spanish

Overview of Institutional Arrangements including Data Management for Transparency – Presentation Spanish

Hands-on exercise - Spanish

13 to 15 September 2021
CGE Virtual training on institutional arrangements for the existing MRV arrangements and the enhanced
transparency framework, including data management for national GHG inventories for the Middle East and North Africa region.
Language: Arabic

Overview of Institutional Arrangements including Data Management for Transparency – Presentation Arabic

Hands-on exercise - Arabic

13 to 15 September 2021
CGE Virtual training on institutional arrangements for the existing MRV arrangements and the enhanced
transparency framework, including data management for national GHG inventories for the Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe,
Western Europe and Other regions.
Language: Russian

Overview of Institutional Arrangements including Data Management for Transparency – Presentation Russian

Hands-on exercise – Russian

The Consultative Group of Experts (CGE) had planned to organize three in-person regional hands-on training workshops on the existing MRV arrangements under the Convention and the ETF under the Paris Agreement, as part of its work plan for 2020. However, taking into account the prevailing COVID-19 situation globally and its impacts, the CGE, at the first ad hoc virtual meeting held on 14 April 2020, agreed to consider options for the possibility of organizing these trainings in a virtual setting. The CGE underlined that while the virtual trainings cannot replace the hands-on training workshops, they would be equally valuable in the event it is not possible to organize the in-person workshops in 2020.

The main objective of the virtual trainings is, inter alia, to enhance the technical capacity of experts from developing country Parties in implementing the existing MRV arrangements and understanding the modalities, procedures and guidelines (MPGs) for the ETF, with a view to facilitating developing country Parties’ preparation for the implementation of the ETF. Specifically, after completing the virtual training, participants are expected to:

  • Further enhance their understanding of the existing MRV arrangements;
  • Acquire good knowledge of the MPGs for the ETF;
  • Effectively articulate the areas of enhancement of the existing MRV arrangements to support implementation of the ETF;
    Identify gaps and capacity-building needs to plan for and start preparing for the implementation of the ETF. 

Four pre-recorded animation videos were made available in Arabic, English, French, Spanish and Russian languages, on the secretariat’s YouTube channel.

  • Introduction and overview of ETF: Presents an overview of the existing MRV arrangements under the Convention and the ETF under Paris Agreement;
  • Reporting under the ETF: Presents an overview of the reporting provisions under the ETF based on MPGs and how the existing MRV arrangements can support the transition towards ETF;
  • Foundational elements of MPGs: Provides an overview of foundational elements of the MPGs, including flexibility provisions, institutional arrangements and continuous improvement;
  • Linkages – How ETF supports the Paris Agreement: Provides an overview of some explicit linkages of the ETF with other elements of the Paris Agreement, such as NDCs, adaptation reporting, GST, and the committee to facilitate implementation and promote compliance.


Date/Language Supporting documents

13 to 15 October 2020
CGE virtual training workshop on the existing MRV arrangements and the enhanced transparency framework for the Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe, Western Europe and Other regions (APEE &WEO regions).
Language: English

Training materials on institutional arrangements

Training materials on key commonalities and differences between reporting provisions under the Convention and the Paris Agreement

This exercise is designed to help participants to familiarize with the current status of their countries' reporting and reporting requirements of the enhanced transparency framework (ETF); take a rapid assessment of how their current reporting compares with the reporting provisions of the ETF; ascertain what it needs to put in place in order to transition to the ETF; and identify action items and support needs to plan for and start preparing for the implementation of the ETF:

Hands-on exercise

20 to 22 October 2020
CGE virtual training workshop on the existing MRV arrangements and the enhanced transparency framework for the Pacific region.
Language: English

27 to 29 October 2020
CGE virtual training workshop on the existing MRV arrangements and the enhanced transparency framework for the Africa and Latin America and Caribbean region (Africa &LAC regions).
Language: English

03 to 05 November 2020
CGE virtual training workshop on the existing MRV arrangements and the enhanced transparency framework for the Africa and Latin America and Caribbean region (Africa &LAC regions).
Language: French

Training materials on institutional arrangements-French

Training materials on key commonalities and differences between reporting provisions under the Convention and the Paris Agreement-French

This exercise is designed to help participants to familiarize with the current status of their countries' reporting and reporting requirements of the enhanced transparency framework (ETF); take a rapid assessment of how their current reporting compares with the reporting provisions of the ETF; ascertain what it needs to put in place in order to transition to the ETF; and identify action items and support needs to plan for and start preparing for the implementation of the ETF:


03 to 05 November 2020
CGE virtual training workshop on the existing MRV arrangements and the enhanced transparency framework for the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA regions).
Language: Arabic

Training materials on institutional arrangements - Arabic

Training materials on key commonalities and differences between reporting provisions under the Convention and the Paris Agreement - Arabic

This exercise is designed to help participants to familiarize with the current status of their countries' reporting and reporting requirements of the enhanced transparency framework (ETF); take a rapid assessment of how their current reporting compares with the reporting provisions of the ETF; ascertain what it needs to put in place in order to transition to the ETF; and identify action items and support needs to plan for and start preparing for the implementation of the ETF:

Hands-on exercise

10 to 12 November 2020
CGE virtual training workshop on the existing MRV arrangements and the enhanced transparency framework for the Latin America and Caribbean, Eastern Europe, Western Europe and Other regions (LAC,EE &WEO regions).
Language: Spanish

Training materials on institutional arrangements - Spanish

Training materials on key commonalities and differences between reporting provisions under the Conventions and the Paris Agreement - Spanish

This exercise is designed to help participants to familiarize with the current status of their countries' reporting and reporting requirements of the enhanced transparency framework (ETF); take a rapid assessment of how their current reporting compares with the reporting provisions of the ETF; ascertain what it needs to put in place in order to transition to the ETF; and identify action items and support needs to plan for and start preparing for the implementation of the ETF:

Hands-on exercise

17 to 19 November 2020
CGE virtual training workshop on the existing MRV arrangements and the enhanced transparency framework for the Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe, Western Europe and Other regions (APEE &WEO regions).
Language: Russian

This exercise is designed to help participants to familiarize with the current status of their countries' reporting and reporting requirements of the enhanced transparency framework (ETF); take a rapid assessment of how their current reporting compares with the reporting provisions of the ETF; ascertain what it needs to put in place in order to transition to the ETF; and identify action items and support needs to plan for and start preparing for the implementation of the ETF:

The agenda for all three workshops is available here.

Date/Venue Supporting documents

7 to 9 October 2019
CGE hands-on training workshop for the Asia Pacific and Eastern Europe region on institutionalization of data management for national GHG inventory
(Siem Reap, Cambodia)


List of Participants

pre-workshop webinar Asia Pacific and Eastern Europe Region

16 to 18 September 2019
CGE hands-on training workshop for the African region on institutionalization of data management for national GHG inventory (Algiers, Algeria)


List of Participants

pre-workshop webinar Africa region

15 to 17 July 2019
CGE hands-on training workshop for the Latin-America and Caribbean Region on institutionalization of data management for national GHG inventory
(San Ignacio, Belize)


List of Participants

pre-workshop webinar Latin-America and Caribbean Region


8 to 11 October 2018
Regional hands-on training workshop on identifying and reporting adaptation actions in national communications for the Asia Pacific and Eastern Europe region

LoP Adaptation Workshop_Nepal

Agenda_Adaptation Workshop_Nepal

Regional hands-on training workshops on identifying adaptation actions and reporting them in national communications. Report by the secretariat.

21 to 22 September 2018
Twenty first Meeting of the CGE
(Asuncion, Paraguay)


Progress of work of the Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention

24 to 27 July 2018
Regional hands-on training workshop on the preparation and reporting of mitigation actions for Latin America and the Caribbean region
(Panama City, Panama)

LoP Mitigation Workshop Panama

Agenda Mitigation Workshop Panama

23 to 26 July 2018
Regional hands-on training workshop on identifying and reporting adaptation actions in national communications for the Africa region
(Lome, Togo)

LoP  Adaptation Workshop Togo

Agenda Adaptation Workshop Togo

5 to 6 February 2018
Twentieth Meeting of the CGE
Bonn, Germany



21 to 22 September 2017
Nineteenth Meeting of the CGE
Bonn, Germany

  Progress report on the work of the Consultative Group of Experts

12 to 16 June 2017
Workshop on the Building of Sustainable National Greenhouse Gas
Inventory Management Systems, and the Use of the 2006 IPCC
Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories for
the Latin America and Caribbean Region
Rodney Bay, Saint Lucia

LoP WS GHG inventories and IPCC GL Saint Lucia

Agenda WS GHG inventories and IPCC GL Saint Lucia


24 to 28 April 2017
Africa Regional Workshop on the Building of Sustainable National
Greenhouse Gas Inventory Management Systems, and the use of the 2006
IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Swakopmund, Namibia

LoP WS GHG inventories and IPCC GL Namibia

Agenda WS GHG inventories and IPCC GL Namibia


14  to 16 February 2017
Eighteenth Meeting of the CGE
Bonn, Germany

5 to 9 September 2016
The Regional Workshop on the Building of Sustainable National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Management Systems, and the Use of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories for the Asia-Pacific and Eastern European regions
Incheon, Republic of Korea

LoP WS GHG inventories and IPCC GL Republic of Korea
Agenda WS GHG inventories and IPCC GL Republic of Korea

30 August to 1 September 2016 
Seventeenth Meeting of the CGE
Bonn, Germany
Progress report on the work of the Consultative Group of Experts  

4 to 6 July 2016
Regional training workshop for the Latin America and Caribbean region on the preparation of biennial update reports (BURs)
Rodney Bay, Gros-Islet, Saint Lucia

6 to 10 June 2016
Regional Workshop on the Building of
Sustainable National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Management Systems, and the Use of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories for the Latin America and Caribbean region
Panama City, Panama
LoP WS GHG inventories and IPCC GL Panama
Agenda WS GHG inventories and IPCC GL Panama

4 to 6 April 2016
Regional training workshop for the Asia Pacific and Eastern Europe region
on the preparation of biennial update reports (BURs)
Colombo, Sri Lanka

14 to18 March 2016
The Africa Regional Workshop on the Building of Sustainable National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Management Systems, and the Use of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Maseru, Lesotho
LoP WS GHG inventories and IPCC GL Lesotho
Agenda WS GHG inventories and IPCC GL Lesotho

22 to 24 February 2016
Regional training workshop for the Africa region on the preparation of biennial update reports (BURs)
Lome, Togo

2 to 4 February 2016
Sixteenth Meeting of the CGE
Bonn, Germany
Progress report on the work of the Consultative Group of Experts 

27 to 29 October 2015
Africa regional workshop on the building of sustainable national greenhouse gas inventory management systems
Windhoek, Namibia
LOP GHG WS Namibia
Agenda GHG WS 

5 to 6 October 2015
Fifteenth Meeting of the CGE
Marrakesh, Morocco
Progress report on the work of the Consultative Group of Experts 

28 September to 2 October 2015
Hands-on Training Workshop for the Africa region on Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments
Marrakesh, Morocco
LoP V&A WS Morocco
Agenda V&A WS Morocco 
Report on the regional training workshops on vulnerability and adaptation assessment.  

27 to 31 July 2015  
Hands-on Training Workshop for the Latin American and Caribbean region on Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments
Asunción, Paraguay
LoP V&A WS Paraguay
Agenda V&A WS Paraguay
Report on the regional training workshops on vulnerability and adaptation assessment.  

29 June to 3 July 2015
Hands-on Training Workshop for the Asia-Pacific and Eastern Europe on Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments
Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic
Agenda V&A WS Lao PDR 
Report on the regional training workshops on vulnerability and adaptation assessment.  

9 to 11 March 2015
Fourteenth Meeting of the CGE
Bonn, Germany
Progress report on the work of the Consultative Group of Experts   

2 to 25 February 2015
Hands-on training workshop on the preparation of BURs for Africa region
Bonn, Germany
Agenda BUR WS Bonn
Report on the training workshop for the African region on the preparation of BURs  

22 to 27 October 2014
Expert workshop on the review of TTE training programme
Bonn, Germany
LoP TTE Review WS Bonn
Agenda TTE Review WS Bonn
Report on the workshop on the peer review of the materials for the training of the team of technical experts

11 to 12 September 2014
Thirteenth Meeting of the CGE
Yerevan, Armenia
Progress report on the work of the Consultative Group of Experts

8 to 10 September 2014
Hands-on training workshop on the preparation of BURs for Asia-Pacific region and Eastern Europe
Yerevan, Armenia
LoP BUR WS Armenia
Agenda BUR WS Armenia
Report on the regional training workshops on the preparation of BURs

16 to 18 July 2014
Hands-on training workshop on the preparation of BURs for Latin America and the Caribbean region
Panama City, Panama
LoP BUR WS Panama
Agenda BUR WS Panama
Report on the regional training workshops on the preparation of BURs

3 to 4 April 2014
Twelfth Meeting of the CGE
Bonn, Germany
Progress report on the work of the Consultative Group of Experts

27 to 28 January 2014
Eleventh Meeting of the CGE
Bonn, Germany
Progress report on the work of the Consultative Group of Experts

19 to 20 September 2013
Tenth Meeting of the Reconstituted CGE
Bonn, Germany
Report 10th CGE meeting

16 to 18 September 2013
Global training workshop on the preparation of biennial update reports (BURs)
Bonn, Germany
LoP Global WS Bonn 
Agenda Global WS Bonn 
Report Global Training WS Bonn

6 to 7 May 2013
Expert workshop on development of training materials on the preparation of biennial update reports (BURs)
Bonn, Germany
LoP Expert WS Bonn
Agenda Expert WS Bonn
Report Expert WS Bonn

4 to 7 May 2013
Ninth Meeting of the Reconstituted CGE
Bonn, Germany
Report 9th CGE meeting

25 to 26 February 2013
Eigth Meeting of the Reconstituted CGE
Bonn, Germany
Report 8th CGE meeting

8 to 12 October 2012
Hands-on Training Workshop for the Asia and the Pacific region on vulnerability and adaptation assessment
Vientiane, Laos
LoP V&A WS Laos
Agenda V&A WS Laos
Report V&A WS Laos

17 to 19 September 2012
Seventh Meeting of the Reconstituted CGE
Accra, Ghana
Report 7th CGE meeting

10 to 14 September 2012
Hands-on Training Workshop for the Africa Region on mitigation assessment
Accra, Ghana
LoP Mitigation WS Ghana
Agenda Mitigation WS Ghana
Report Mitigation WS Ghana

16 to 20 July 2012
Hands-on Training Workshop for the Latin America and the Caribbean Region on mitigation assessment
St. Mary's, Antigua and Barbuda
LoP Mitigation WS Antigua
Agenda Mitigation WS Antigua
Report Mitigation WS Antigua

9 to 13 July 2012
Hands-on Training Workshop for the Latin America and the Caribbean Region on vulnerability and adaptation assessment
St. Mary's, Antigua and Barbuda
LoP V&A WS Antigua
Agenda V&A WS Antigua
Report V&A WS Antigua

23 to 27 April 2012
Hands-on Training Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Inventory for the African Region
Swakopmund, Namibia
LoP GHG WS Namibia
Report GHG WS Namibia

5 to 7 March 2012
Sixth Meeting of the Reconstituted CGE
Bangkok, Thailand
Report 6th CGE meeting

27 February to 2 March 2012
Hands-on Training Workshop on Mitigation Assessment for the Asia and the Pacific region
Bangkok, Thailand

LoP Mitigation WS Thailand
Agenda Mitigation WS Thailand

Report Mitigation WS Thailand

30 January to February 2012
Hands-on Training Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Inventory for the Asian Region
Colombo, Sri Lanka
LoP GHG WS Sri Lanka
Agenda GHG WS Sri Lanka
Report GHG WS Sri Lanka

7-11 November 2011
Hands-on Training Workshop on Vulnerability and
Adaptation Assessments for the Africa region
Nairobi, Kenya
Additional Information

12-13 September 2011
Fifth Meeting of the Reconstituted CGE
Santiago, Chile
Additional Information

5-9 September 2011
Greenhouse Gas Inventory Hands-on Training Workshop
for the Latin America and the Caribbean region organized
by the CGE in collaboration with the National Communications Support Programme (NCSP)
Santiago, Chile
Additional Information

20-21 June 2011
Workshop on facilitating the development and long-term sustainability of processes, and the establishment and
maintenance of national technical teams, for the preparation of national communications, including GHG inventories
Bonn, Germany
Additional Information

6 June 2011
Side Event on the latest submissions of second national communications (SNC)
Bonn, Germany
Additional Information

24-26 March 2011
Fourth Meeting of the Reconstituted CGE
St. Mary's, Antigua and Barbuda
Additional Information

21-23 March 2011
Workshop to exchange views on possible elements to be considered
in the future revision of the UNFCCC guidelines for
the preparation of national communications from non-Annex I Parties
St. Mary's, Antigua and Barbuda
Additional Information

24-25 November 2010
Third Meeting of the Reconstituted CGE
Cancun, Mexico
Additional Information

27-29 September 2010
Second Meeting of the Reconstituted CGE
Manila, Philippines
Additional Information

29-31 March 2010
First Meeting of the Reconstituted Consultative Group of Experts
on National Communications from non-Annex I Parties (CGE)
Bonn, Germany
Additional Information

5 June 2009
Side Event on the latest submissions of second national communications (SNC)
Bonn, Germany
Additional Information

24-25 September 2007
9th Meeting of the Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from non-Annex I Parties
Cairo, Egypt
Additional Information

20-22 September 2007
CGE Workshop on Exchange of Experiences and Good Practices among Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention
in Preparing National Communications and on Cross-cutting Issues
Cairo, Egypt
Additional Information

1-3 March 2007
Eighth Meeting of the Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from non-Annex I Parties
Belize City, Belize
Additional Information

25-26 September 2006
Seventh Meeting of the Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from non-Annex I Parties
Pretoria, South Africa
Additional Information

18-22 September 2006
CGE hands-on training workshop on national greenhouse gas inventories for the Africa region
Pretoria, South Africa
Additional Information

14-18 August 2006
CGE Hands-on Training Workshop on Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments for the
Latin America and the Caribbean Region
Asuncion, Paraguay
Additional Information

20-24 March 2006
CGE Hands-on Training Workshop on Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments
for the Asia and the Pacific Region
Jakarta, Indonesia
Additional information

17-18 March 2006
Sixth Meeting of the Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from non-Annex I Parties
Jakarta, Indonesia
 Additional Information

24-25 November 2005
Fifth Meeting of the Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from non-Annex I Parties
Montreal, Canada
 Additional information

26-30 September 2005
CGE Hands-on Training Workshop on Mitigation Assessments
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Additional information
Report: UNFCCC/SBI/2005/22

18-22 April 2005
CGE hands-on training on vulnerability and adaptation
assessments for the Africa region
Maputo, Mozambique
Additional information

14-15 April 2005
Fourth meeting of the Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from non-Annex I Parties
Maputo, Mozambique
Additional Information

8-12 February 2005
CGE hands-on training workshop on national greenhouse gas inventories for the Asia region
Shanghai, China
Additional Information

2-3 December 2004
Third meeting of the Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from non-Annex I Parties
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Additional Information

6-17 December 2004
10th Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 10) and 21st session of the Subsidiary Bodies (SB 21)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Additional information

25-29 October 2004
CGE hands-on training workshop on national greenhouse gas inventories for the
Latin America and the Caribbean region
Panama City, Panama
Additional Information

16-25 June 2004
20th Session of the Subsidiary Bodies (SB 20)
Bonn, Germany
Additional information

3-4 May 2004
Meeting of the Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from Non-Annex I Parties
Manila, The Philippines
 Additional information

26-30 April 2004
UNFCCC workshop on the preparation of national communications from Parties not included in Annex I
to the Convention
Manila, The Philippines
Additional information
