Constituted Body meetings and events,
Regional events
Standing Committee on Finance (SCF) Informal Webinar for Asia and the Pacific - First Report on the Determination of the Needs of Developing Country Parties
14 Oct. 2020
08:30h - 10:00h
Virtual event
Climate Finance
Constituted Body meetings and events,
Regional events
Standing Committee on Finance (SCF) Informal Webinar for Asia and the Pacific - First Report on the Determination of the Needs of Developing Country Parties
14 Oct. 2020
08:30h - 10:00h
Virtual event
Climate Finance
First NDR webinar recording

The UNFCCC Standing Committee on Finance (SCF), a constituted body under the Convention and the Paris Agreement, will hold three regional webinars for country representatives, practitioners and experts for an informal exchange on the development of the First Report on the Determination of the Needs of Developing Country Parties related to implementing the Convention and the Paris Agreement.

The informal regional webinar provides an excellent opportunity for country representatives, practitioners and experts to share perspectives and information on regional- and country-level data availability and gaps on the needs of developing country Parties related to implementation of the Convention and the Paris Agreement, as well as on the latest developments in methodological issues from national, regional and global reports. The SCF will also convene these webinars to seek views and input on the work conducted to date.

Provisional Programme

Introduction by the Standing Committee on Finance Co-Facilitators

  • Mr. Zaheer Fakir
  • Mr. Mattias Frumerie

Overview of needs in the region

  • Overview of the needs for finance, technology development and transfer and capacity-building of developing country Parties in the region based on available information
  • Processes and approaches for determination of needs in developing country Parties
  • Underlying assumptions and methodologies used in determining the needs of developing country Parties

This discussion session will invite inputs from country practitioners and experts on their country/regional needs to feed into the development of the report.