Constituted Body meetings and events
Meetings of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts
02 - 06 Feb. 2016
01:00h - 00:59h
Bonn, Germany
UN Campus
Constituted Body meetings and events
Meetings of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts
02 - 06 Feb. 2016
01:00h - 00:59h
Bonn, Germany
UN Campus

Meetings of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts

Useful links

Initial two-year workplan of the Executive Committee

Members to the Executive Committee

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the Warsaw International Mechanism

Meetings archive

Excom 1 | Excom 2 | Excom 3 | Excom 4 | Excom 5 | Excom 6 |

Second Meeting (Excom 2)


Venue: UN Campus, Bonn, Germany

Dates: 25 February 2016


Agenda (435 kB)

Indicative schedule of work (as at 8 am, 5 Feb) (147 kB)

Logistical information (723 kB)

Documents adopted by the Excom

Call for submission under AA7(d) (216 kB)
Template for submission of information under AA3(a) (424 kB)
Response to SCF call for submissions (307 kB)

Summary of Excom 2 conclusions

Summary of conclusions (299 kB)

Documents prepared for the meeting

Background document on Action Area 3, activity (a) (1025 kB)

Draft template for submission of information (376 kB)

Reference 1: Compilation of relevant documents for Action Area 5, activity (a) of the Excom workplan (722 kB)

Reference 2: Compilation of relevant documents for Action Area 6, activity (a) of the Excom workplan (678 kB)

Reference 3: Compilation of relevant documents for Action Area 7, activities (c) and (e) of the Excom workplan (888 kB)

Reference 4: Compilation of relevant documents for Action Area 7, activity (d) of the Excom workplan (685 kB)

Reference 5: Compilation of relevant documents for Action Area 4, activity (a) of the Excom workplan (497 kB)

Reference 6: Compilation of relevant documents for Action Area 3, activity (b) and Action Area 8, activity (b) of the Excom workplan (476 kB)

Reference 7: Summary of interventions, at Excom 1, on the Action Areas of the two-year Excom workplan (286 kB)

Reference 8: The Paris outcome on loss and damage (excerpts from the Paris Agreement and decision 1/CP.21)
(264 kB)

In-meeting working documents

Working group 1: Draft ToRs for an expert group on non-economic losses
Guidance for Working group 1 (217 kB)
Output of Working group 1 (288 kB)

Working group 2: Clearinghouse on risk transfer
Guidance for Working group 2 (309 kB)

Output of Working group 2 (300 kB)

Working group 3: ToR for technical expert panel/group under AA2(d) & 5-year rolling workplan
Guidance for Working group 3 (439 kB)
Output of Working group 3 (ToR for technical panel/group under AA2(d)) (47 kB)
Output of Working group 3 (5-year rolling workplan) (44 kB)

Working group 4: Finalization of letter of invitation and plan for related work on AA5(a) and (b)
Guidance for Working group 4 (454 kB)
Output of Working group 4 (322 kB)

Working group 5: Task force on displacement & letter of invitation under AA6(a)
Guidance for Working group 5 (558 kB)
Output of Working group 5 (223 kB)

Working group on AA3(b) and AA8(b)
Output of Working group (257 kB)

Information submitted by observers during the meeting

Related to the mapping activity under Action Area 3(a):

United Nations University (419 kB)

Care International and ICCCAD (170 kB)


Related to the call for submissions under Action Area 7(d):

World Food Programme (680 kB)

ActionAid, CARE International, Climate Justice Programme (264 kB)


Related to clearinghouse on risk transfer:

Clearinghouses and risk transfer (439 kB)

Information sheet on clearinghouses (198 kB)

Information provided by observers prior to Excom 2

Inputs from the Advisory Group on Climate Change and Human Mobility (349 kB)

On-demand video recording of the meeting here>>


Notifications for Parties and observer States (131 kB) ; United Nations and Intergovernmental organizations (132 kB) ; and non-governmental organizations (131 kB) also available here

Relevant Decisions

1/CP.21 Adoption of the Paris Agreement

2/CP.21 The Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts

2/CP.20 Warsaw international mechanism for loss and damage associated with climate change impacts

2/CP.19 Warsaw international mechanism for loss and damage associated with climate change impacts

3/CP.18 Approaches to address loss and damage associated with climate change impacts in developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change to enhance adaptive capacity

1/CP.16 The Cancun Agreements

1/CP.13 Bali Action Plan

Contact: loss-damage(at)