Subsidiary Body events
Earth Information Day 2023
03 Dec. 2023
10:00h - 17:00h
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates
Subsidiary Body events
Earth Information Day 2023
03 Dec. 2023
10:00h - 17:00h
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates

Earth Information Day 2023 provided a dialogue for exchanging information on the state of the global climate system and developments in systematic observation (FCCC/SBSTA/2019/2 para. 58)

It comprised a plenary session with an opening segment and three panel sections, as well as a World Café (WC) session.

The choice of topics for these two events were guided by submissions received from Parties and non-Party stakeholders (NPS) and reflected systematic observation objectives, as well as the wider context of ongoing work under the UNFCCC.

Please view the webcast of the Opening Segment and Panel Sessions here



  • Earth Information Day 2023, Sunday, 3 December 2023
    1. Plenary session: 10:00 to 13:00 in Plenary Al Ghafat
    2. World Café session: 15:00 to 17:00 in Meeting Room 36
Earth Information Day 2023
Credit: UNFCCC


Plenary session: 10:00 to 13:00 in Plenary Al Ghafat



  • Harry Vreuls, Chair of the SBSTA – moderate session and makes welcoming remarks
  • Jim Skea, Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
  • Vladimir Ryabinin, Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC)
  • Simonetta Cheli, Director of Earth Observation Programmes at the European Space Agency (ESA) on behalf of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS)
  • Dr Johan Stander, Director of Services Department, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
  • Tahanyat Satti, GIS Analyst at Ministry of Climate Change, Pakistan, YOUNGO representative
  • Cecilia Kinuthia-Njenga, Director at United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)


Panel Session


Panel 1: Updates on the state of the climate and the global climate observing system

Highlights from the WMO State of the Global Climate Report

John Kennedy, WMO, Lead Author

Link to Presentation 

Improving the Global Observing System for Climate

Thelma Krug, Chair of  Global Climate Observing System (GCOS)

Link to Presentation 

Systematic Observations Financing Facility​
Ambition – Progress – Looking ahead​

Markus Repnik, Director of the systematic observation financing facility (SOFF).

Link to Presentation 



Panel 2: Observations for mitigation

The Global Greenhouse Gas Watch – a WMO Congress initiative in support of Climate Change Mitigation

Lars Peter Riishojgaard, WMO

Link to Presentation 

Improving the greenhouse gas data coverage in the tropics, the high latitudes and aloft

Sarah Kapnick, NOAA Chief Scientist

Link to Presentation 

The view from above – status and plans for space-based GHG observations

Susanne Mecklenburg,

Head of ESA's Climate Office (ESA) on behalf of CEOS-CGMS WGClimate

Link to Presentation 

Strengthening climate mitigation through co-design of ocean observations

Anya Waite, Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS)

Link to Presentation 


Panel 3: Observations for climate risks and resilience

Value of Earth observations to support risk assessment and resilience


Yana Gevorgyan, Secretariat Director, Group on Earth Observations (GEO)

Link to Presentation

Early Warning For All and The Maldives

Thibyan Ibrahim, Assistant Director, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology, Maldives

Link to Presentation 

Ecosystem monitoring and interlinkages between adaptation and disaster risk reduction


Angela Andrade, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Link to Presentation

Observation and forecasting for coastal resilience in Indonesia


Dwikorita Karnawati, Director of Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics, Indonesia

Link to Presentation 

Earth Observation based operational services for Africa​

Lisa-Maria Rebelo, Lead Scientist, Digital Earth Africa


Link to Presentation 


World Café 

Moderators: Elizabeth Bush and Patricia Achieng Nying'uro - Research and Systematic Observations co-facilitators

Preliminary key elements of the World Cafe Tables as provided by notetakers


World Café topic




The role of national delegates to support building the global observing system for climate

Carlos Fuller, Permanent Representative of Belize to the United Nations


Florence Rabier, Director-General of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)

Markus Repnik, Director of the Systematic Observations Financing Facility (SOFF) WMO


Why we need a truly global observing system

Lars Peter Riishojgaard, Director - Global Greenhouse Gas Watch




Karen St Germain, Earth Science Division Director, NASA


Global climate indicators – from the global observing system to knowledge transfer at the science-policy nexus – what can we further do?

Karina von Schuckmann - oceanographer at Mercator Ocean International

Thelma Krug, Chair of GCOS Steering Committee


Role of observations in support of national reporting

Jean-Noel Thepaut, Director of Copernicus Services at ECMWF

Paul Palmer, Professor at the University of Edinburgh, Director of the Centre for Exoplanet Science


What are the information needs for the 2nd Global Stocktake (GST2)?

Frank Martin Seifert,

Earth Observation Programme - Climate Action, Sustainability and Science Department, ESA

Joanna Post, Head, Ocean Observations and Services Section UNESCO-IOC


Public-private sector partnerships in GHG observations

Aaron Addison, Executive Director, World Geospatial Industry Council (WGIC)

Eric Siegel, chief innovation officer of the Ocean Frontier Initiative


Understanding Tipping points and observation needs

Toste Tanhua, Chemical oceanographer, Head of Research, at GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel

Stefan Ruchti, 

Director, Climate Negotiations and Arctic, ICCI


Cryosphere, mountains, and adaptation

Izabella Koziell, Deputy Director General at Int. Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)

Annie Dade, Head of communications, Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)

Carolina Adler, Executive Director of Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) and GEO Mountains 


Building observations and understanding of ocean acidification and deoxygenation

Lisa Levin, Professor of biological oceanography and marine ecology at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Steve Widdicombe, Director of Science at Plymouth Marine Laboratory




Observations for disaster risk reduction

Anna Pirani, Senior Research Associate, Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change (CMCC)

Kate Calvin, NASA's Chief Scientist and Senior Climate Advisor & co-chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Bureau's Seventh Assessment Report Cycle


Indigenous knowledge and data

Oumou Dicko, Indigenous Knowledge Holder

Pasang Dolma Sherpa, executive director of the Center for Indigenous Peoples' Research and Development (CIPRED)


Community engagement in contributing to systematic observation (ACE/Youth)

Anne Molin – Secretary General, Hack for Earth