Mandated and other events
13th Focal Point Forum of the Nairobi Work Programme on the ocean
06 Dec. 2019
18:00h - 21:00h
Madrid, Spain
San Pedro de Atacama (Hall 4), IFEMA - Feria de Madrid
IFEMA - Feria de Madrid
Mandated and other events
13th Focal Point Forum of the Nairobi Work Programme on the ocean
06 Dec. 2019
18:00h - 21:00h
Madrid, Spain
San Pedro de Atacama (Hall 4), IFEMA - Feria de Madrid
IFEMA - Feria de Madrid


The Nairobi work programme (NWP) works in collaboration with partners and experts to advance activities that produce usable knowledge products and catalyse partnerships for collaborative action through a stepwise approach in response to identified knowledge needs in a wide range of thematic areas.

In accordance with the outcomes of SBSTA 50 (FCCC/SBSTA/2019/paragraph 17), the NWP this years focuses on the topic of oceans. The NWP collaborates with partners and relevant organizations in this thematic area, including on organizing the 13th NWP Focal Point Forum. This Forum will be held under the guidance of the Chair of the SBSTA in conjunction with the SBSTA 51 in Madrid, Spain. 

Mandate and Scope

Scope of work on the thematic area: oceans, coastal areas and ecosystems, including mega deltas, coral reefs and mangroves as well as slow onset events, in areas of understanding and assessing climate change impacts as well as resilience and adaptation to climate change.

Additional details as mandated by SBSTA 50:

  • Collaborate with partners and relevant organizations in the thematic area of oceans, including on organizing the 13th NWP Focal Point Forum, on the topic of oceans, in conjunction with SBSTA 51;
  • Invite the IPCC to share the findings contained in its Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate at the forum;
  • Explore ways of scheduling the NWP Focal Point Forums to enable the participation of Parties and NWP partner organizations;
  • Invite all Parties, NWP partners and other relevant organizations to provide support to enable the participation of relevant experts, including from developing countries, in the NWP Focal Point Forums.

Objectives of the focal point forum

The 13th Focal point forum on the topic of oceans will be held under the overall guidance of the Chair of the SBSTA with the following objectives:

  • Enhancing the engagement of experts and expert organizations, including those from developing countries and those working on national adaptation plans;
  • Providing an interactive space for information-sharing and the informal exchange of views among NWP partner organizations, Parties and other relevant organizations, bearing in mind that NWP partner organizations should be given sufficient opportunities to share their views during the Focal Point Forum;
  • Facilitating collaboration and partnerships among NWP partner organizations, Parties and other relevant organizations, which could contribute to translating the key findings and gaps identified in this topic undertaken under the NWP into concrete adaptation actions;
  • Informing future activities to be undertaken under the NWP, in a way that supports the potential role of the NWP in the implementation of the Paris Agreement, particularly on issues related to adaptation.

Activities before the focal point forum

In line with the NWP knowledge-to action methodology, following steps have been undertaken under the NWP to close knowledge gaps on oceans that help scale up adaptation action prior to the focal point forum:

  • A group of experts was convened and a scoping paper with inputs from the expert group to serve as an input to the focal point forum was prepared (scoping paper will be available soon!)
  • Expert group meeting was held on 21-22 November 2019 to co-design the focal point forum as well as plan collaborative follow up actions on oceans to fill knowledge gaps


High level opening segment: Setting the scene



Opening remarks

Mr. Paul Watkinson, Chair of the SBSTA


High-level intervention

Minister Andrés Couve, COP 25 Presidency




Keynote speaker: Key findings of IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate

Mr. Hans-Otto Pörtner, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change



Introduction to the technical segment

Ms. Musonda Mumba, UN Environment, facilitator of the focal point forum

Expert introduction into four themes in focus group for the technical segment

Theme 1: Governance and Participation (Lisa Schindler Murray, The Nature Conservancy)

Theme 2: Data and methods (Denis Chang Seng, IOC UNESCO)

Theme 3: Restoration and Protection (Dorothée Herr, IUCN)

Theme 4: Support (Technology and innovation; finance and funding; capacity building and education) (Michael Weisberg, University of Pennsylvania)

(Moderators of the focus group)


 Refreshments (Courtesy: Because the Ocean Initiative) and Networking break

Technical segment: from knowledge to action in the topic of oceans



Parallel discussions in four focus groups:

Theme 1: Governance and Participation

(Moderator: Lisa Schindler Murray, the Nature Conservancy; Rapporteur: Valentina Germani - the United Nations Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea of the Office of Legal Affairs (DOALOS)

Theme 2: Data and methods

(Moderator: Denis Chang Seng, IOC UNESCO, Rapporteur: Patrycja Enet, Expert consultant for the UNFCCC )

Theme 3: Restoration and Protection

(Moderator: Dorothée Herr, IUCN; Rapporteur: Vositha Wijenayake, SLYCAN Trust and Srilanka)

Theme 4: Support (Technology and innovation; finance and funding; capacity building and education)

(Moderator: Michael Weisberg, University of Pennsylvania; Rapporteur: Johanna Nalau, Griffith University)



Reporting on the key outcomes of the focus group discussions

Rapporteurs from each focus group



Concluding remarks

Ms. Musonda Mumba, UN Environment, facilitator of the focal point forum




Mr. Paul Watkinson, Chair of the SBSTA