12th Focal Point Forum of the Nairobi Work Programme
05 Dec. 2018
18:30h - 21:00h
Katowice, Poland
25, International Conference Centre (MCK)
International Conference Centre (MCK)
12th Focal Point Forum of the Nairobi Work Programme
05 Dec. 2018
18:30h - 21:00h
Katowice, Poland
25, International Conference Centre (MCK)
International Conference Centre (MCK)

Forum Proceedings

Diversifying economic activity as an adaptation strategy

The 12th Focal Point Forum of the Nairobi work programme (NWP) was held under the guidance of the Chair of the SBSTA in conjunction with the 49th session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA 49) in Katowice, Poland. The topic was economic diversification, in accordance with the outcomes of SBSTA 48 (FCCC/SBSTA/2018/4 paragraph 23).

The Nairobi work programme gathered Parties, experts, and other interested stakeholders in Katowice to discuss how diversifying economic and livelihood activities from the national to the household level can reduce the impacts of climate change, while also supporting broader development. Key principles and lessons learned was shared during interactive exchanges with policymakers and practitioners engaged in climate change and development planning, including Nationally Determined Contributions and National Adaptation Plans.

Forum objectives:

  • To enhance participants' understanding of the challenges and opportunities economic diversification presents as an adaptation measure at different levels
  • To initiate a continued dialogue with Parties, interested organizations and individual experts interested in collaborating to address specific needs related to adaptation and economic diversification
  • To provide an opportunity for expressions of interest by participants to undertake actions based on the needs that arise in the discussions.

Forum Agenda





Opening and welcome


Introduction to the Forum: Annela Anger-Kraavi, Vice Chair of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice

Facilitator: Donna Lagdameo, Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre


Part I – Introduction to economic diversification as an adaptation strategy


The facilitator introduced key principles, policy interventions and emerging areas, illustrated by succinct case stories by experts:

Vositha Wijenayake, Expert committee on climate change adaptation, Sri Lanka.
Case story: Crop diversification and capacity-building of women farmers for economic diversification-based adaptation measures

Caroline Prolo, Stocche Forbes, Brazil.
Case story: The effects of drought and water scarcity on the operation of hydropower projects, thus requiring the diversification to other energy sources and infrastructure in Brazil

Johanna Nalau, Griffith University, Australia.
Case story: The role of sustainable tourism in economic diversification

Giovanni Calderón, Chilean Agency for Sustainability and Climate Change.

Case story: Sustainable forest management and policy interventions for economic diversification in Chile

Daniel Ramos, World Trade Organization
Case story: Emerging areas for economic diversification now and in the future



Part II – Expert introduction into key themes in focus groups


Group A. Facilitator: Scott Hook, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat

Understanding economic diversification – What are the biggest myths on economic diversification?

Group B. Facilitator: Alysha Bagasra, New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National policy interventions – What concrete question or problem regarding economic diversification does your country have that would benefit from an exchange of experiences with others?

Group C. Facilitator: Davinah Milenge-Uwella, African Development Bank

Financing economic diversification – What interventions have the highest impact for the lowest investment?

Group D. Facilitator: Horacio Caperan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Economic diversification in the future – What are commonly overlooked opportunities and challenges?


Plenary discussion and closing.