Earth Information Day 2019
03 Dec. 2019
10:00h - 15:00h
Madrid, Spain
LOA, IFEMA - Feria de Madrid
IFEMA - Feria de Madrid
Earth Information Day 2019
03 Dec. 2019
10:00h - 15:00h
Madrid, Spain
LOA, IFEMA - Feria de Madrid
IFEMA - Feria de Madrid


Earth Information Day 2019 provides an opportunity for Parties and non-Party stakeholders to meet with members of the systematic observation community to discuss the latest activities and exchange information on the state of the global climate system, Earth observation implementation, needs and services.

The event was mandated at SBSTA 50, and its content is guided by previous mandates and submissions. The information and discussions presented may be used to inform negotiations under agenda item 7(b) during SBSTA 51.

Earth Information Day will be open to observers, and webcast. Questions can be submitted via sli.do.

Information note

Information on the Earth Information Day, Note by the Chair of the SBSTA




Summary report


10:00 Opening
  Welcome and opening remarks by Paul Watkinson, SBSTA Chair
Statement by Andrés Couve, Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation Minister of Chile
Statement by WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas
10:10 Updates on the state of the global climate
  Climate change drivers, indicators and impacts
John Kennedy, WMO
  Observed changes and impacts and projected risks identified in the IPCC SRCCL and SROCC
Valerie Masson-Delmotte and Hans-Otto Pörtner, IPCC WGI and IPCC WGII
10:45 Updates on implementing Earth observation: for region and country support, and needs 
  National Systematic Observations of the Climate as part of a Global Effort
Carolin Richter, WIGOS and GCOS 
  Space-based observation for supporting NDCs, national inventories and the global stocktake
Joerg Schulz and David Crisp, CEOS/CGMS 
  Ocean observation: latest developments in support of the Paris Agreement
Toste Tanhua, co-chair of GOOS, IOC-UNESCO
11:40 Earth observation for science, policy and practice: retooling global cooperation to respond to future climate risk
  Panel discussion chaired by Steven Ramage, GEO

    Maisa Rojas Corradi, Center for Climate and Resilience Research, Chile
    Tuntiak Katan, Confederation of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin 
    Jean-Noël Thépaut, Copernicus Climate Change Service
    Prabir K. Patra, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
    Mokoena France, Lesotho
    Cheryl Jeffers, Saint Kitts and Nevis

12:55 Reflections and invitation to the poster session
  Paul Watkinson, SBSTA Chair
13:00 Break
13:15 Poster session
  Presented in the foyer adjacent to the plenary room
Further discussion between members of the systematic observation community, Parties and non-Party stakeholders during poster presentations
15:00 Close



Posters will be presented on the themes: Updates on the state of the global climate, Updates on implementing Earth observation: for region and country support, and needs and The value chain: Earth observation for science, policy and practice.  

This list will be continuously updated as posters become available. Abbreviations are listed below. Posters are attributed to the lead author or presenter. Full author lists will be available on the posters and in the Earth Information Day Summary Report.

Updates on the state of the global climate
Earth's ice from Space Isobel Lawrence, CPOM
State of the global climate: 5 year statement John Kennedy, WMO


Updates on implementing Earth observation: for region and country support, and needs
Enhancing climate monitoring and data collection across the Caribbean Carlos Fuller, Belize
A constellation architecture for space-based observations of greenhouse gases: measurement approaches, datasets, and models in support of the global stocktake David Crisp, CEOS / CGMS WGClimate GHG Task Team
Space-based capabilities to deliver climate data records for essential climate variables Joerg Schulz, CEOS / CGMS
Toward an integrated observing system for the Southeast Pacific Diego Narvaez, Chile
ESA Climate Change Initiative Frank Martin Seifert, ESA
Global Forest Observation Initiative (GFOI) Frank Martin Seifert, ESA
Upper air observation gaps in the South Pacific  Bipen Prakash, Fiji Meteorological Service, Fiji
Reviewing the ECV observation requirements: GCOS’ 4th Assessment Cycle 2020−2022 Stephen Briggs, GCOS
Aerosols and climate change TBA, Valentin Aich, GCOS / WMO
Consistent monitoring of water cycle variability with Earth observations: What are we missing? Valentin Aich, GCOS
Heat stored in the Earth system: Where does the energy go? Karina von Schuckmann, GCOS / Mercator Ocean, France
Regional workshops in association with the UNFCCC Carolin Richter, GCOS / WMO
Observations to support and monitor climate change Nigel Tapper, GCOS
Developing the Global Ocean Observing System for marine life Nic Bax, CSIRO
Ocean acidification - aligning the SDG and global climate observing indicators Katherina Schoo IOC-UNESCO
Ocean observing report card 2019 Emma Heslop, IOC-UNESCO
Regional research infrastructures supporting the global monitoring of ECVs Werner Kutsch, ICOS
Towards a European monitoring and verification support capacity Emmanuel Salmon, ICOS
Key findings from decadal Japanese satellite observations for climate change Osamu Ochiai, JAXA
Observations to explain climate-induced changes in the global biosphere Mark Dowell, JRC
The carbon cycle and the climate, an evolving system? David Crisp, JPL, California Institute of Technology, USA
Delivering sustained, coordinated and integrated observations of the Southern Ocean for global impact  Sebastiaan Swart, SOOS


Earth observation for science, policy and practice: retooling global cooperation to respond to future climate risk
A global initiative to improve living conditions for indigenous populations using Earth observation data Srini Sundaram, CANEUS
Climate risk atlas of Chile: A tool for the development of sectoral adaptation plans Francisco Meza, Chile
Data for biodiversity Horacio Samaniego, Chile
Transparency in forest monitoring Christopher Martius, CIFOR
Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S): A European operational response to climate policies and action Jean-Noël Thépaut, C3S
Tandem-L: Highly innovative radar satellite mission for climate research and environmental monitoring Alberto Moreira, DLR
Sargassum outbreaks in the Caribbean Tarub Bahri, FAO
Digital Earth Africa: decision-ready products from open data cubes Steven Ramage, GEO
GEOGLAM: Adaptation and early warning for the agricultural sector Sara Venturini, GEO
Coastal blue carbon ecosystems - nature based solutions Kirsten Isensee, IOC-UNESCO
From OceanObs’19 to the Ocean Decade Toste Tanhua, IOC-UNESCO
Ocean knowledge is key for climate action Dan Laffoley, IUCN
Satellite earth observation supports assessment of global climate change impact on Asia-Pacific environment Eko Siswanto, JAMSTEC
Utilization of Earth observation data for furthering Earth system models’ validation and sophistication in Japan’s climate model development project, TOUGOU Prabir Kumar Patra, JAMSTEC, Japan
Mapping and modelling vulnerability to dengue in Vietnam and the Philippines using geospatial and time-series approaches Nga T. T. Pham, Vietnam National Space Center, Viet Nam
UK NCEO support for regional climate information: recent findings for Africa Pedro Rodriguez Veiga, UK National Centre for Earth Observation
Climate change and air quality mitigations: why should we do it together Sandro Fuzzi, WMO


Note: Listed posters are attributed to the lead author or presenter. Full author lists will be available on the posters and in the Earth Information Day Summary Report.

Abbreviations: APN - Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research; BfG – The Federal Institute of Hydrology Koblenz, Germany; CANEUS – Canada-Europe-US-Asia-Africa; CCI – Climate Change Initiative; CEOS – Committee on Earth Observation Satellites; CGMS – Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites; CIFOR – Center for International Forestry Research; CPOM – The Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling; CSIRO – The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation; C3S – Copernicus Climate Change Service; DLR – German Aerospace Center; ECMWF – European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts; ESA – European Space Agency; FAO – UN Food and Agriculture Organisation; FILAC – Fund for the Development of Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean; GCOS – Global Climate Observing System; GEO – Group on Earth Observations; GOA-ON – Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network; GOOS – The Global Earth Observing System ; ICOS – Integrated Carbon Observation System; IOC-UNESCO – Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission; IUCN – The International Union for Conservation of Nature; JAMSTEC – Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology; JAXA – Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency; JCOMMOPS – The Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology in situ Observations Programme Support Centre; JRC – The Joint Research Centre in Ispra; LAOCA – Latin American Ocean Acidification Network; NASA JPL - North American Space Agency Jet Propulsion Laboratory; SCO – Space Climate Observatory; SOOS – The Southern Ocean Observing System; WMO – World Meteorological Organisation