New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance


Decisions concerning setting a new collective quantified goal on climate finance (NCQG) include, inter alia, decisions 1/CP.21, para. 5314/CMA.19/CMA.35/CMA.4 and 8/CMA.5.


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Written inputs received by Parties ahead of the third meeting under the ad hoc work programme on the NCQG

Written inputs received are accessible here.

Tenth technical expert dialogue summary note. 

The full text is accessible here.

Message from the co-chairs of the ad hoc work programme on the NCQG 

2024 new collective quantified goal on climate finance workplan

The workplan outlines the overall plan for conducting the ad hoc work programme in 2024. You can download the PDF version here

Co-chairs of the ad hoc work programme on the NCQG (2024)

His Excellency Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, President of COP 28, CMP 18 and CMA 5, has affirmed the appointment of Fiona Gilbert and Zaheer Fakir as co-chairs for 2024 of the ad hoc work programme on the new collective quantified goal on climate finance. Further information about the co-chairs is available here

Parties set up an ad hoc work programme from 2022 to 2024, to be facilitated by two co-chairs, one from a developed country and one from a developing country. The co-chairs will be appointed by the CMA President for a duration of one year in consultation with the respective constituencies. 

Activities under the work programme include the following:

1. Workplan

The CMA requested the co-chairs of the ad hoc work programme to develop a workplan in 2023, including the themes for the technical expert dialogues to be held in that year. It takes into account submissions from Parties and non-Party stakeholders and the guidance contained in decisions 14/CMA.1, 9/CMA.3 and 5/CMA 4.

2. Technical expert dialogues

The CMA decided to conduct four technical expert dialogues per year as part of the ad hoc work programme, with one of these dialogues to be held in conjunction with the subsidiary bodies and one to be held in conjunction with the CMAs, and the two remaining dialogues to be organized in separate regions with a view to facilitating inclusive and balanced geographical participation.

The technical expert dialogues will be organized on the basis of the submissions received from Party and non-Party stakeholders. The dialogues will be open to all interested Parties, academia, civil society actors, including youth, and private sector actors and be webcast.

NCQG events in 2022
Technical expert dialogues (2022) Other NCQG related events
First technical expert dialogue The New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance - an Arab perspective (as part of the MENA Climate Week)
Second technical expert dialogue
Third technical expert dialogue The New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance - a Latin American and Caribbean perspective (as part of the LAC Climate Week)
Fourth technical expert dialogue


NCQG events in 2023
Technical expert dialogues (2023) Other NCQG related events
Fifth technical expert dialogue  
Sixth technical expert dialogue Informal consultation with non-Party stakeholders on the New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance
Seventh technical expert dialogue  
Eighth technical expert dialogue  


NCQG events in 2024
Technical expert dialogues (2024) Other NCQG related events
Ninth technical expert dialogue  First meeting under the ad hoc work programme
Tenth technical expert dialogue

Second meeting ad hoc work programme


3. Annual reports

The CMA requested the co-chairs of the ad hoc work programme to prepare an annual report on the work conducted under that work programme, including a summary and key findings of the technical expert dialogues for consideration by the CMA. The annual reports will inform deliberations at the high-level ministerial dialogues. 

2022 2023

4. Regular consultations with Party and non-Party stakeholders

The co-chairs will maintain regular consultations with the constituted bodies, in particular the Standing Committee on Finance, as well as United Nations agencies, climate finance experts, academia, private sector and civil society actors with a view to informing the ad hoc work programme.

The CMA invited Parties, constituted bodies under the Convention and the Paris Agreement, the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism, climate finance institutions, observers and observer organizations, and other stakeholders, particularly from the private sector to submit by February and August 2022, respectively, their views on the objectives of the ad hoc work programme as specified in para.15 of decision 9/CMA.3 and on the elements outlined in para. 16 of the same decision. Submissions received from Parties and non-Party stakeholders ​can be viewed here.

Views on the objectives and elements identified in decision 9/CMA.3 on the new collective quantified goal on climate finance. Technical paper by the secretariat can be viewed here.

Parties requested the President of the CMA to convene high-level ministerial dialogues starting in 2022 and ending in 2024, ensuring effective political engagement and open, meaningful and robust discussion. The high-level ministerial dialogues will be informed by the reports of the technical expert dialogues, with a view to providing guidance on the further direction of the ad hoc work programme for the following year. The CMA President will prepare a summary of the deliberations, including recommendations, for consideration by the CMA at that session.

2022 2023
HLMD, COP27, Sharm el-Sheikh (2022) HLMD, COP 28, Dubai

The CMA will take stock of progress made in 2022 and 2023 and provide further guidance on the work programme, taking into consideration the annual reports of the co-chairs, including the key findings contained therein, and the summary reports on the HLMDs, including its guidance. In 2024, the CMA will take stock of progress made and set the NCQG.
