Submissions from Parties and non-Party stakeholders

CMA 5 invited Parties to submit views on issues to be addressed as part of the 2024 workplan via the submission portal.

It also invited Parties, constituted bodies under the Convention and the Paris Agreement, the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism, climate finance institutions, observers and other stakeholders, including from the private sector, to submit views in advance of each technical expert dialogue and meeting under the ad hoc work programme via the submission portal.

CMA 4 invited Parties to submit views on the issues to be addressed as part of the workplan for 2023, including themes for the technical expert dialogues to be held in that year via the submission portal.

It also invited Parties, constituted bodies under the Convention and the Paris Agreement, the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism, climate finance institutions, observers and observer organizations and other stakeholders, particularly from the private sector, to submit inputs via the submission portal on each technical expert dialogue to be held, on the basis of guiding questions well in advance of each technical expert dialogue to allow for those inputs to be reflected in the organization of the dialogues.

CMA 3 invited Parties, constituted bodies under the Convention and the Paris Agreement, the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism, climate finance institutions, observers and observer organizations, and other stakeholders, particularly from the private sector to submit by February and August 2022, respectively, their views on the objectives of the ad hoc work programme as specified in para. 15 of decision 9/CMA.3 and on the elements outlined in para. 16 of the same decision. 



Submissions made by Parties


Views on the tenth technical expert dialogue and second meeting under the ad hoc work programme
 Party  Date of original submission Submission
 Brazil on behalf of Group SUR  17 May 2024  NCQG Group SUR


Views on the ninth technical expert dialogue and first meeting under the ad hoc work programme
 Party  Date of original submission Submission
 Honduras on behalf of AILAC Group  18 April 2024  NCQG AILAC
 India on behalf of LMDC  5 April 2024   NCQG LMDC
 United Kingdom on behalf of United Kingdom  2 April 2024  NCQG UK
 United States of America  30 March 2024  NCQG USA

Views on the 2024 workplan
 Party  Date of original submission Submission
 New Zealand  14 May 2024  NCQG New Zealand
 Malawi on behalf of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs)  23 February 2024  NCQG LDCs
 Brazil on behalf of Group Sur (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay)  22 February 2024  NCQG Group Sur
 Honduras on behalf of AILAC  22 February 2024  NCQG AILAC
 Zambia on behalf of the African Group of   Negotiators (AGN)  21 February 2024  NCQG AGN
 Philippines  21 February 2024  NCQG Philippines
 Canada  20 February 2024

 NCQG Canada EN
 NCQG Canada FR

 Norway  20 February 2024  NCQG Norway
 Samoa on behalf of the Alliance of Small   Island States (AOSIS)  19 February 2024  NCQG AOSIS
 India on behalf of LMDC  16 February 2024  NCQG LMDC
 Australia  15 February 2024  NCQG Australia
 Saudi Arabia on behalf of the Arab Group  15 February 2024  NCQG Arab Group
 India  13 February 2024  NCQG India
 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern   Ireland  12 February 2024  NCQG UK
 United States of America  12 February 2024  NCQG USA
 Japan  9 February 2024  NCQG Japan
 Switzerland on behalf of the Environmental   Integrity Group  2 February 2024   NCQG EIG
 Submission by Belgium and the European   Commission on behalf of the European Union   and its Member States  30 January 2024  NCQG EU


Submissions made by non-Party stakeholders


Views on the eleventh technical expert dialogue and third meeting under the ad hoc work programme
 Organization Date of original submission Submission
 Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES)  12 July 2024  NCQG C2ES
 World Meteorological Organization (WMO)  27 June 2024  NCQG WMO


Views on the tenth technical expert dialogue and second meeting under the ad hoc work programme
 Organization Date of original submission Submission
 CGIAR  30 May 2024  NCQG CGIAR
 International Peace Institute (IPI)  23 May 2024  NCQG IPI
 International Rescue Committee (IRC)  23 May 2024  NCQG IRC
 Heinrich Böll Foundation   Washington, DC (HBF)  21 May 2024  NCQG HBF
 Care About Climate (CAC) on behalf   of The Children and Youth   Constituency of the UNFCCC   (YOUNGO)  20 May 2024

 NCQG YOUNGO (English)
 NCQG YOUNGO (Spanish)
 NCQG YOUNGO   (Portuguese)

 Aviva Investors  17 May 2024   NCQG Aviva Investors
 World Wildlife Fund  17 May 2024  NCQG WWF
 Conservation International   17 May 2024  NCQG CI
 CDP Worldwide on behalf of The   Marrakech Partnership for Global   Climate Action Co-Focal Points for   Finance (IIGCC and CDP) 17 May 2024  NCQG IIGCC and CDP
 Mercy Corps  17 May 2024  NCQG Mercy Corps
 Conectas Human Rights (CHR) on   behalf of   Conectas Direitos   Humanos and Geledés -   Institute   of Black Women  16 May 2024  NCQG Conectas   Direitos Humanos and   Geledés
Center for Global Development  16 May 2024  NCQG CGD


Views on the ninth technical expert dialogue and first meeting under the ad hoc work programme
 Organization Date of original submission Submission
 Standing Committee on Finance (SCF)  26 April 2024  NCQG SCF
 Home of Sibuyan Island Peoples (BSI)  22 April 2024  NCQG BSI
 Environmental Defense Fund  11 April 2024  NCQG EDF
 Care About Climate (CAC) on behalf of The   Children and Youth Constituency of the   UNFCCC (YOUNGO)  10 April 2024   NCQG YOUNGO
 United Nations Conference on Trade and   Development (UNCTAD)  9 April 2024  NCQG UNCTAD
 Loss & Damage Collaboration  5 April 2024  NCQG L&DC
 Boston University (BU) on behalf of Boston   University Global Development Policy Center  3 April 2024  NCQG BU GDP Center
 CGIAR System Organization on behalf of     CGIAR  29 March 2024  NCQG CGIAR
 Heinrich Böll Foundation on behalf of the   Women and Gender Constituency of the   UNFCCC  29 March 2024  NCQG WGC
 WWF  29 March 2024  NCQG WWF
 Aviva Investors  28 March 2024  NCQG Aviva
 2X Global  28 March 2024  NCQG 2X Global
 Center for Climate and Energy Solutions  27 March 2024  NCQG C2ES
 Grupo de Cambio Climático para   Latinoamérica y el Caribe   25 March 2024  NCQG GFLAC
 IDFC  21 February 2024  NCQG IDFC
 WWF  20 February 2024  NCQG WWF


Submissions made by Parties

Views on the eighth technical expert dialogue

 Party   Date of original submission  Submission
 Saudi Arabia on behalf of the Arab Group  22 November 2023  NCQG Arab Group
 Brazil on behalf of ABU  20 November 2023  NCQG ABU
 United Kingdom  16 November 2023  NCQG UK
 Spain on behalf of The European Union and   its Member States  9 November 2023  NCQG EU


Views on the seventh technical expert dialogue

 Party   Date of original submission  Submission
 African Group of Negotiators (AGN)  13 September 2023  NCQG AGN
 Saudi Arabia on behalf of Arab Group  11 September 2023  NCQG Arab Group
 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) on behalf of the   Like-Minded   Developing Countries (LMDC)  11 September 2023  NCQG LMDC
 Canada  8 September 2023

 NCQG Canada (English)

 NCQG Canada (French)

 Norway  6 September 2023  NCQG Norway
 United Kingdom  5 September 2023  NCQG UK
 Guatemala on behalf of AILAC  31 August 2023  NCQG AILAC
 Senegal on behalf of Least Developed   Countries  21 August 2023  NCQG LDC
 Spain on behalf of The European Union and
 its Member States
 31 July 2023  NCQG EU


Views on the sixth technical expert dialogue

 Party  Date of original   submission  Submission
 Zambia on behalf of the African Group of   Negotiators  28 May 2023  NCQG AGN
 Least Developed Countries  24 May 2023  NCQG LDCs
 India on behalf of LMDC  18 May 2023  NCQG India
 Norway  16 May 2023  NCQG Norway
 Costa Rica on behalf of AILAC  16 May 2023  NCQG AILAC
 Saudi Arabia on behalf of the Arab Group  15 May 2023  NCQG Arab Group
 Sweden and the European Commission on   behalf of the EU and its member States  11 May 2023  NCQG EU
 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern   Ireland  11 May 2023  NCQG UK


Views on the workplan for 2023 and inputs to the fifth technical expert dialogue

 Party  Date of original   submission  Submission
 Vanuatu  14 March 2023  NCQG Vanuatu
 Zambia on behalf of the African Group of   Negotiators  8 March 2023  NCQG AGN
 US  6 March 2023  NCQG US
 New Zealand  6 March 2023  NCQG New Zealand
 Canada  01 March 2023

 NCQG Canada (English)

 NCQG Canada (French)

 India  28 February 2023  NCQG India
 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) on behalf of the Like-Minded   Developing Countries (LMDC)  27 February 2023  NCQG LMDCs
 Saudi Arabia on behalf of the Arab Group  21 February 2023  NCQG Arab Group
 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern   Ireland  17 February 2023  NCQG UK
 Norway  17 February 2023  NCQG Norway
 Senegal on behalf of the LDCs  10 February 2023  NCQG LDCs
 Submission by Brazil on behalf of ABU  9 February 2023  NCQG ABU
 Switzerland on behalf of the Environmental   Integrity Group  8 February 2023  NCQG EIG
 Costa Rica on behalf of AILAC  6 February 2023  NCQG AILAC
 Japan  6 February 2023  NCQG Japan
 Sweden and the European Commission on   behalf of the EU and its member States  6 February 2023  NCQG EU



Submissions made by non-Party stakeholders

Views on the eighth technical expert dialogue

 Organization  Date of original submission  Submission
 Care About Climate (CAC) on behalf of Children   and Youth Constituency of the UNFCCC   (YOUNGO)  16 November 2023  NCQG YOUNGO
 Climate Action Network International  14 November 2023  NCQG CAN
 Oxfam International  11 November 2023  NCQG OXFAM
 Aviva Investors  10 November 2023  NCQG AVIVA Investors
 WWF  10 November 2023  NCQG WWF


Views on the seventh technical expert dialogue

 Organization  Date of original submission  Submission
 International Trade Unions Confederation (ITUC)  4 September 2023  NCQG TUNGO
 Health In Harmony (HH) on behalf of Health In   Harmony  31 August 2023  NCQG HH
 Climate Action Network International   21 August 2023  NCQG CAN
 SouthSouthNorth Projects Africa (SSN Africa)
 on behalf of Voice for Just Climate Action   Alliance
 15 August 2023  NCQG SSN Africa
 Care About Climate (CAC) on behalf of Children   and Youth Constituency of the UNFCCC   (YOUNGO)  14 August 2023  NCQG YOUNGO
 European Network on Debt and Development   (Eurodad) on behalf of Eurodad, Debt Justice,   Jubilee USA, ActionAid, Latindadd, Debt Justice   Norway, and the Bretton Woods Project  14 August 2023  NCQG Eurodad
 WWF  14 August 2023  NCQG WWF


Views on the sixth technical expert dialogue

 Organization  Date of original submission  Submission
 United Nations Capital Development Fund   23 May 2023  NCQG UNCDF
 International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) on   behalf of International Chamber of Commerce   and UNFCCC Business and Industry   Constituency  12 May 2023  NCQG ICC
 Climate Strategies on behalf of the   Strengthening National Climate Policy   Implementation: Comparative Empirical
 Learning & Creating Linkages to Climate   Finance project
 10 May 2023  NCQG CS_SNAPFI
 Save the Children on behalf of Save
 the Children International
 10 May 2023  NCQG Save the Children
 United Nations Conference on Trade and   Development  10 May 2023  NCQG UNCTAD
 WWF  9 May 2023  NCQG WWF


Views on the fifth technical expert dialogue

 Organization  Date of original submission  Submission
 WWF  28 February 2023  NCQG WWF
 Voices for Just Climate Action  20 February 2023  NCQG VCA
 Grupo de Cambio Climático para Latinoamérica   y el Caribe (GFLAC)  7 February 2023  NCQG GFLAC
 World Farmers Organisation (WFO)  6 February 2023  NCQG WFO
Submissions made by Parties

Submission deadline: August 2022

 Date of original submission  Submission
 The Czech Republic and the European   Commission on behalf of the EU and
 its Member States
 3 November 2022  NCQG EU
 Brazil on behalf of ABU   30 September 2022  NCQG ABU
 Senegal on behalf of the LDCs

 23 August 2022

 Colombia on behalf of AILAC

 23 August 2022



 22 August 2022

 NCQG Bangladesh


Submission deadline: February 2022

 Date of original submission  Submission
 Kenya  14 February 2022  NCQG Kenya


 16 February 2022   NCQG Vanuatu 
 India  18 February 2022  NCQG India
 Canada  18 February 2022  NCQG Canada (English)
 NCQG Canada (French)
 Zambia on behalf of AGN   21 February 2022   NCQG AGN
 Chile on behalf of AILAC  23 February 2022  NCQG AILAC
 Norway  3 March 2022  NCQG Norway
 Singapore  4 March 2022  NCQG Singapore
 Antigua and Barbuda on behalf of AOSIS  6 March 2022  NCQG AOSIS
 Senegal on behalf of LDCs  7 March 2022  NCQG LDCs
 Switzerland on behalf EIG  8 March 2022  NCQG EIG
 France and the European Commission on
 behalf of the EU and its member States
 8 March 2022  NCQG EU
 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) on behalf LMDC  10 March 2022  NCQG LMDC
 Japan  11 March 2022  NCQG Japan
 United States of America   13 March 2022  NCQG USA
 Brazil on behalf of ABU  16 March 2022  NCQG ABU
 New Zealand  18 March 2022  NCQG New Zealand
 Indonesia  21 March 2022  NCQG Indonesia
 Argentina on behalf of ABU, AILAC and AOSIS  13 June 2022  NCQG ABU, AILAC


Submissions made by non-Party stakeholders

Submission deadline: August 2022

 Organization  Date of original submission  Submission
 LDC Expert Group  30 September 2022  NCQG LEG
 Sibuyan Island Peoples  9 September 2022  NCQG BSI
 Rocky Mountain Institute   31 August 2022  NCQG RMI
 SouthSouthNorth on behalf of South-South   North is submitting on behalf of the Voices for   Just Climate Action (VCA) Alliance.  23 August 2022  NCQG Voice_for_CA

 WIM ExCom

 23 August 2022  NCQG WIM_ExCom
 Mercy Corps (MC)  18 August 2022  NCQG MC

 International Federation of Red Cross and
 Red  Crescent Societies (IFRC)

 15 August 2022


 The Nature Conservancy (TNC) on behalf
 of The Nature Conservancy
 15 August 2022  NCQG TNC
 Climate Action Network International on behalf
 of Climate Action Network International
 14 August 2022  NCQG CAN
 ACT Alliance - Action by Churches Together on   behalf of Action by Churches Together (ACT)   Alliance  12 August 2022  NCQG ACT
 European Network on Debt and Development   asbl/vzw (Eurodad) on behalf of Eurodad   (European Network on Debt & Development)  12 August 2022  NCQG_Eurodad
 WWF  12 August 2022  NCQG WWF
 Center for Global Development on behalf of   Center for Global Development  4 August 2022  NCQG CGD


Submission deadline: February 2022

 Organization  Date of original submission  Submission

 Oxford Climate Policy 

  28 January 2022   NCQG OCP
 Heinrich-Boell Stiftung  14 February 2022  NCQG HBS
 ACT Alliance  15 February 2022  NCQG ACT Alliance 
 Transforma and WRI in association with
 ACT 2025 
 15 February 2022  NCQG Transforma, WRI, ACT 2025 
 WWF  15 February 2022  NCQG WWF
 Climate Action Network Canada  21 February 2022  NCQG CAN Canada
 Climate Finance Group for Latin America and   the Caribbean  22 February 2022  NCQG GFLAC
 Climate Policy Initiative  23 February 2022  NCQG CPI
 Third Generation Environmentalism (E3G)   3 March 2022  NCQG E3G