Transparency Day | 2nd Capacity-building Hub


Thursday 5 December 2019

What happened during Transparency Day?

Skype recording (morning session)
Skype recording (afternoon session)

Established by the Paris Agreement, the enhanced transparency framework requires Parties to report regularly on their GHG emissions and on progress in achieving their mitigation and adaptation actions, as described in their NDCs. Such a strengthened framework, enhancing existing transparency arrangements under the Convention, will be instrumental in enhancing mutual trust and confidence and promoting effective implementation of the NDCs, thus generating high quality climate data and tracking progress of climate actions.

The Transparency Day, composed of seven different-but-interrelated events, provided an opportunity for in-depth discussion on the steps and challenges ahead as countries move to implement their national enhanced transparency frameworks.

Programme Overview

The day started by clarifying the main elements of the enhanced transparency framework. This was followed by an exchange on the existing needs and capacities assessments, as per the experience developed under the MRV framework. Before lunch, the audience were presented with initial transparency achievements, as supported by the Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT).

In the afternoon, participants presented and discussed key technical and strategical components of the transparency framework, starting with an analysis and exchange on sound institutional arrangements for transparency. Next, the discussion moved to climate data management and finance tracking, and then on concrete and successful examples of peer to peer collaboration.

Finally, the CGE (Consultative Group of Experts) hosted its second informal forum, open to all, to share experiences and exchange thoughts and ideas to accelerate the transition toward the transparency framework.




The Transparency Day in the 2nd Capacity-building Hub was designed to, among other topics, touch upon:

  • Moving from Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) toward the implementation of the Paris Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF)
  • Needs assessment in building national transparency frameworks
  • Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT)
  • Institutional arrangements and engagement of stakeholders
  • Data management and finance tracking
  • Peer to peer collaboration for enhancing transparency
  • Institutionalizing data management system: 2nd CGE pilot informal forum

All interested individuals and organizations were welcome to join the debate and contribute to the discussion!


The purpose of the Transparency Day was to showcase actions on the ground, undertaken on regional, national and subnational levels that aim at strengthening capacities of various actors in developing countries in order to track, assess and report climate policies and measures through sharing experiences, lessons learned and increasing institutional knowledge. This also helps to strengthen existing and building new multi-stakeholder networks that provide additional continued support and the exchange of ideas. Some of the key objectives of the sessions were:

  • Fostering a better understanding of practical approaches and existing tools for developing data management, reporting, and transparency systems by state and non-state actors
  • Exploring lessons from capacity building for implementing the transparency arrangements under the Convention, towards identification of capacity constraints and formulation of improvement plans for climate transparency in developing countries

As countries advance in the implementation of the Paris Agreement, it is key to further enhance capacities, from a broad range of stakeholders, on the roll out of the enhanced transparency framework, which will be instrumental in monitoring NDCs and in supporting the achievement of the 2-degree goal.

Further, increased capacities for transparency will allow developing countries to better identify their technology, finance and capacity-building gaps and needs and to further understand the effectiveness of the actions taken, as well as receive help in mobilizing additional financial resources.

Lead Partners



Target Audience

Senior climate government officials, national NC/BUR/CBIT coordinators, negotiators, donors, support providers and other stakeholders responsible for establishing and operating climate transparency systems

Hosted by the PCCB, and led by the UNDP, the 2nd Capacity-building Hub Transparency Day provided a platform for different stakeholders to share knowledge and exchange experiences through interactive panel discussions and forums, designed to:

  • Highlight the key concepts and components of the enhanced transparency framework.
  • Enhance technical understanding of the implementation of national transparency systems, focusing inter alia on institutional arrangements and data management.
  • Exchange countries’ experiences on MRV and transparency to showcase win/win strategies and actions
  • Foster a dialogue among practitioners and relevant stakeholders to focus on the steps ahead, as countries strengthen their transparency frameworks and track their NDCs.


Topic Organizer Speaker(s)
Welcoming remarks
  • Damiano Borgogno, Climate transparency global coordinator, UNDP
  • Roberta Iaana, PCCB member
Moving toward the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF)
PATPA-GIZ-FAO-Ricardo EE | The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
  • Sina Wartmann, Ricardo Energy & Environment
  • Vani Rijhwani, TERI
  • Oscar Zarzo, Advisor Climate Change Mitigation, GIZ
  • Veronica Quintero, Ministry of Environment of Panama)
  • Ajay Raghava, Ministry of Environment of India
  • Nasimjon Rajabov, Climate Change Centre Committee of Environment Protection of Tajikistan
  • Rohulla Amin, National Environmental Protection Agency   of Afghanistan
  • Lawrence Mashungu, Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement of Zimbabwe
● Moving towards the Paris Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework (Ricardo EE, TERI) .
● Ready for the BTR? Implications of the Katowice Rulebook for developing countries (GIZ, FAO, Partnership on Transparency) .
Capacity-building and needs assessment in Measurement, Reporting and Verification & ETF
 The Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI)
  • Kathryn Goldman, Board member, Greenhouse Gas Management Institute
  • Molly White, Director, Education Program, Greenhouse Gas Management Institute
  • Sumit Prasad, Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW)
  • Chiara Falduto, Cimate Change Expert Group (CCXG), OECD
  • Michael Gillenwater, Executive Director, Greenhouse Gas Management Institute
● Indicators (GHG Management Institute)  .
● Capacity Building Assessment Matrix (CEEW) .
● Transparency of Capacity Building (CCXG) .
● How Enhanced Monitoring & Evaluation can deliver Transparency and Capacity Building (GHG Management Institute) .
Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT)
  • Chizuru Aoki, GEF
  • John M. Christensen, UNEP DTU
  • Ananda Ts, Government of Mongolia
  • Ivan Rodriguez, Government of Colombia
  • Diana Haratunyan, Government of Armenia
  • Ana Lucia Moya, Government of Costa Rica
● Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (GEF) .
● Global Coordination Platform (GEF, UNDP, UNEP, UNEP-DTU) .
● CBIT in Mongolia .
● CBIT in Colombia .
● CBIT in Costa Rica .
Institutional arrangements & engagement of stakeholders
PATPA-LEDSGP | World Resources Institute(WRI)
  • Rocio Lichte, BMU
  • Nathan Cogswell, WRI
  • Francisco Maciel, Cioste
  • Cynthia Elliott, World Resources Institute
  • Telma Manjate, Ministry of Environment of Mozambique
  • Dirk Günther, German Environment Agency -UBA
● Engagement of Stakeholders for robust Transparency Systems (PATPA, LEDS GP & WRI) .
● Institutional Arrangements and Engagement of Stakeholders (WRI) .
Data flow & finance tracking
Aether | Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
  • Justin Goodwin, Aether
  • Georgia Savvidou, SEI
  • Amanda McKee, NDC Partnership
  • Khetsiwe Khumalo, Eswatini Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Affairs
  • Sandra Motshwanedi, Department of Environmental Affairs
  • Gervais I. Itsoua Madzous, CGE Chair
  • Padraig Oliver, UNFCCC Climate Finance 
Peer-to-peer collaboration on transparency
UNEP DTU Partnership | UNDP
  • Fernando Farias, UNEP DTU
  • Damiano Borgogno, UNDP 
  • Eduardo Santos, Government of Portugal
  • Marcotulio Cabrao, Government of Brazil
  • Representative, Government of Mozambique
  • Luz Alcántara, National Council for Climate Change and CDM (Dominican Republic)
  • Ana Lucia Moya, Ministry of Environment and Energy (Costa Rica)
  • Fernando Farias, Senior Advisor, UNEP DTU Partnership
● Peer-to-peer learning to enhance capacity building efforts on transparency (ICAT) .
● Framework for peer-to-peer learning (UNEP_DTU) .
Institutionalizing data management system: 2nd CGE pilot informal forum
Consultative Group of Experts (CGE) | UNFCCC
  • Gervais Itsoua Madzous, Chair, Consultative Group of Experts
  • Marzena Chodor, Co-Chair, Paris Committee on Capacity-Building
  • Emmanuel Dlamini, Chair, Subsidiary Body for Implementation
  • Ovais Sarmad, Deputy Executive Secretary UNFCCC
  • Carolina Urmeneta, COP 25 Presidency
Panel discussion
  • Mausami Desai, CGE member from USA
  • Tian Wang, CGE member from China
  • Joko Prihatno, Indonesia
  • Sivach Kaewcharoen, Thailand
  • Aaron Kibry, Australia
  • Gervais Ludovic Itsoua Madzous, CGE Chair
● Flyer #
● Further information, including presentations #
Transparency day reception

