Gender Dialogue: Constituted bodies and the integration of gender considerations

5 May 2018

Background: The dialogue between the chairs of the UNFCCC constituted bodies requested at COP 23, in decision 3/CP.23, provides an opportunity for UNFCCC constituted bodies to discuss the outcomes and recommendations of a technical paper requested in decision 21/CP.22.
The technical paper (FCCC/TP/2018/1) identifies possible actions within each of the constituted bodies’ respective workstreams where gender considerations and perspectives are, or could be integrated to enable informed reporting on progress towards the goals set by Parties of gender balance and gender-responsive climate policy.

The gender action plan is intended to support the implementation of existing gender-related mandates and decisions under the UNFCCC, including achieving goals on gender balance and gender-responsive climate policy. It also provides clear activities and tasks with timelines for Parties, the secretariat, UN entities and other observer organizations. Constituted bodies have an important guidance and capacity-building role under the Convention with responsibilities across a wide range of climate change activities; and are identified specifically in the gender action plan, in particular, under the ‘coherence’ priority area.


To allow an open discussion amongst the Chairs/Co-Chairs on the outcomes and recommendations of the technical paper in order to progress the goal of integrating gender considerations in a consistent manner in the work of the UNFCCC processes.

The dialogue was chaired by Mr. Emmanuel Dumisani Diamini, Chair of SBI. The dialogue was in three sections including moderated discussions between the Chairs/Co-Chairs of the constituted bodies and presentations. Parties and observers had opportunities at points during the dialogue to engage.
