Written inputs received from Parties to inform the preparation of an updated input paper ahead of the third meeting under the ad hoc work programme

In a notification to Parties on 1 July, the co-chairs of the ad hoc work programme on the new collective quantified goal on climate finance invited Parties to submit written inputs by Monday, 5 August 2024, on the following:

  1. Views/elements from previous submissions and interventions that have further evolved and can be updated, and/or could be further elaborated;

  2. Proposals for helping bridge ideas on the various elements pertaining to the NCQG. 

All written submissions are provided below as received.


Party Date of submission Link to written inputs
 Ukraine  23 September 2024  View details
 G77 and China  10 September 2024  View details
 Australia  6 September 2024  View details
 Independent Alliance of Latin America and the Caribbean  23 August 2024  View details
 Canada  16 August 2024

 View details (EN)

 View details (FR)

 Russian Federation   16 August 2024

 View details (EN)

 View details (RU)

 Armenia  14 August 2024  View details 
 European Union  13 August 2024  View details
 United States of America  9 August 2024  View details
 African Group of Negotiators  8 August 2024  View details
 New Zealand  7 August 2024  View details
 Alliance of Small Island Developing States  6 August 2024  View details
 Arab Group   6 August 2024  View details
 Group SUR  6 August 2024  View details
 Like-Minded Developing Countries  6 August 2024  View details
 Pakistan  5 August 2024  View details
 Islamic Republic of Iran  5 August 2024  View details
 Least Developed Countries Group  5 August 2024  View details
 Switzerland  25 July 2024  View details


