Mandated and other events
Technical Dialogue 1.2 - Roundtable 3 Means of implementation and support: Finance, technology and capacity building
08 - 10 Nov. 2022
10:00h - 14:00h
Virtual event
Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt / Virtual
Virtual Egypt
Ambition and Collective Progress
Mandated and other events
Technical Dialogue 1.2 - Roundtable 3 Means of implementation and support: Finance, technology and capacity building
08 - 10 Nov. 2022
10:00h - 14:00h
Virtual event
Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt / Virtual
Virtual Egypt
Ambition and Collective Progress
  • RT 3.1 Tuesday 8th November 11-13:00 CAT, Side Event Rooms Memphis, then moving to Memphis and Osiris
  • RT3.2 Thursday 10th November 14-16:00 CAT, Plenary II Ramses


  • Please check the Daily Programme and CCTV for up to date times and locations

Three roundtables will be organized at TD1.2, following the same clusters of topics as at TD1.1 (Mitigation, including Response Measures; Adaptation, including Loss & Damage; Means of Implementation (MoI) and support, which includes capacity-building, finance, and technology). These will meet in two, two-hour sessions. We have requested a plenary setting for the roundtables, within which four breakout groups will take place under each roundtable. This will allow for more in-depth discussions and focus on specific topics. All participants will hear prompts on all four topics in the particular RT at the beginning of the RT, and also hear report backs from the breakout groups at the end, to ensure transparency and inclusivity. First roundtable meeting: After hearing prompts from invited experts, participants will divide into four small breakout groups to discuss each prompt in greater detail. The breakout group topics can be found in section IV of the information note.  

Along with the experts, a facilitator will be assigned to each breakout group to guide the discussions, which will be recorded by a rapporteur (Party delegations will be invited to be rapporteurs for each of the breakout groups. Second roundtable meeting: will begin with a report back from the first meeting of discussions by the facilitators and rapporteurs. After which, the breakout groups discussions will continue. Towards the end of these discussions, participants will discuss any convergences around findings within the group and how to capture outputs of their discussions, which will be reported at the closing Plenary meeting. The topics for roundtable discussions can be found in section IV of the information note. Note that placement of an issue in a roundtable gives it a ‘home’ and ensures it will be discussed, while it can be raised in other discussions as well. Based on feedback from TD1.1, the co-facilitators are working with experts to develop both a detailed prompt for each discussion, as well as further sub-questions for which the co facilitators will request participants within the breakout groups to respond. While participants are free to continue to raise other relevant issues within the discussions, the co-facilitators request that the discussions within these sessions be as focused as possible on their assigned topics in order to enable to make the discussions as productive as possible.    


Breakout group 




RT 3.1 Tuesday 8th November 11-13:00 CAT Side Event Rooms Memphis, then moving to Memphis and Osiris


RT3.2 Thursday 10th November 14-16:00 CAT, Plenary II Ramses

Expert: Nick Robins 


Facilitator: Preety Bhandari 

Finance: Aligning financial flows and meeting needs for system-wide transitions to net zero emissions and transformative climate resilient development  


Expert: Sandra Guzman 


Facilitator: Josué Tanaka 

Finance: Enhancing the catalytic role of international climate finance for scaling up climate action  


Expert: Gabriel Blanco 


  • Facilitator: Kentaro Tamura (Day 1)
  • Sara Traerup (Day 2)

Technology: Enabling and enhancing cooperation on innovation and technology development and transfer  


Expert: Ayman Cherkaoui 


Facilitator: Sonja Klinsky 

Capacity: Enhancing and retaining capacities in support of Paris Agreement implementation