CCKIOSK Climate Talk Series - 09 November 2006

09 November 2996 

Time Date



Reducing climate-related risk: What we need to do today
Extreme weather events (storms, floods, droughts, etc) account for most disasters today. And with climate change such events are expected to increase in intensity and frequency in many cases. Those working to reduce disaster risk are taking concrete steps to reduce vulnerability to climate hazards today. By reducing our vulnerability today we will be better prepared for the changing climate and more resilient to disaster risk.

John Harding
Programme Officer
Secretariat of the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR)



Local voices, global choices: Encouraging debate about climate change in the South
Panos seeks to increase public understanding, dialogue and debate on climate change by supporting the media in developing countries to report on climate change stories. By working with the media and marginalised communities Panos strives towards greater inclusion of Southern needs and voices in decisions about climate change.

Rod Harbinson
Environment Programme
The Panos Institute
United Kingdom


Ochieng' Ogodo
Nairobi, Kenya


17:00- 17:30

Mainstreaming adaptation in developing countries
If the development community is serious about engaging in climate change adaptation it must do so within the context of work already occurring in developing countries. Adaptation must be mainstreamed into development process rather than become a burden for developing countries as yet another process. Drawing on examples from Tearfund's work on Disaster Risk Reduction and recent research conducted by IDS and Tearfund, it will become apparent that there are tools available to help communities engage in adaptive responses.

Rachel Roach
United Kingdom


17:30- 18:00

Peatland fires and floods: Combining adaptation and mitigation of climate change
Peatlands are the largest carbon store in the terrestrial biosphere. Climate change and degrdation is leading to fires, floods and major GHG emissions. The presentation will show how combining mitigation and adaptation strategies is bringing benefits to local communities as well as global climate.

Faizal Parish
Technical Coordinator
UNEP-GEF Project on Integrated Management of Peatlands and Climate Change
Global Environment Centre
