Informal meeting
Informal Ministerial Round Table
05 Dec. 2012
12:00h - 19:00h
Ar-Rajjan, Qatar
Qatar National Conference Centre
Informal meeting
Informal Ministerial Round Table
05 Dec. 2012
12:00h - 19:00h
Ar-Rajjan, Qatar
Qatar National Conference Centre

The COP18/CMP8 President, H.E. Abdullah bin Hamad Al-Attiyah, is extending an invitation to all Ministers and Heads of Delegation to participate in an Informal Ministerial Round Table on Wednesday, 5 December 2012 from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm, and resuming at 3.00 pm until 6.00 pm, in Plenary 2.

This informal initiative of the President, responding to requests from Parties, will offer the opportunity for an exchange of views around the theme:

"Ambition, support and delivery, now and in the future"

The overarching question for the Informal Ministerial Round Table is: "How can Mitigation, Adaptation and Means of Implementation be strengthened now and in the future?"
The discussion will offer the opportunity for high-level informal reflections and for a constructive exchange of views on issues.

The participation will be open to all interested Parties.

A specific badge is required to attend this event. The badges for Parties, IGOs and UN organizations can be collected at the Information Desk on level 1 (next to the spider) by an authorized member of the delegation. Focal points of NGO constituencies can collect their badge from the CAS office on the ground floor of the south building. Four badges per Party, two per IGO and UN observers and ten per NGO constituency will be made available.

Additional information (148 kB)