LULUCF under the Kyoto Protocol

The reporting and accounting of LULUCF activities under the Kyoto Protocol is a technically complex matter, which has been negotiated by Parties over many years. This page gives an overview of these negotiations and the related documents and reports published by the UNFCCC.

An overview of specific LULUCF topics is available here, including afforestation/reforestation project activities under the Clean Development Mechanism.


The SBSTA continued its consideration of issues outlined in the work programmes referred to in decision 2/CMP.7, paragraphs 5, 6, 7 and 10, with a view to reporting on the outcomes/recommending draft decisions on these matters for consideration and adoption at CMP 12 (November 2016).

The secretariat organized an in-session workshop to identify the types of revegetation activities potentially eligible as project activities under the CDM under the existing modalities and procedures contained in decisions 5/CMP.1 and 6/CMP.1, and to identify the cases where new modalities and procedures for revegetation would need to be developed, in order to guarantee the environmental integrity of the CDM. The workshop materials are available here.

The conference room paper containing a submission from the co-facilitators of the informal consultations on agenda sub-item 9(a), Land use, land-use change and forestry under Article 3, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Kyoto Protocol and under the clean development mechanism is available here.

The conclusions of SBSTA 44 are available here.

The SBSTA continued its work under the work programme referred to in decision 2/CMP.7, paragraph 6. It took note of the outcome of the assessment by the CDM Executive Board of the applicability of the modalities and procedures contained in decisions 5/CMP.1 and 6/CMP.1 to project activities involving revegetation contained in the 2015 report of the CDM Executive Board to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP).

The SBSTA requested the secretariat to organize an in-session workshop at SBSTA 44 (May 2016) to identify the types of revegetation activities potentially eligible as project activities under the CDM under the existing modalities and procedures contained in decisions 5/CMP.1 and 6/CMP.1, and to identify the cases where new modalities and procedures for revegetation would need to be developed, in order to guarantee the environmental integrity of the CDM.

The SBSTA agreed to continue its consideration of the work programme referred to above at SBSTA 44 with a view to recommending a draft decision on this matter for consideration and adoption at CMP 12 (November 2016).

The conclusions of SBSTA 43 are available here.

The SBSTA continued its work under the work programmes referred to in decision 2/CMP.7, paragraphs 6 and 7.

The SBSTA took note of the views submitted by Parties and admitted observer organizations in response to the invitation of SBSTA 39, as reiterated by SBSTA 40.

The SBSTA agreed to recommend a draft decision on matters relating to the work programme referred to in decision 2/CMP.7, paragraph 6, for consideration and adoption by CMP 10 (for the text of the draft decision, see document FCCC/SBSTA/2014/L.24/Add.1).

The SBSTA also agreed to continue, at SBSTA 44 (May 2016), its consideration of issues outlined in the work programme referred to in decision 2/CMP.7, paragraphs 5, 7 and 10 with a view to reporting on the outcomes/recommending a draft decision on these matters for consideration and adoption at CMP 12 (November-December 2016).

The report of SBSTA 41 is available here.

The SBSTA continued its consideration of issues related to land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF), following the requests contained in decision 2/CMP.7, paragraphs 5, 6, 7 and 10.

The SBSTA took note of the views of Parties and admitted observer organizations and also took note of the technical paper (FCCC/TP/2014/2) prepared by the secretariat in response to the request of SBSTA 39.

The SBSTA agreed to prioritize in its consideration the following groups of possible additional LULUCF activities in the context of mitigation practices limited to changes in carbon stocks:

  • Revegetation, including agroforestry and silvopastoral practices where the established vegetation is not likely to reach the forest thresholds selected by the host Party under decision 5/CMP.1, annex, paragraph 8;
  • Cropland management and grazing land management;
  • Wetland drainage and rewetting.

The SBSTA also agreed to continue its consideration of modalities and procedures for possible additional LULUCF activities and for alternative approaches to addressing the risk of non-permanence in LULUCF activities under the CDM, with a view to forwarding draft decisions on these matters to CMP10.

The SBSTA further agreed to continue, at SBSTA 42 (June 2015), its consideration of issues relating to:

  • More comprehensive accounting of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks from LULUCF, including through a more inclusive activity-based approach or a land-based approach, with a view to reporting on the outcomes to CMP 11;
  • Modalities and procedures for applying the concept of additionality, with a view to forwarding a draft decision on that matter for consideration and adoption at CMP 11.

The report of SBSTA 40 is available here.

The SBSTA continued its consideration of issues related to land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF), following the requests contained in decision 2/CMP.7, paragraphs 5, 6, 7 and 10.
The SBSTA took note of the views of Parties and admitted observer organizations (contained in FCCC/SBSTA/2013/MISC.18 and Add.1 and FCCC/SBSTA/2013/MISC.19).

The SBSTA requested the secretariat to prepare a technical paper exploring options for the consideration of possible additional LULUCF activities under the CDM and alternative approaches to addressing the risk of non-permanence under the CDM as well as their implications for the validation, monitoring and verification of CDM project activities.

The SBSTA agreed that any outcomes of the work programmes referred to in decision 2/CMP.7, paragraphs 5 and 10, will not be applicable in the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol. Consideration of issues under these work programmes will be continued SBSTA 40 (June 2014).

The report of SBSTA 39 is available here.

The SBSTA continued its consideration of issues related to land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF), following the requests contained in decision 2/CMP.7, paragraphs 5, 6, 7 and 10.

The SBSTA took note of the views of Parties and admitted observer organizations (contained in FCCC/SBSTA/2013/MISC.18 and Add.1).

The SBSTA invited Parties and admitted observer organizations to submit to the secretariat, by 2 September 2013, their views on specific possible additional LULUCF activities under the CDM and specific alternative approaches to addressing the risk of non-permanence under the CDM as well as views on issues relating to modalities and procedures for applying the concept of additionality.

The report of SBSTA 38 is available here.

The SBSTA continued its consideration of issues related to land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF), following the requests contained in decision 2/CMP.7, paragraphs 5, 6, 7 and 10.

The SBSTA took note of the views of Parties and admitted observer organizations on:

  • More comprehensive accounting of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks from LULUCF, including through a more inclusive activity-based approach or a land-based approach (contained in FCCC/SBSTA/2012/MISC.19 and Add.1);
  • Modalities and procedures for possible additional LULUCF activities under the clean development mechanism (CDM) (contained in FCCC/SBSTA/2012/MISC.18 and Add.1/Rev.1);
  • Modalities and procedures for alternative approaches to addressing the risk of non-permanence under the CDM (contained in FCCC/SBSTA/2012/MISC.16);

The SBSTA recalled its invitations to Parties and admitted observer organizations to submit to the secretariat their views on issues related to LULUCF and encouraged them to continue submitting such views until 25 March 2013.

The report of SBSTA 37 is available here.

The SBSTA initiated its consideration of the issues related to land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) as referred to in decision 2/CMP.7, paragraphs 5, 6, 7 and 10. The SBSTA invited Parties and admitted observer organizations to submit to the secretariat, by 10 September 2012, their views on issues related to:

  • More comprehensive accounting of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks from LULUCF, including through a more inclusive activity-based approach or a land-based approach;
  • Modalities and procedures for possible additional LULUCF activities under the clean development mechanism (CDM);
  • Modalities and procedures for alternative approaches to addressing the risk of non-permanence under the CDM;

The report of SBSTA 36 is available here.

The CMP, by decision 2/CMP.7 Land use, land-use change and forestry, paras 5, 6, 7 and 10, requested the SBSTA to initiate four work programmes:

  • To explore more comprehensive accounting of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks from LULUCF, including through a more inclusive activity-based approach or a land-based approach, and to report to CMP 9 on the outcomes of this work programme (paragraph 5);
  • To consider and, as appropriate, develop and recommend modalities and procedures for possible additional LULUCF activities under the clean development mechanism (CDM), with a view to forwarding a draft decision on this matter to CMP 9 for consideration and adoption (paragraph 6);
  • To consider and, as appropriate, develop and recommend modalities and procedures for alternative approaches to addressing the risk of non-permanence under the CDM, with a view to forwarding a draft decision on this matter to CMP 9 for consideration and adoption (paragraph 7);
  • To develop and recommend modalities and procedures for applying the concept of additionality, with a view to forwarding a draft decision on this matter to CMP 9 for consideration and adoption (paragraph 10).

The SBSTA continues its work on all these work programmes. Information about outcomes of this work is available above.

The numerical value for forest management under Article 3, paragraph 4, of the Kyoto Protocol inscribed for Italy

The government of Italy requested the COP/MOP at its first session (FCCC/KP/CMP/2005/8, paragraphs 112–118), to reconsider the numerical value for forest management under Article 3.4 of the Kyoto Protocol inscribed for Italy in the appendix to the annex to decision 16/CMP.1, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 12 of the annex to that decision. The COP/MOP requested the SBSTA to consider this request from Italy (FCCC/KP/CMP/2005/MISC.2) and to forward a draft decision for adoption by COP/MOP2.

In response, the SBSTA, at its twenty-fourth session (FCCC/SBSTA/2006/5, paragraphs 104–106), took into account the country-specific data on forest management activity under Article 3.4 submitted by Italy (FCCC/SBSTA/2006/MISC.1) in considering this request. In its provision of country-specific data taken from its 2005 National Inventory Report (for which there has been a technical review in accordance with the UNFCCC inventory review guidelines), Italy requested for a new numerical value of 2.78 Mt C/year. The SBSTA decided to recommend a draft decision (FCCC/SBSTA/2006/5/Add.1) on this matter and it was adopted by the COP/MOP at its second session in November 2006 (Decision 8/CMP.2).

At SBSTA 25 (FCCC/SBSTA/2006/11, paragraphs 85-92), Parties requested the secretariat to organize a second workshop on this issue before its twenty-sixth session (May 2007).  It decided to continue discussing the range of topics considered at the first workshop, including the submissions by Parties and accredited observers, at the second workshop, that will focus on: the discussions of ongoing and potential policy approaches and positive incentives, and technical and methodological requirements related to their implementation; assessment of results and their reliability; and improving the understanding of reducing emissions from deforestation in developing countries.

To facilitate discussions at the second workshop, the SBSTA invited Parties and accredited observers to submit to the secretariat, by 23 February 2007, their views on the topics of the second workshop, referred to above. In addition, in their submissions, Parties were invited to consider, as appropriate, relevant provisions of other conventions (CBD, UNCCD, Ramsar) and the work of multilateral organizations (UNFF, ITTO and the WTO). The secretariat also compiled these submissions (contained in document FCCC/SBSTA/2007/MISC.2 and Add.1.) for consideration by the SBSTA at its twenty-sixth session.

Reporting LULUCF activities under the Kyoto Protocol

The decision on land use, land-use change and forestry was adopted by the COP/MOP, at its first session, as decision 16/CMP.1.

Decision 16/CMP.1 consists of three main elements: 

  • A set of principles to govern the treatment of LULUCF activities;
  • A common definition for Forest, plus definitions for activities under Article 3.3 and agreed activities under Article 3.4; and
  • modalities, rules and guidelines relating to the accounting of activities under Articles 3.3 and 3.4.

The draft decision on Good practice guidance for land use, land-use change and forestry activities under Article 3, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Kyoto Protocol, attached to decision 15/CP.10, was adopted by the COP/MOP, at its first session, as decision 17/CMP.1. This COP/MOP decision decided that Annex I Parties that have ratified the Kyoto Protocol shall apply the IPCC good practice guidance for LULUCF, in a manner consistent with the Kyoto Protocol, in their provision of information on GHG emissions and removals from LULUCF activities under Articles 3.3 and 3.4 for the first commitment period.  After the SBSTA, at its twenty-seventh session (December 2007), has considered the views by Parties relating to their experiences on the use of these CRF tables, these tables will be updated and incorporated in an annex to this decision.

Adjustments under Art.5.2 of the Kyoto Protocol of emissions and removals of LULUCF

The COP/MOP, at its first session, adopted a decision (21/CMP.1) on issues relating to adjustments under Article 5, paragraph 2, of the Kyoto Protocol.  In addition, the secretariat established a process that enabled expert review teams to gain experience with the methods for adjustments of LULUCF estimates during the inventory review period of 2007/2008.

Criteria for cases of failure to submit information relating to GHG estimates of LULUCF activities under the Kyoto Protocol

The SBSTA, at its twenty-third session (FCCC/SBSTA/2005/10, paragraphs 48-52), developed criteria for cases of failure to submit information relating to estimates of greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks from activities under Article 3, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Kyoto Protocol, similar to those described in paragraph 3 of decision 15/CMP.1, and recommended a decision on this matter for adoption by COP/MOP at its first session (see FCCC/SBSTA/2005/L.18/Add.1).

By this decision (18/CMP.1), an Annex I Party shall not issue removal units (RMU) for a specific activity under Article 3, paragraph 3 or a specific elected activity under Article 3, paragraph 4, associated with the year of the commitment period, if the magnitude of the adjustments to that activity exceeds 9 per cent for that year.

More information on adjustments under Article 5.2 and criteria for cases of failure can be found at the following weblink on Guidelines under Articles 5, 7 and 8: Methodological Issues, Reporting and Review under the Kyoto Protocol.

The SBSTA, at its twenty-second session (FCCC/SBSTA/2005/4, paragraphs 34-40), completed the technical guidance on methodologies for adjustments under Article 5, paragraph 2 of the Kyoto Protocol that includes guidance on adjustments for estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals from land use, land-use change and forestry.  The original technical guidance, as adopted by decision 20/CP.9, included all other inventory sectors except LULUCF.  This additional guidance on methodologies for adjustments would be applicable to emissions and removals of LULUCF in the base year for the purpose of establishing the assigned amount under Article 3, paragraph 7 and for estimates of emissions and removals from activities under Article 3, paragraphs 3 and 4.

Reporting LULUCF activities under the Kyoto Protocol

SBSTA 20 considered and elaborated the updated draft tables of the CRF for LULUCF activities under the Kyoto Protocol, contained in FCCC/SBSTA/2004/INF.1, taking into account the submissions by Parties. SBSTA 21 finalized the elaboration of these tables of the CRF for LULUCF activities under the Kyoto Protocol and recommended a draft decision, including a draft decision to be forwarded to COP/MOP at its first session, for adoption by COP 10 (Buenos Aires, December 2004).

The decision on “Good practice guidance for land use, land-use change and forestry activities under Article 3, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Kyoto Protocol” (decision 15/CP.10) was adopted by the COP at its tenth session. The decision encourages Annex I Parties that have ratified the Kyoto Protocol to submit in 2007, on a voluntary basis, estimates of GHG from activities under Articles 3.3 and 3.4, using the tables of the CRF as well as follow the guidance on supplementary information on these LULUCF activities contained in this decision(the tables of the CRF are available in document FCCC/CP/2004/10/Add.2, pages 47-61). Following, Parties are invited to submit their views on these tables of the CRF and accounts of their experiences on the use of these tables. The secretariat is, at this time, developing a provisional reporting software for these tables of the CRF to facilitate the reporting by Parties in 2007.

Small-scale afforestation and reforestation project activities under the CDM

SBSTA 20 considered a technical paper prepared by the secretariat (FCCC/TP/2004/2) on this issue and advanced in the elaboration of an annex. SBSTA 21 continued to consider small-scale afforestation and reforestation project activities, including a proposal for a draft decision on simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale afforestation and reforestation project activities under the clean development mechanism and measures to facilitate their implementation (FCCC/SBSTA/2004/INF.12) and forwarded a draft decision on this matter for adoption at COP 10.

COP 10 adopted the decision on simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale afforestation and reforestation project activities under the CDM and measures to facilitate their implementation (Decision 14/CP.10), which includes a draft COP/MOP decision on this matter.  Small-scale afforestation or reforestation project activities are those that are expected to result in net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks of less than 8 kilotonnes of carbon dioxide per year. Excess removals are not eligible for the issuance of tCERs or lCERs. These project activities should directly benefit low-income community and individuals.

Other LULUCF issues

SBSTA 19 noted the aim to address the issue that accounting excludes removals resulting from elevated carbon dioxide concentrations above their pre-industrial level, indirect nitrogen disposition and effects of past practices and activities before 1990. On this subject, the IPCC was invited to elaborate practical methodologies to factor out the direct human-induced from the indirect human-induced and natural effects on changes in carbon stocks and GHG emissions. The IPCC indicated that the current scientific understanding of the processes did not allow the elaboration of these methodologies.

Parties provided views on these issues and other related LULUCF issues (FCCC/SBSTA/2003/15, para. 24 (i)-(j)) and these submissions are contained in FCCC/SBSTA/2004/MISC.8 and Add.1. The SBSTA, at its twenty-first session, did not finish consideration of this item and decided to continue its consideration at a future session.

Reporting LULUCF activities under the Kyoto Protocol

Discussions on the use of the IPCC good practice guidance for LULUCF in the preparation of national GHG inventories at SBSTA 19 (FCCC/SBSTA/2003/15, paragraph 24(b)-(e)) did not include any related discussion to the Kyoto Protocol.  Parties needed some time to further consider the IPCC good practice guidance for LULUCF and decided to postpone a decision on this matter until COP 10.  The SBSTA took note of the information contained in document FCCC/SBSTA/2003/INF.11 on a draft common reporting format (CRF) for LULUCF under the Kyoto Protocol. Following submissions by Parties (FCCC/SBSTA/2004/MISC.1), these draft tables of the CRF for LULUCF activities under the Kyoto Protocol were updated to facilitate further consideration of this topic at SBSTA 20.

Afforestation and reforestation activities under the CDM

The second decision is decision 19/CP.9, by which the COP adopted modalities and procedures for afforestation and reforestation activities under the CDM (refer to section on Afforestation and reforestation project activities under the CDM and main section on Kyoto Mechanisms). Initiated at SBSTA 16, Parties addressed and resolved a number of issues, namely, non-permanence, baselines, additionality and leakage, and socio-economic and environmental impacts including impacts on biodiversity and natural ecosystems through this decision.

Aside from the adopted modalities and procedures, the COP requested the SBSTA to develop simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale afforestation and reforestation projects under the CDM and recommend a draft decision for adoption by COP 10.

Other LULUCF issues

SBSTA 19 also welcomed the report by the IPCC entitled Definitions and Methodological Options to Inventory Emissions from Direct Human-Induced Degradation of Forests and Devegetation of Other Vegetation Types and decided to further consider the information in this report at its twentieth session. Initial views by Parties on this report including on possible definitions to account for anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions resulting from direct human-induced degradation and devegetation activities, which could be used in the context of the Kyoto Protocol, are contained in FCCC/SBSTA/2004/MISC.5. SBSTA 20 recognized the importance of the information contained in this IPCC report to its work and decided to consider these issues at a future session.

Marrakesh Accords

COP 7 (Marrakesh, October/November 2001) adopted a decision on LULUCF and related issues (refer to decision 11/CP.7). The rules for LULUCF activities, agreed as part of the Marrakesh Accords, include three main elements:

  • A set of principles to govern LULUCF activities;
  • Definitions for Article 3.3 activities and agreed activities under Article 3.4; and
  • A four-tier capping system limiting the use of LULUCF activities to meet emission targets.

The principles in the Marrakesh Accords respond to concerns that the use of LULUCF activities should not undermine the environmental integrity of the Kyoto Protocol. These principles underscore, for example, the need for sound science and consistent methodologies, as well as the importance of conserving biodiversity. They also specify that naturally-occurring removals, including removals as a consequence of indirect anthropogenic effects, should be excluded from the system and that any re-release of greenhouse gases (e.g. through forest fires) must be promptly accounted for.

In order to ensure consistency and comparability among Parties, a common definition is established for the term "forest". Some flexibility is allowed to take account of national circumstances, so that a Party may choose, for example, to select a minimum tree height of between 2 to 5 metres for its definition of a forest. Once the values are chosen, however, they remain fixed.

The Marrakesh Accords also provided definitions for four additional LULUCF activities, these being:

  • Forest management;
  • Cropland management;
  • Grazing land management; and
  • Revegetation.

Parties may choose to include any of these activities to help meet their emission targets, and the choice is then fixed for the first commitment period.

Net removals of greenhouse gases from eligible LULUCF activities generate so-called removal units (RMUs) that Annex I Parties can use to help meet their emission targets. They are deemed valid only when the removals have been verified by expert review teams under the Protocol’s reporting and review procedures, and they cannot be banked (i. e. credits cannot be carried over to future commitment periods). In the case where such LULUCF activities result in a net source of greenhouse gas emissions, there would be a cancellation of assigned amount units and/or units issued from Articles 6, 12 and 17 for the Party concerned.

The extent to which Parties can account for emissions and removals from specific LULUCF activities, for the first commitment period, is limited by the following four-tier capping system:

Tier 1: If a Party’s afforestation, reforestation and deforestation activities result in more emissions than removals, then the Party may offset these emissions through forest management activities, up to a total level of 9 megatons of carbon per year for the five-year commitment period.

Tier 2: The extent to which forest management activities can be accounted for to help meet emission targets beyond 9 megatons of carbon per year is subject to an individual cap for each Party, specified in an appendix to the decision on LULUCF. This cap includes joint implementation projects involving forest management.

Tier 3: Emissions and removals from cropland management, grazing land management and revegetation can be accounted for to help meet emission targets on a net basis (e.g. changes in carbon stocks during 1990, times five, will be subtracted from the changes in carbon stocks during the first commitment period, in the lands where these activities will take place).

Tier 4: Only afforestation and reforestation projects are eligible under the clean development mechanism. Greenhouse gas removals from such projects may only be used to help meet emission targets up to 1% of a Party’s base year emissions for each year of the commitment period.

SBSTA 15 (meeting with COP 7) considered issues related to LULUCF; namely "development of good practice guidance and other information for the land use, land-use change and forestry sector" and "issues relating to emissions from forest harvesting and wood products". The SBSTA welcomed the IPCC work programme on LULUCF which was made available to the meeting and invited the IPCC to report periodically on the progress of its work on LULUCF issues. The SBSTA also requested the secretariat to prepare a paper on harvested wood products accounting for consideration at SBSTA 19, and, if necessary, at subsequent sessions.

At COP 6 part II (Bonn, July 2001), Parties adopted the Bonn Agreement on the implementation of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action, registering political agreement on key issues, including those on LULUCF. The most important issues regarding LULUCF included definitions for all activities under Article 3.3 and 3.4, and rules by which activities under Article 3.4 will operate for the first commitment period. A draft decision text was finalized and later adopted at COP 7 (decision 11/CP.7).

Parties failed to reach agreement on LULUCF matters at COP 6 in The Hague (November 2000), as part of a package of decisions under the Buenos Aires Plan of Action.  Negotiating texts on LULUCF issues were forwarded to a resumed session of COP 6 for further consideration (FCCC/CP/2000/5/Add.3 (Vol. IV)).

COP 5 (October/November 1999) endorsed a work programme and a decision-making framework on LULUCF to enable these draft decisions (recommended at COP 4) to be adopted by COP 6 (November 2000) (see decision 16/CP.5).  As part of the negotiations, SBSTA invited Parties to submit country-specific data and information on the LULUCF sector according to a standard format agreed at SBSTA 12 (June 2000).  Work continued inter-sessionally with several SBSTA workshops convened on LULUCF.  The IPCC Special Report on LULUCF was formally presented to SBSTA 12.

COP 4 (November 1998) considered the report (FCCC/CP/1998/INF.4) on a SBSTA workshop on data availability based on definitions used by Parties and international organizations in relation to Article 3.3 and the submissions by Parties (FCCC/CP/1998/MISC.1 and Add.1 and Add.2 and FCCC/CP/1998/MISC.9 and Add.1 and Add.2).  The COP decided to recommend draft decisions, for adoption by COP/MOP at its first session, on definitions related to activities under Article 3.3 and modalities, rules and guidelines as to how, and which additional human-induced activities might be included under Article 3.4, and to do so after the IPCC Special Report on LULUCF had been completed and considered by the SBSTA (see decision 9/CP.4).
