Validation Workshop for the Island States in the Indian Ocean (ISIO) Climate Finance Mobilization and Access Strategy
04 - 05 Mar. 2020
09:00h - 16:00h
Male, Maldives
Hotel Jen
Climate Finance
Validation Workshop for the Island States in the Indian Ocean (ISIO) Climate Finance Mobilization and Access Strategy
04 - 05 Mar. 2020
09:00h - 16:00h
Male, Maldives
Hotel Jen
Climate Finance

The objective of this workshop was to review and finalize the draft Island States in the Indian Ocean Climate Finance Mobilization and Access Strategy and to develop an implementation plan. Participants exchanged information on the climate finance data needs and availability at the country level and held discussions to identify key priorities and strategies for mobilizing and accessing climate finance. Further, the workshop served as an opportunity for national experts in the Island States to engage with partner institutions, exchange information on their priority needs and deliberate on an Implementation Framework for the Climate Finance Mobilization and Access Strategy.

Dr. Hussain Rasheed Hassan, Minister of Environment, Maldives speaking at the ISIO NBF validation workshop, March 2020

Dr. Hussain Rasheed Hassan, Minister of Environment, Maldives

DAY 1:  04 March



Speakers and facilitators



09:00 – 09:30


Opening session

Opening remarks, welcoming the participants and introduction of the Validation Workshop




Welcoming and Opening Remarks

Recitation of Holy Quran 

Welcome Remarks by Minister of State
H.E. Dr. Abdulla Naseer

Introduction and overview of the workshop by the UNFCCC secretariat

Mr. Yolando Velasco, Manager, Climate Finance
Opening Remarks by the Minister of Environment,
H.E. Dr. Hussain Rasheed Hassan 

09:30 – 09:45

Tea/Coffee break

Technical Assessment of Climate Finance in the Island States in the Indian Ocean

09:45 – 10:30


Session 1:

This session will provide an overview of the development of the Climate Finance Mobilization and Access Strategy for ISIO since its launching in 2019, including information about the activities undertaken to collect the country-level information and data on climate finance and the report compilation process. This session will also introduce how the two-day workshop is aimed at contributing towards finalizing the Climate Finance Mobilization and Access Strategy and planning for any follow-up work and activities.

Overview of Needs-based Climate Finance Project for the Island States in the Indian Ocean

Mr. Yolando Velasco, Manager, Climate Finance Sub-Programme,
UNFCCC secretariat

Open discussions

10:30 – 11:30

Session 2:

This session will provide an overview of the technical analysis and key findings and insights on climate finance in the island states in the Indian Ocean as part of the technical annex. The presentations follow the main chapters of the technical annex:

  • Overview of climate finance flows
  • Access to climate finance


Highlights of the Technical Annex to the Climate Finance Mobilization and Access Strategy: Overview of Climate Finance

Mr. Muhammad Hazim Rosli, Climate Finance Consultant,
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies


Open discussions

11:30 – 12:30

Session 3:

This session will provide an overview of the technical analysis and key findings and insights on climate finance in the island states in the Indian Ocean as part of the technical annex. The presentations follow the main chapters of the technical annex:

  • Climate finance needs and priorities
  • Enabling environments and policies

Highlights of the Technical Annex to the Climate Finance Mobilization and Access Strategy: Climate finance needs, access and enabling environments

Ms. Saudamini Bagai, Communications and Outreach Specialist, UNFCCC Regional Collaboration Center - Bangkok


Open discussions

12:30 – 13:30

Lunch break 

13:30 – 16:00


Session 4:

This session will provide an overview of the Indian Ocean island states’ experience of mobilizing climate finance.  In particular, experts will present an overview of the following:

  • Priority needs of the country relating to climate finance;
  • Challenges and opportunities in accessing climate finance;
  • Country experiences in strengthening national institutions to mobilize and access climate finance.

State of climate finance implementation at the country level

- Climate Finance in Comoros (Presentation)
- Climate Finance in Maldives (Presentation)
- Climate Finance in Mauritius (Presentation, SUNREF Focus Group Notes)
- Climate Finance in Seychelles

- Climate Finance in Sri Lanka (Presentation)

Open discussions

16:00 - 16:15

Coffee break

16:15 - 16:45

Summary of Day 1

DAY 2:  05 March



Speakers and facilitators

Finalizing the Climate Finance Mobilization and Access Strategy and deliberating on an implementation framework

09:00 – 10:00

Session 5:

Based on the presentations and discussions of the technical annex and country presentations, the participants will identify and agree on:

  • Priority areas for financing common climate actions
  • Actions to enhance mobilization and access to climate finance
  • Strategic framework for climate finance

Identification of key priorities and strategies for mobilizing and accessing climate finance


Breakout group and plenary discussions

10:00 – 11:00

Session 6:

In this session, the participants will be provided an overview of the different Funds under the Convention and the Paris Agreement. This session will also provide the different funding windows and requirements for accessing the Funds. 

Accessing Climate Finance under the Convention and the Paris Agreement

Maldives Biosphere Reserve Fund; success story and lessons learnt

Mr. Abdulla Shibau, Fund Manager, Ministry of Environment (Presentation)

United Nations Development Programme – Maldives (Presentation)

Overview of the Funds under the Convention and the Paris Agreement

Mr. Yolando Velasco, Manager, Climate Finance, UNFCCC (Presentation)

Plenary discussions

11:00 – 12:00

Session 7:

This session will focus on the content of, and process in, finalizing the Climate Finance Mobilization and Access Strategy. Based on the country-level and ISIO-level information presented on Day 1 and the discussions, experts will agree on how the draft Climate Finance Strategy should be adjusted/finalized and identify data gaps and requirements that still need to be addressed. Also, to identify the national experts who could help address the data gaps and to outline the steps in finalizing the technical assessment.

Identification of data gaps and requirements that need to be addressed to finalize the Climate Finance Mobilization and Access Strategy

Mr. Muhammad Hazim Rosli, Climate Finance Consultant,
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies

Ms. Saudamini Bagai, Communications and Outreach Specialist, UNFCCC Regional Collaboration Center - Bangkok (Presentation)

Plenary discussions

12:00 – 13:00

Lunch break


13:00 – 14:00


Session 8:

This session will discuss how the Climate Finance Mobilization and Access Strategy for the Island States in the Indian Ocean will be utilized to mobilize support, including through a High-Level Partners’ Dialogue on Climate Finance to take place on the margins of COP 26 in Glasgow, UK.

Further, the session will aim at gathering views from the participants on how they see the Project transitioning from its policy phase (Phase I) to an implementation phase (Phase II) and what could be the outputs/deliverables in Phase II.

Planning for climate finance outreach events  

Mr. Amjad Abdulla
Director General, Ministry of Environment

Mr. Yolando Velasco
Manager, UNFCCC secretariat

Open discussions

14:00 – 14:30

Summary of next steps and closing remarks

Mr. Amjad Abdulla
Director General, Ministry of Environment

Mr. Yolando Velasco
Manager, UNFCCC secretariat