Capacities for Rights-based Climate Action Day | 5th Capacity-building Hub


In collaboration with OHCHR & CIEL

9th December 2023

The Capacities for Rights-based Climate Action Day aims to raise awareness about the link between climate change and human rights, share good practices for rights-based and inclusive climate action, and build capacities to address challenges in this context. The day will facilitate the exchange of information about capacity-building resources for integrating human rights into climate action, as well as mobilizing resources and capacity-building for rights-based climate action, including finance, for mitigation, adaptation, loss and damage, and a just transition. The day will also seek to emphasize the importance of adopting rights-based participatory approaches, particularly in empowering groups as agents of change such as Indigenous Peoples, children, youth, individuals with disabilities, and gender rights advocates, to strengthen their capacity to participate in the climate change process constructively. 

All sessions were livestreamed on the PCCB YouTube channel





The Capacities for Rights-based Climate Action Day aims to raise awareness about the link between climate change and human rights, share good practices for rights-based and inclusive climate action, and build capacities to address challenges in this context. The day will facilitate the exchange of information about capacity-building resources for integrating human rights into climate action, as well as mobilizing resources and capacity-building for rights-based climate action, including finance, for mitigation, adaptation, loss and damage, and a just transition. The day will also seek to emphasize the importance of adopting rights-based participatory approaches, particularly in empowering groups as agents of change such as Indigenous Peoples, children, youth, individuals with disabilities, and gender rights advocates, to strengthen their capacity to participate in the climate change process constructively.  



  • Importance of a human rights-based approach for ambition and justice; 

  • Gender and multi-stakeholders' collaboration and participation for climate action; 

  • Toolkits and other ways to improve capacities for climate justice and rights-based climate action; 

  • Sharing of good practices on specific topics such as gender-responsive climate action and the interlinkages between biodiversity and climate, and from specific regions such as Latin America and the Caribbean; 

  • Empowerment of marginalized groups such as youth and children, Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and refugees; 

  • Enhancing capacities of environment and climate defenders. 

Effectively integrating human rights into climate action is essential, because all Parties to the Paris Agreement have international human rights obligations and have commited in the Paris Agreement to respect, promote and consider those in the context of climate action. Additionally, human rights-based climate action is more effective, as confirmed by the IPCC’s Summary for Policymakers of the Synthesis Report of the 6th assessment cycle which states: “adaptation and mitigation actions that prioritize equity, social justice, climate justice, rights-based approaches, and inclusivity, lead to more sustainable outcomes, reduce trade-offs, support transformative change and advance climate resilient development.” Building capacities for rights-based climate action therefore contributes to realizing inclusive, sustainable and effective solutions for mitigation, adaptation and addressing loss and damage, while ensuring interlinkages with other critical objectives such as protecting and enhancing biodiversity, health and poverty eradication.  


Time Title Organizer
08:30-09:30 Opening: Power to the People: An introduction to capacity-building for rights-based climate action OHCHR & CIEL
09:30-10:30 Advancing gender and multi-stakeholders' collaboration and participation in climate action at grassroot level African Centre for Climate Actions and Rural Development Initiative
10:35-11:35 Capacity-Building and Rights-based Climate Action: Issues and Modalities for Awareness, Participation, Engagement, and Empowerment Mediators Beyond Borders InternationalThe Next Generation Leaders
11:40-12:40 Good practices of Gender-responsive Climate Action: Matching capacity-building needs and existing opportunities Women Engage for a Common Future - International
13:00-14:00 Empowering Youth and Vulnerable Communities in Climate-Decision Making Processes through Effective Capacity-building: Experiences from the Operation COP Programme in Latin America and the Caribbean The Climate Reality Project - América Latina, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of the Dominican Republic, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the United States of Mexico, Youth Negotiators Academy
14:05-15:05 Power to the People : Harnessing and mobilizing collective action to enhance the capacites of environment and climate defenders most at risk Asia Pacific Network of Environment Defenders, Peoples Rising for Climate Justice (PRCJ), Indigenous Peoples Movement for Self Determination and Liberation (IPMSDL), Peoples Coalition for Food Sovereignty (PCFS), International League of Peoples Struggle (ILPS)
15:10-16:10 Refugee women, climate action and the green economy SEEK Feminist Research to Response NetworkGlobal Green Growth Institute
16:15-17:15 Rights centered climate and biodiversity action in practice SwedBio, at Stockholm Resilience Centre, at Stockholm University, Soka Gakai International (SGI), Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI Africa), Women for Biodiversity (W4B), Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC), International Land Coalition (ILC), Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD)Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP)SwedWatch, WRI Brasil, Amazonians for Climate Network (RAC), Amazonia VoxGlobal Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN), YOUNGO
17:20-18:20 Empowering Youth Champions: Integrating Children's Rights in Climate-Health Advocacy Children and Youth Constituency of UNFCCC (YOUNGO), CYMG UNEP, International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA), GCHA (Global Climate and Health Alliance) Youth NetworkYOUNGO ACE Working Group, YOUNGO Human Rights Working Group
18:20-18:35 Closing OHCHR & CIEL

